What would you do to her

What would you do to her

tell her to wipe that fucking duck smirk off her face asap.

Tell her owner that I want 45 minutes with the little one.

Hit her with a spinning heel kick, then follow her to the ground, finishing with 12 to 6 elbows.

Half an hour!

I would kidnap her and rape her, torture her, making her beg for death, i will find her family and torture and kill her family right before her own eyes.

I hope she is not underage.

take her to lb town

you sick fuck

who is she?


Nice trips, but why do you guys care about animals? they have no value.

Do nothing for fear of volatile/violent autistic reaction from social interaction.

> ic are about animals

Take her to church.


Oh shit, I fucked up.

If the suffering is meaningful I don't care, but when it's meaningless or pathological I do. For instance animals giving birth, I don't care about their suffering because it has value to that animal, i.e. continuing their species. A prey animal being slaughtered by a predator for food, I don't care for that animals suffering. A fully sentient human inflicting the most pain it possibly can think of, while aware of the pain it's inflicting, for no self evident purpose, that's what grinds my gears. The awareness of the pain that the perpetrator is causing is the main issue I have.

Good answer my good sir, i would never come up with a intelligent answer or do my grammar correctly, in this part I'm pretty stupid, but wait, and i really don't remember., i try to sounds smart, but i failed, what was this again? something about torture animals.

push her eyes closer together, fucking ugly

nothing really triggered me until the impaling and the burning :(

>What would you do to her


Ask her mother if she's heard from Roy Moore lately

I mainly did it to work out my stance on that issue and to see if I could articulate it.

*tips fedora*

>also nobody gives a shit about your view

I did it for my own purpose and for selfish reasons. I don't give a fuck what you think about it.

Respect her

I need to clarify the last sentence. It's not my awareness as an observer I'm speaking about, it's the perpetrator's awareness.


Old school impregnate... Hard!

Anally impregnate her




I she is underaged else it's boring

you will get your punishment for your crimes very soon!

Drive her to school. Then go and have sex with someone that doesnt look like a fucking 10 year old.

kill - eat

Why? She’s fully clothed.