I have transcended reached planes of higher consciousness, I have achieved gnosis, some might call me enlightened

I have transcended reached planes of higher consciousness, I have achieved gnosis, some might call me enlightened.
Not to long ago in my meditation session I got a thought to come to this place and share my wisdom. I used to be a regular so called shitposter back in the day, but left that behind and focused on my spiritual development. You probably don't care about my achievements and that's good.

Ask any questions you have regarding philosophy, theology, spirituality and life in general. I will take time to formulate a good answer that might help you. Also if you see questions ITT that you have answers to, answer them and participate.

why are you aliv?

Why should I not be happy, like all the other people that I see around me?

will Arsenio Hall ever have a show again?

What's the meaning of life?
Are you gay?

The definition of life is controversial. The current definition is that organisms maintain homeostasis, are composed of cells, undergo metabolism, can grow, adapt to their environment, respond to stimuli, and reproduce. However, many other biological definitions have been proposed, and there are some borderline cases of life, such as viruses.
I fit the current definition that's why I can be labelled as alive.

>I have transcended reached planes of higher consciousness
So NoFap is going well I take it senpai

why do anything exist? isnt it kind of a paradox that we exist.

How do you know you really exist user?

No, you have not, you thin-witted weed head.
Go read a book on how to act like a regular human...

Hard day today user

In psychology, happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being which can be defined by, among others, positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.
Seligman's acronym PERMA summarizes five factors correlated with well-being:
>Pleasure (tasty food, warm baths, etc.),
>Engagement (or flow, the absorption of an enjoyed yet challenging activity),
>Relationships(social ties have turned out to be extremely reliable indicator of happiness),
>Meaning (a perceived quest or belonging to something bigger), and
>Accomplishments (having realized tangible goals).
Try working on these five factors, you could also try to remove all suffering through spiritual enlightenment as in Buddhism but I will keep it a bit scientific for now for the sceptics.


Kudos to you

Great mystery not gonna spoil it for you?I've read tons of books, I don't smoke weed anymore. I sometimes make weed Thea though.
I'm grateful

Happiness forms a central theme of Buddhist teachings. For ultimate freedom from suffering, the Noble Eightfold Path leads its practitioner to Nirvana, a state of everlasting peace. Ultimate happiness is only achieved by overcoming craving in all forms. More mundane forms of happiness, such as acquiring wealth and maintaining good friendships, are also recognized as worthy goals for lay people (see sukha). Buddhism also encourages the generation of loving kindness and compassion, the desire for the happiness and welfare of all beings.

How do I use my ki to do a kamehameha

The Kamehameha is formed when cupped hands are drawn to the user's side, and the ki is concentrated into a single point between the cupped hands. The hands are then thrust forward, to expel a streaming mass of ki energy. The blast can also be used with just one arm. In most variants, the user utters the word, "Kamehameha" as he/she charges and releases the attack

Ah got it just blew a wall through my house, that's as strong as it got though, how do I galaxy burst like Broly?

In Advaita Vedanta (Hinduism), the ultimate goal of life is happiness, in the sense that duality between Atman and Brahman is transcended and one realizes oneself to be the Self in all.

Patanjali, author of the Yoga Sutras, wrote quite exhaustively on the psychological and ontological roots of bliss.

Intense training schedule and constantly pushing your boundaries.

The Chinese Confucian thinker Mencius, who 2300 years ago sought to give advice to the ruthless political leaders of the warring states period, was convinced that the mind played a mediating role between the "lesser self" (the physiological self) and the "greater self" (the moral self) and that getting the priorities right between these two would lead to sage-hood. He argued that if we did not feel satisfaction or pleasure in nourishing one's "vital force" with "righteous deeds", that force would shrivel up (Mencius, 6A:15 2A:2). More specifically, he mentions the experience of intoxicating joy if one celebrates the practice of the great virtues, especially through music.

Happiness or simcha (Hebrew: שמחה) in Judaism is considered an important element in the service of God. The biblical verse "worship The Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs," (Psalm 100:2) stresses joy in the service of God.
A popular teaching by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, a 19th-century Chassidic Rabbi, is "Mitzvah Gedolah Le'hiyot Besimcha Tamid," it is a great mitzvah (commandment) to always be in a state of happiness. When a person is happy they are much more capable of serving God and going about their daily activities than when depressed or upset.

But I wanna be lssj right now user

Seems very self-absorbed and assumptive, OP

In Catholicism, the ultimate end of human existence consists in felicity, Latin equivalent to the Greek eudaimonia, or "blessed happiness", described by the 13th-century philosopher-theologian Thomas Aquinas as a Beatific Vision of God's essence in the next life.

