Oh America, how did you let it get to this?

Oh America, how did you let it get to this?

Other urls found in this thread:


America is the biggest cuck nigger of the history not even actual niggers in nigger are that nigger, Vila le Trump for at least trying.

Oh OP, I don't even know what to say to you anymore.

We "won" World War 2.

Why does the internet hate SJWs so much? You know that if you just go outside and talk to everyday people no one gives a shit about sjws nor do they have the time to care.

You guys hate them but then give them the spotlight to keep growing.

This was said years ago, when hardly any "normal people" paid them any mind. Now you have compulsory speech laws in Canada and increasingly the U.S regarding the gender pronoun bullshit.

The point is that, despite being full of shit, they wield disproportionate power in politics and society. Whether or not you pay attention to them, they use that power either way. They're the useful idiots of this latest phase of Bolshevik destabilization of Western society.

Do you post this same thread every day?

Thre Russian bots run on a schedule

So the fuck what about gender pronoun. If someone wants to be called as a female pronoun then who cares. Just call them whatever they want and go back to business.

The idea that I have to ponder and question why they should or shouldn't be called something is dumb. Whether I call them she, he , it is not not costing me anymore time or money to interact with that person.

Not him but your an idiot for enabling delusionals like that.


Think of it this way. If I'm at the work place and my co worker asks to be called by something else. What do I gain by going against it and making a big fucking deal? A pink slip?

GTFO you SJW nigger loving cunt fucking faggot kys nigger faggot

The fact that'd you'd even get a pink slip in the first place proves how much of a problem trans-pandering has gotten.

Tell me about it. Next thing you know they'll be making propaganda threads telling us the earth isnt flat.

Down with capitalism!

If 2 of my employees are arguing over some bullshit like pronouns I'd let them go. If all you get is less productivity, why would you even start that argument.

It's like when a kid throws on a towel and says "look! I'm a superhero!" .. Do you start a argument about biology and physics or do you just let it go in order to keep the flow of things going?

>It's like when a kid throws on a towel and says "look! I'm a superhero!" .. Do you start a argument about biology and physics or do you just let it go in order to keep the flow of things going?
The difference here this is a kid and not a fully grown man playing dress up.

>Oh America, how did you let it get to this?

Yeah but it's different when they want laws forcing you to call them by their superhero names and screaming hysterically about 'hate speech' if you accidentally call them by their name

The answer to both of these questions is having a series of freakshow presidential candidates that ended up as a showdown between an orange clown and corrupt bitch. It was all about personalities and who can run the media circus rather than actual politics.

Americans in Cuckold of (((SJW))) brainwashing

This is American society today


Can I call conservatives worthless sub-human lifeforms?

Or will conservatives cry "Big Gobernent Oppression!"

>This is American society today



You sure can. Most people advocating free speech just want it to work both ways. Remember, free speech used to be the domain of the left, while conservative christians were the ones pushing to censor everything they didn't like. Now the far left and far right have switched spaces, but everyone else on the left, right and center just don't want to enforce censorship or double standards on anyone not directly advocating violence.

but what if I want to round up all conservatives into camps and put them all to death through forced labor, strange medical experimentation, gas chambers, and ovens? Am I allowed to have free speech about that? Or am I only limited to only speaking the of peacefully cleansing of conservatives from the planet through the means of institutionalized legal force?

>being this mad people don't want to pretend men in drag are women

This is so true. As it turns out, these niggercucking fuck sucking sjws don’t have any fucking money.

I'm simply asking a question, if the right can do it why can't I?

Nah, no bots here esse.

Yes actually.


You clearly have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. You're just like all these other dumb shits, recycling ignorant rhetoric, and doing zero actual research.

The State will force you to pay money if you do not say what they want you to say, to whom they want you to say it to. That is compulsory speech. And it's not just female or male pronouns, it's shit that's been made up.

If you don't see where this road ends, you deserve all the misery you get.

He already said free speech wouldn't apply to people directly advocating violence numbnuts, now stop being mad that people don't want to play along with pronoun cancer.

If the Right can do what?

4.4 percent – lowest since May 2007

Budget Surplus:
$182B in April 2017

Stock Market:
DOW at 20,896 (6.12% higher since Trump took office)

Consumer Confidence:
Currently at 125.6

Passed 32 bills through Congress

Killed the TPP
After 8 years of inaction

Border Security:
40 percent fewer illegal border crossings anddeportation of violent and repeat offenders

$100M to Flint, Michigan
Water contamination crisis started in April 2014

Strengthening relationships
Tough on North Korea
Tough on Syria
Freed Humanitarian Workers from Egypt

Finished Dakota Access Pipeline & reversed Obama’s “Land Grab” EO, freeing US to use our own natural resources

Stock market is due for massive correction since it wasn't allowed to correct in 2008. Get some Bitcoin, silver, and some steel and lead too just in case.

have all those things (mentioned here: ) covered under free speech, then couldn't anyone for anything? Including against them?
I've seen plenty of people advocate those very things on the right and defend it as their free speech

Why are you so mad? You have a tranny "girl"friend or something?

you seem to be the one more mad that some people simply do not like conservatives, I'm asking of why are only the right allowed to get away with things but others can't.

Just the south.

Nah, you're mad as hell. I'm not even a conservative yet you got really butthurt when I said and started going on a rant because people didn't want to put up with "respect muh pronouns" garabge. Why are you so mad?

I'm not that person, I jumped in here

And the guy you responded to merely pointed out how the government is trying to force pronoun speech by law, and you got mad about that? Why?

and I was asking if conservatives can say what they want, then why can't I? conservatives complain about government but will still abuse it just as badly in their favor and they will talk about discriminating who ever they want but as soon as I mention that I could like to discriminate against them they get butt hurt, why?

