Howd you kys if worst cane to worst?

howd you kys if worst cane to worst?

hanging seems easy, ive read you pass out quickly

go to the nearest and highest hotel, run up stairs, find exit to roof, set off alarm, run full speed and dive off top head first, maybe do a bunch of flips and shit or do a cannonball, instadeath

probs old age

has this figured out, OP

Hanging is designed to snap your neck.
If you suffocate you're doing it wrong.

go back in time to the 1930's, colour skin black, then walk round town, saying in a deep ass voice, "hey sweetie." to all the white bitches. Should get me killed pretty quick.

Do a bunch of drugs. Put on my black face. Dress gangster. Punch a police horse in the mouth. Pretend to pull a gun out on several nervous police officers. Enjoy your freedoms.

Grab a gun and shoot myself. Probably my 7mm Magnum if I had time, I'd rig that shit up with a pull cord and get comfy, give it a tug.

But I'd never kill myself unless it was between a quick death and being tortured or some shit.

My Grandma shot herself in the head

My Mom overdosed on pills and alcohol

My Dad left the cars running in the garage

I think i'll follow my dads steps someday

If you think those people died quickly you are wrong.

Most kids hang themselves from a fucking doorknob or something similar. Other than executions, the cause of death is suffocation. Faggot.

Literally a family of weak ass people.

actually considering this , (my brother is diabetic) inject a ton of insulin , have seizure and fall into frozen river by my house and disappear

jeez if it can be done by kids like that on door knobs it must be pretty easy right?

Can't argue with you there

First Choice: Helium if I was able to acquire the materials for an exit bag.

Second Choice: Carbon monoxide with car or generator in an enclosed area.

Third Choice: My pistol. Since the day I bought it 5 years ago, I've always kept one bullet for myself, just in case. Blowing my brains out isn't something I'm very fond of, but you never know what life will do and I can image some things much worse.

If for some reason my pistol isn't available for me, I'd just have to adapt to the situation. I've never been suicidal but I the world is shit and I've always planned for the possibility.

1. max out credit cards buying all the latest sex toys, contraptions, and virtual porn available.

2. overdose on caffeine and other various drugs while using said items

3. stream it all on twitch

Yeah user...see this comment
Pic related: Emmett Till

My family is full of druggies and criminals. Just giving you some shit user.

Wierdly enough, exactly this.


Tie a loop of high strength wire around your neck. Tie the other end to a bridge. Superglue your hands to your head. Jump.

Now it looks like you ripped your own head off.

Why do you faggots always neglect the mostreadily accesible means of death in these threads?

Just make sure you soak the carpet with salt water and stand in it barefoot.

This does not work, i stuck a fork in a socket when i was really young and got zapped, it burned the hairs on my arms and my fingers felt numb for about a day.

Did you stand in saltwater like the manual says?

>not just ripping off your own head