According to St. Augustine and Thomas Aquinas, man's last end is happiness: "all men agree in desiring the last end, which is happiness."However, where utilitarians focused on reasoning about consequences as the primary tool for reaching happiness, Aquinas agreed with Aristotle that happiness cannot be reached solely through reasoning about consequences of acts, but also requires a pursuit of good causes for acts, such as habits according to virtue. In turn, which habits and acts that normally lead to happiness is according to Aquinoas caused by laws: natural law and divine law. These laws, in turn, were according to Aquinas caused by a first cause, or God.

According to Aquinas, happiness consists in an "operation of the speculative intellect": "Consequently happiness consists principally in such an operation, viz. in the contemplation of Divine things." And, "the last end cannot consist in the active life, which pertains to the practical intellect." So: "Therefore the last and perfect happiness, which we await in the life to come, consists entirely in contemplation. But imperfect happiness, such as can be had here, consists first and principally in contemplation, but secondarily, in an operation of the practical intellect directing human actions and passions."

Human complexities, like reason and cognition, can produce well-being or happiness, but such form is limited and transitory. In temporal life, the contemplation of God, the infinitely Beautiful, is the supreme delight of the will.Beatitudo, or perfect happiness, as complete well-being, is to be attained not in this life, but the next.

>posts on Sup Forums

pick one

Well I try not to be. Do you know the self-absorption paradox?

The primary meaning of "happiness" in various European languages involves good fortune, chance or happening. The meaning in Greek philosophy, however, refers primarily to ethics.
I choose both. What's wrong with helping my peers?

Al-Ghazali (1058–1111) the Muslim Sufi thinker wrote the Alchemy of Happiness, a manual of spiritual instruction throughout the Muslim world and widely practiced today.

>Do you know the self-absorption paradox?
No I know these two though, any relations?

In politics, happiness as a guiding ideal is expressed in the United States Declaration of Independence of 1776, written by Thomas Jefferson, as the universal right to "the pursuit of happiness." This seems to suggest a subjective interpretation but one that nonetheless goes beyond emotions alone.In fact, this discussion is often based on the naive assumption that the word happiness meant the same thing in 1776 as it does today. In fact,happinessmeant "prosperity, thriving, wellbeing" in the 18th century.

No not really. The self-absorption paradox describes the contradictory association whereby higher levels of self-awareness are simultaneously associated with higher levels of psychological distress and with psychological well-being.

Come on guys, I know you guys have questions. Don't be afraid to ask, I'm not judgemental.
Even you lurkers (yeah you), post a question.
This is your chance, I will leave Sup Forums after this thread and might never return.

ever eat a big white girl ass?

Haha, yes I've done it a few times. (It also has been done to me)

and ask questions!!!

If money dosent grow in trees then why do banks have branches

Haha nice one, did you know there is a Chinese legend that the money tree is a kind of holy tree, which can bring money and fortune to the people, and that it is a symbol of affluence, nobility and auspiciousness. It can be traced back to primitive societies when the adoration of a holy tree was prevalent.

Also question back at ya', if money "grows" which institution(s) own the tree?

Holy shit OP, I thaught this was a larp at first but reading this thread gives me shivers. How do you know all that stuff and what exactly is enlightenment?

Just slap your nuts really hard

Tip for my questions, regular banks don't grow money.
Pic related is a Chinese money tree.
Haha, well it takes many years of dedicate studying, meditation and contemplation to "know this stuff".
Enlightenment is the "full comprehension of a situation".The term is commonly used to denote the Age of Enlightenment, but is also used in Western cultures in a religious context. It translates several Buddhist terms and concepts, most notably bodhi, kensho and satori. Related terms from Asian religions are moksha (liberation) in Hinduism, Kevala Jnana in Jainism, and ushta in Zoroastrianism.
In Christianity, the word "enlightenment" is rarely used, except to refer to the Age of Enlightenment and its influence on Christianity. Roughly equivalent terms in Christianity may be illumination, kenosis, metanoia, revelation, salvation and conversion.
Perennialists and Universalists view enlightenment and mysticism as equivalent terms for religious or spiritual insight.

Forgot to attach the pic, I must be getting sleepy.

you don't know shit, faggot

Are you part of the Illuminati?

will we be reintegrated ?

OP, Why do people still cling to Judeo-Christian philosophy, when science head given its so much and proved the bible/Koran/Torah ALL wrong??? Do you believe there too be a galactic consciousness? Why do people insist on attaching human stories or morals , that are antiquated today, claiming it as if they own it?

Shit can be used to establish superiority over another being.The phrase You ain't shit, expresses an air of intimidation over the addressee, expressing that they mean nothing or are worthless.
The word fag gets used as a way to assert their own masculinity, by claiming that another boy is less masculine; this, in their eyes, makes him a fag, and its usage suggests that it is less about sexual orientation and more about gender.
I'm not part of any secret cult planning world domination if that's what your asking.
Could you elaborate, it seems that your making assumption, I could guess but that increases chance of misunderstanding.

