How do magnets work?

How do magnets work?

If moving charged particles create magnetic fields, then do moving magnetic particles create electric fields? Like in a generator how do they actually get electrons to flow with magnets!

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the ground is magnetic by itself, so if you remove a piece of it it fucks up the terrestrial network of magnetism so a part of space-magnetic web gets stuck in it

Some magnetic fields can impart a force to generate a current. An electric field just attracts or repels like charges, which is why electrons move from pole to pole within a dipole, like a battery. The magnetic field is created by the movement of electrons

When a conductive material moves through a magnetic field a current is induced in it, the direction of the current flow depends on the direction the conductor is moving, which can be worked out using flemmings left hand rule.

Maybe I shouldn't say created, but the movement of electrons has an effect on the magnetic field. For example, paramagnetic compounds will increase the density of magnetic flux lines, which strengthens a the magnetic field it's in. A diamagnetic compound repels or doesn't affect the magnetic field very much due to electron repulsion being created by quantum spin paired electrons.

how do magnetic praticals make babby

Fucking magnets, how do they work?

Why is a current induced thoough?

Because it's a fundamental understanding that charged particles will be attracted to the opposite charge. All a current is, is a movement of electrons from 1 pole to another.

Even magnetic aren't magnetic in whole graph of states of matter, just find the edge and compare difference of states and you'll see wonders. Can't tell you why. Free energy is illegal.

So are electrons repelled by southpoles and attracted to northpoles?

Yes. And id there is a noise, they are moving back and froth, aren't they? How if we let them go just one way?

Do you think, it's their drag in matter electrons are waveform in?

That's the idea of direct current vs alternate current or AC/DC. Direct current has a constant flow of electrons in one continuous direction, where alternating current will move back and forth


Actually it's not movement.

Magnetic core helds certain "entities" of bigger complex at place, those entities are related to electrons, when magnet is moved, electrons aren't doing enything, they just push anther electrons and get pulled by electron in back of them in case of one way circuit. Because they go easiest path, trying to close loop created by moving magnet. Electron is in place in relation to magnet.

Decentralized internet incoming,.

are you fucking retarded? we learned how magnets work in elementary school

No, electrons are constantly moving at the speed of light. The mass of an electron is extremely small, so small that it's hard to even physically imagine the number as it's in the magnitude of 10^-31 range, meaning that there's 30 0's after the decimal before it reaches a quantifiable number.

I don't think ground.

Ground can be where radical electrons go because it often have positive charge. There they are related to earth core and spinned by it. Some relations to sun also included.

Posted this on /sci/ but reposting here.

I recently got into basic astronomy. Learned the constellations and major stars. I also bought a cheap 35x monocular scope on eBay for 8eu. So I've been looking at the moon and bright Messier objects. I have a few questions for anyone who can answer.

1. What magnification spotting scope will allow the moon to fill the frame entirely? The best answer I've discovered on this is roughly 90x.

2. What are some interesting nightsky events to witness in the next few years?

fucling beat me to it

Is this a meme? I'm an oldfag and browse pretty much daily and I've never seen it before

How do faggots work?

I can imagine electrons of one amper volt of electrical jump. That's called quantizing. Also they are not moving witout circuit.

If I have two lightbulbs on same circuit in serial, which one shines first?

Electrons have something like will to move, that's measured in volts, and they have something like flow, measured in ampers.

Sometimes they have will to move to certain different subspace, but they are somehow not moving, or they are moving back and froth.

When I move magnet, electic current is iduced by the fact, that electrons in carrior move, because they have static relation to magnet. What you don't get? On electron flow, there is power coming on another end, measurements showed power propagated to another end at the speed of light, not the electron itself moved that fast. That's all. You cannot know this so simple.

They have fixed position to magnet. When magnetic field of it is rotating in something like thousands of meters of cable, they are pushing electrons in front of them and in closed circuit they get pulled when a loop closes.

Without multiplications of move() to conductor you don't create necessary electric field without big magnet. Bigger cable creates more free room for them to move.


If something have mass at all it needs infinite energy so it can move at speed of light, GTFO!

Electromagnetic fields move at speed of light, because it have no "mass" because it doen't even have own bossons, but is fluctuation of them? Got that?

Amperes, walking elektrons moves quite slowly, but when they create much work by pressure.

Or I just charge my spaceship negatively too much, and put it in a stream of electrons, and I'm suddenly on interdimensional highway going actually faster than speed of light, but it's tick to measurement are slower than speed of light, so I can be with certain tools observed having iont trails, which sounds like science fiction... I think electrons would go around ship, because ship have mass, which electrons can clearly go around because ship have mass and doesn't behaves in fluid like electrons, because simply, it's attoms have a lot of additional electrons, but it is not an electron. But when I move magnet inside that ship... If it's enought strong, electrons aling themselves to magnetic field. Where I can create charge of one pole on one way and another charge, nonelectronic both, on another end of line,... So I'm having strong magnet in the ship, that creates ship without much electrons, having electrons outside of ship, and flowing and we are by magnets holding to this electrons flowing...

There are different fluctiations in fluctums than electrons you can point statically to.

Warp Drive by Anonymous,

(something holds something2 to static relative point)
(something can create line, on which one of something move as fast as light because that something does not have mass)
(something2 move very fast, because it's locked to something that doesn't have mass)

Get that?

I just described what distributed web services do grinded,.

I have theory on innertial suspension and noble gases also.