Why can't you answer me, you keep deflecting with this non-sequitur. What do you have to hide. Why don't you just answer the question?

You can say what you want, you emotional idiot. Last time I check most American media mocks conservatives.

user you replied to here. Only those on the far fringes of the left and the right say this kind of shit, the problem is so many refuse to leave their echo chambers so all they hear is 'Everyone on the left is an evil communist cuck' and 'Everyone on the right is an evil nazi racist'. Those few extremists who actually do fit these labels do more harm than good, but the majority who disagree with extreme ideologies aren't given the platform.

I am answering your question but you keep making assumptions and projecting your emotions, also conservative media outlets like fox news the daily mail exist. I also see a lot of real life people in the real world and not this electrical box you are staring at and constantly complain about things that don't affect them trying to make themselves out to be victims when they are not, but then again I live in the south

anyway I'm out

>leaves without telling why he's mad about me not playing pretend with pronouns
Typical SJW coward

To clarify, I'm left leaning myself but know many people on both sides. Only a tiny percentage say the type of thing you mentioned, and a good portion of them are just trolling. Most right wingers I know don't even like Trump, but hated Hillary more. Most people are caught in the middle, and many lash out and say things they don't mean because they're sick of being labelled cucks/nazis/pussies/racists etc if they dare question even one one of the ideas either 'side' is expected to stand for. People are slowly learning though, and being pushed away from the extreme fringes. As I pointed out, free speech should go both ways rather than shifting back and forth between whichever ideology wants to use it at the time.

Freedom of speech and expression you pussy

Cry more

I wish this were true at university too but It's pretty much fucking everywhere

>Canada and increasingly the U.S regarding the gender pronoun bullshit.
It's just in Ontario because our premier is a dyke.
If it gets challenged under freedom of speech the law would fail

Conservatives don't get away with shit, they get fucked over for shit they didn't even do. The media, with the exception of FOX, is hardcore to the Left.

How the fuck anyone can come away with the impression that the Right runs shit is beyond me. Illegal immigration for decades, abortion, gay marriage, socialized health care, the Left has been smashing the Right for many years.

You can say that if you want.

There's a fine line between telling someone what they cannot say (inciting violence, for example), and what they *must* say. If you had an IQ above room temperature, you'd know that.


Yes, OP. When did you become such an insufferable faggot?

You act like hydraulic fracking is a good thing

>they want laws forcing you to call them by their superhero names
christ you're a dipshit

Says the guy who thinks it's alright to force people by law to call Steve a "she"

>corrupt bitch.
there is literally no evidence of this
Republicans wasted shit-tons of money to "prove" this and found NOTHING.

>Stock Market:
>DOW at 20,896 (6.12% higher since Trump took office)

There is literally no law on the books, or any law being proposed that would "force" you to do this.
You are simply not an intelligent person, user. Hence so easily manipulated.

Because of Obama's economy. Yes, go on.

Fucking trolls. See how they shut up when confronted?

Wrong: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/An_Act_to_amend_the_Canadian_Human_Rights_Act_and_the_Criminal_Code

>You are simply not an intelligent person, user. Hence so easily manipulated.
Keep projecting, xir


opinion discarded

cringe detected

That's the joke, you dolt.

>it doesn't count because I saw so

OP you keep making the same damn thread almost every day. Be original.

You probably have a trap thread open in another tab, faggot.

conservatives aren't funny
they're just stupid

OP wants his boipussi to be violated

No, I don't. Keep projecting, loser.

Good thing I'm not a conservative.

Oh but you are. Conservatives are the only ones butthurt about LGBTQ issues.

You're way too obsessed with this, user. No one else is, really. You've got to be fapping to that shit.

Lol, found the SJW with his/her(hir/xir? :^) ) retarded black and white thinking.

Only SJWs are butthurt about people calling out authoritorians trying to censor freedom of speech. Trannies are not women and anything in the acronym beyond LGB is stupid snowflake nonsense. Deal with it.

Project harder Cletus

that's all

Not the user you want, but somehow I don't see it as any different that having to enable peoples worthless delusions about God's and religions. I vehemently reject all of them, but If I endlessly ranted to every religious person I met I'd rightfully be dismissed as an asshole not because I'm wrong but because of my irrational reaction. So yes, people that have sex transitions are still the same gender genetically and I'm content to let them believe whatever they want because it doesn't bother me.

You Trumpfags are the biggest SJWs going these days. Anything you can't control you have to whine like a total faggot about.

Trump hasn't had a chance to fuck up Obama's economy--until now with the Tax "Reform."

>tranny-shill is a fedorafag
Lmao, typical SJW

I love mocking Trumpfags too. Glad we've found some common ground, SJW.


You don't mock them, user.

You ARE them.

LOL. You really are a crazy SJW. Stay salty I won't pretend your boyfriend is a woman.

keep projecting faggot
You Trumpfags are the whiniest SJWs going round.

my boyfriend is a woman actually

>Oh America, how did you let it get to this?
In a word Obama. Obama, not content in destroying our healthcare system and leaving our economy in shambles, he turned our schools turned into SJW indoctrination centers, this is the result.

How do you "mock" people who have the same transphobic qualities as you do, user?



The picture is from Europe.

don't remind us of that inept mong, glad to see the back of him

So you're anti-education, too, like most dipshit conservatives. Shocking.

Do you print that picture out and jam it up your fucking ass until it's bloody user?