I nearly lost my Fingers, can't even move them properly and propably never be able to move them again...

I nearly lost my Fingers, can't even move them properly and propably never be able to move them again. I suffer from depression should kill myself or just chop off my hand and get a prosthesis?

It sounds like you suffer from not having a good relationship with your dad. You should probably grow the fuck up.

doesn't look that bad at all to be honest, I poured vodka down the length of my arm then set it a light. Burnt very deep and still fine with nothing bu ta scar

My dad is not a problem, he only sucks me off... it's my uncle that I should fear. He is the one playing cave explorer with me every night.

You just gave me a way better idea on how I shoulder with it. I am in love with pain. Which vodka was It? Chekhov the paint remover?

Move from there count


slam down on it

I completely tore up my knee mountain biking once. Had to ride 10 miles to a hospital to get stitches and a year of recovery. I couldn't move my leg for months and still have scars but its healed with no physical problems thanks to good doctors and shit. Your body will heal your fingers although it will take time with rehab.
Or have them amputate it and get a a meat-beater 2000.

You'll be fine, you attention seeking faggot.

prosthesis costs a whole lot

All your fingers?
Or just left hand...

If it's just left hand then who cares lmao you can still fap

A man of wisdom has spoken, fuck the left hand. I only need right one anyway like you said, for masturbation.

>not fapping ambidextrously

how did you do that tho

...you are crying like child.

Fuck off looser !

A drunken capubara knawed at em

Don't give up hope, but you also don't want to chop it off. Phantom pains are real and they are also extremely painful with no solution. I'd rather keep a useless hand than no hand at all.

Just wait to heal kiddo Listen to some teletubbies if you're sad or some shit

>Implying everyone is a right handed fapper

>Implying everyone is a right handed fapper
Everyone is

but can you still game with a controller ?

Nigga your hand looks fine. Maybe some scarring and tight skin on some areas but itll heal the fuck up. I had my hand crushed by heavy equipment and lost the use of 2 fingers and have limited movement on the other two so compared to my shit, you just look like you being a little bitch.

Enter The Dragon that shit, mang.

You know of Django Reinhardt? Dude melted the fuck out of his fingers, and still became an amazing jazz guitarist using just 2 for his fretting hand. Obviously you won't do anything that cool, but your hand doesn't look too bad & will probably heal. You're good op

Doesn't look that bad. Finger tips aren't blue so you're getting circulation which means you won't lose them. Also, everything "important" is on the top of your hands/fingers (ie veins, tendons). You'll be fine as long as you keep the wounds clean and dry.