I'm talking theology

>This world is meant for the jews. We’ll even pay for the arabs to terraform and settle on another planet :) you can’t beat that offer

great enlightened scholar, why are the jews allowed to be inhumane while vilifying anyone else that acts the same way?

why does the rest of the world allow this to happen?


>Why do people still cling to Judeo-Christian philosophy?
All these religions rely on a body of scriptures, some of which are considered to be the word of God—hence sacred and unquestionable—and some the work of religious men, revered mainly by tradition and to the extent that they are considered to have been divinely inspired, if not dictated, by the divine being.
These scriptures give insight into oneself and the universe. It provides an ethical framework and a way of salvation. These religons have had a huge cultural impact. Many people like the communal aspect and the spirituality.
>when science head given its so much and proved the bible/Koran/Torah ALL wrong???
Perhaps if you take certain passages literally, that's not how these texts are supposed to be read though.
>Do you believe there too be a galactic consciousness?
I do like that believe and incorporate it often in my practise. As above, so below.
>Why do people insist on attaching human stories or morals , that are antiquated today, claiming it as if they own it?
I don't completely understand this question can you restate it.

I think your a little bit frustrated about religious violence and ignorance. I know that feel. People have been blinded by the word and can't see the principles behind the words. We are out of touch of syncretism. The three Abrahamic religions have been ignorant about each other, or worse, especially in the case of Christians and Muslims, attacked each other. This happened even though they worship the same god.

What is the Mission of mankind

What is truth? Objective or subjective? Can it be known?
How can you be such an arrogantfag to think you can answer philosophical and theological questions when great minds only admit they see the world through a glass darkly. Did you read 5 pages of Nietzsche and now you're a philosopher.

>This world is meant for the jews. We’ll even pay for the arabs to terraform and settle on another planet :) you can’t beat that offer

great enlightened scholar, why are the jews allowed to be inhumane while vilifying anyone else that acts the same way?

why does the rest of the world allow this to happen?

Could you explain what you mean with "reintegrate".
Jews are like everyone else subject to our law and order. So if a Jew gets caught doing an inhumane act he will get judged accordingly. It's true that a Jew can call upon muh 6 gorillian card anytime for sympathy, but an just judicial system should not be manipulated by that. Despite their small percentage of the world's population, Jews have significantly (((influenced and contributed))) to human progress in many fields, including philosophy, ethics, literature, politics, business, fine arts and architecture, religion, music, theatre and cinema, medicine, as well as science and technology, both historically and in modern times. Israel is pampered by the international community and seems to do whatever it wants. That's mainly because of the relationship with the U.S.A. and their Zionist lobby.

>jews are subject ot our law and order

so israel is allowed to commit atrocities because of the zionist lobby?

also, there are thousands of videos of jews being caught doing inhumane acts and they are not judged accordingly.
i agree a judicial system should not be manipulated but if it never reaches public attention then what obligation is there to enforce that system.

Truth is most often used to mean being in accord with fact or reality, or fidelity to an original or standard.Truth may also often be used in modern contexts to refer to an idea of "truth to self," or authenticity.
The commonly understood opposite of truth is falsehood, which, correspondingly, can also take on a logical, factual, or ethical meaning. The concept of truth is discussed and debated in several contexts, including philosophy, art, and religion. Many human activities depend upon the concept, where its nature as a concept is assumed rather than being a subject of discussion; these include most (but not all) of the sciences, law, journalism, and everyday life. Some philosophers view the concept of truth as basic, and unable to be explained in any terms that are more easily understood than the concept of truth itself. Commonly, truth is viewed as the correspondence of language or thought to an independent reality, in what is sometimes called the correspondence theory of truth.
Various theories and views of truth continue to be debated among scholars, philosophers, and theologians.Language and words are a means by which humans convey information to one another and the method used to determine what is a "truth" is termed a criterion of truth. There are differing claims on such questions as what constitutes truth: what things are truthbearers capable of being true or false; how to define, identify, and distinguish truth; the roles that faith-based and empirically based knowledge play; and whether truth is subjective or objective, relative or absolute. I can argue for both.

Friedrich Nietzsche famously suggested that an ancient, metaphysical belief in the divinity of Truth lies at the heart of and has served as the foundation for the entire subsequent Western intellectual tradition: >"But you will have gathered what I am getting at, namely, that it is still a metaphysical faith on which our faith in science rests—that even we knowers of today, we godless anti-metaphysicians still takeourfire too, from the flame lit by the thousand-year old faith, the Christian faith which was also Plato's faith, that God is Truth; that Truth is 'Divine'..."

Hmmm are those Jews of those videos present in western countries?

Let me just tell me this, the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy theory is popular with the reactionary right, but it's a lens through which you can look but through it you won't see the complete picture.


U wot m8?

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