R if S1 and S2 are open?

R if S1 and S2 are open?
R if S1 is closed and S2 open?
R if S1 is closed and S2 is closed?

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Do your own homework. That shit isn't even hard.


this stuff is fun, just do it yourself


lol this only needs you to be able to add and multiply

youngfag detected.

R2 + 1/R1 + 1/ 1/R4+(R3+R5)

I think I got it right

Path of least resistance.

Little reminder series is Ra+Rb, parallel is (Ra+Rb)/(Ra*Rb) -> if Ra=Rb, Rtot is half of them

protip: consider wires as a 0 ohm reistors
Use your brain now

You did not

Ok i got the results if S1 and S2 are open but What happens if S1 is cloed? Is R5 than parallel to R4 and R1?

S1 closed: Rt=R2+R3

S1 shorts all other resistances out and basically removes them from the equation.

That's not how electricity works

it only shorts R5, or as a general rule any resistance parallel to it

Ok thank you user :=)
Now you can call me a retard because i am a retard

Current always takes the path of least resistance. If there's no way for current to get through a leg, current will not take it. Take a sharpie and trace the lines from source to ground.

Series: r1+r2
Parallel: (1/r1+1/r2)^-1

S1&s2 open: Rtotal=(1/r1+1/(r2+r4))^-1
S1 closed:Rtotal=(1/r1+1/r2)^-1

S2+s1 closed:(1/r1+r2/((1/r4+1/r3)^-1))^-1

is this a football pitch?




electronics engineer here wait till you have to do 3 supply circuits. Fucken complex numbers.

You've been mistaken from the first sentence, electricity, more specifically intensity, is proportional to the resitance (duh v=r*i) so if you have 1 and 100k it doesn't all go through the 1 one.
If you're talking about feeling it it really makes it like you don't get any through your leg while holding a metal rod too, but electronics it's not electrician's safety guide, it's about micro and nano amperes

>>electronics engineer
supply is hard

pick one

i never liked Δ - Y transactions

pick one.
not sure what you mean.

you can use effects overlap, i don't know if it's the right word

resistance is futile

yea for 2 loop

v1= R1I1 (+/-) R2I2
V2= R3I2 (+/-) R4I1

i measure how hard a circuit is by the number of transistors and poles/zeros it has, not power supplies, you just need to consider them in the polarization phase, which is the easiest one (difficulty scales with nonlinear components, ie transistrs, caps...)