Is craigslist a good website to plan a one night stand...

Is craigslist a good website to plan a one night stand? I'm interested in the 'casual encounters' section but not sure how much trust I can put into a total stranger for casual sex. I haven't been in a relationship for over two years and I don't want to start hooking up again any time soon. Have any of you tried it and if so, what was your experience like? Good? Bad? Other options?

Most of the posts are fake, it's a lot to weed through, but eventually you can find a girl that's looking for the pipe.

Thanks for the advice, I had a feeling most were fake but I just wanted a second opinion. Appreciate it.

Do NOT expect them to be both attractive AND mentally stable. Its a long search but desperate people fuck real good sometimes.

I'm not looking for anything to crazy (I'm a 7 tops and would pref a 6 or 7 as well). One of my worries is either they'll have some sort of std, need a daddy to take care of their bastard kid/kids cause their real dad gtfo, get preg. ahead of time and make it look like you're the one who got her knocked up, and/or straight up robbed. That and they could straight up say I raped them even if we both consented to it afterwords.

I've fucked a good amount of girls off craigslist. here's my tips, though it's going to vary depending on where you live. Put a post up and weed through the spam, ask them to change the title to something like their age or hair color, will help you because you're going to get 40-50 spam emails. Post a shot of your body in underwear, make yourself look decent.
Post looking for something specific. Don't just say you want to smash. There are girls looking to get laid off clist, but it's usually because they have a fetish or a kink they aren't normally able to get. Make a post about wanting to be a sub or dom, whichever side you see yourself in, make a post targeting an older woman or a younger woman.
Post targeting a race. Black girls are super easy in the area I'm in. They're in much better shape then the white girls and have way lower standards with white guys.
Put your post up and let it sit. After about two or three hours if you don't have a bit, nothing is going to happen. You're too far down the food chain. If you want to leave up something specific for a long time, put it in m4w or misc romance.
You're going to fail, so don't let it get you down. It's patience and playing the long game that pays off.
You're going to fuck older girls, fat girls, black girls, desperate girls, crazy girls. If you aren't ok with this move a long. You will find the occasional girl way out of your league, but they are rare as shit.

Thanks man. Your advice actually helps quite a lot. And as far as I'm concerned; so long as it isn't granny pussy I'm all for it. Fat, black, retarded pussy is still pussy.

use condoms and you won't have to worry about stds, just get your self tested. You're not going to catch aids from fucking a girl in the puss with a condom on. Seriously, the big reason there's still a statistical chance of catching an std using a condom is because people don't put them on properly. Wrap that shit up propper. Don't send your phone number unless you really know that she's real, use kik or something else instead. If they send you a picture, reverse image search it. Certain emails will show their real name, search it in facebook and on true people search to see if it's a name near by you. if they send you a number search that number on the same sites to confirm they're real. It's part of the thrill knowing shit could go wrong doing this.
If you aren't prepared for the fucked up ride of fucking girls off craigslist, don't buy the fucking ticket.

I just set up to get a blowie in my car tomorrow at 2:30. I always bring a strap just in case things get too weird and i feel unsafe.

it was in 2010
now, not so much

can be a hassle, but sometimes you will find some slut looking for fun. A buddy and me posted an ad looking to tag a slut and few back and forth emails this chubby white girl invited us over. She knew her way around dick and wanted anal, but you gotta wrap it!

Ayy whoa dont kock 50 year old grills till you try em

Site's full of gay dudes now. Good for getting an easy BJ and not much else.

Lol you will find some real niche kinks roll with it if thats your style. I once banged a tan tall grill with short pig tails and a leash/school girl fetish. I miss that one. But i was her last hoorah before marriage.
>grumble grumble

if you dont mind dudes watching you fuck their wives or girlfriends its okay place to meet sluts

Some dude wanted to eat my ass while i plowed his new wife.
But he got his fix eventually lol


Herpes outbreaks are not obvious in every individual that has herpes. When having sex with someone who is currently having an outbreak a condom is minimum defence at best because the virus can migrate along the sweat in the genital region

Herpes doesn't travel via sweat and the rate of infection is really low and it's mostly harmless even if you do have it.

Well m4m has worked pretty well for me. Met two guys off of it. First guy was exactly what I was looking for sex wise but he got super romantic with it after a couple hookups which turned me off. Second guy lied about his stats so wasn't too great. So from my minimal experience 50/50 you'll get something good.

cucks are an odd bunch, no male on male either, but they can do whatever they want to their girl after I done with her

I've had over 250 one night stands and I'm still STD free. Here are the secrets to my success:

1) A condom, duh. Even for oral.
2) Apps, not websites. Meetme, Tinder, Tagged, etc
3) If you do go website, fake profile including nearby city two hours away. Close enough for a drive, far enough away to keep crazy from tracking you down. Take photos that you use ONLY for dating apps/sites so you can't be tracked back to real identity.
4) Get a burner phone. Not only to hide identity but if she steals it or tries to look through it, she will get nothing of value.
5) No repeats. Hit it once and done. Even if super hot. This is tough but must be the way.
6) Go to her place, always. If you are afraid you might get robbed or something feels off, trust your gut and bail asap. I've almost gotten mugged or worse several times.

Good luck Sup Forumsrother

Why no repeats tho?
And are there any free apps for just sex?

If you have to ask, you are not ready and will fall for the trap.

Get in the habit of reading the ads every day. You will see which ones are fakes, which are repeats or duplicates, and sometimes even see feedback posts from dudes who warn you off certain posters. After you familiarize yourself with the terrain, such as it is, you'll be able to spot the occasional honest poster (CL honest anyway - kek)

Probably because they will eventually start asking for more status and try to hold onto you. If money is involved, then they'll start asking for money without even fucking

>user, I need $$ to complete my rent


Post you have weed and want your cock ridden.
Worked for me.
She even came to me.

Good way to get raided by law enforcement.

A gentleman never tells.

yeah I was a little nervous about that.
I don't think they are trolling the sites though.

Well aren't you quite the faggot.

i saw a guy post an ad looking for weed on cl, always wondered how it worked out for him.

If you think they are not the ones behind 10-25% of the ads, then you're an ignorant nigger.

I will trade stories for OC pics of chubby legally aged teen girls, blondes preferred.

Pic related.

>be me
>post on craigslist looking for gay hookup
>say "send dick pics"
>someone sends a dick pic, it has fucking lumps on it, warts the size of dimes
>no thanks

I will never hook up on that shit. Think about it. The only people posting on that site have STDs. They figure they'll never see you again, so it's ok to pass it on to a stranger.

Fuck that shit.

If you ONE ever see TWO an add like THREE this, then FOUR they're hookers FIVE

story time Sup Forums

>be me
>looking through the personal ads on craigslist
>find cutie 3.14
>she's 33
>I email her, we facetime for a night
>be next night
>I go see her
>she's having a house party
>I'm the youngest one there
>I end up smashing her fish sticks smelling vagoo
>fall asleep right after because I'm pretty drunk
>next day I feel like smashing again after her friends leave
>she asks to help her clean first
>sure, I say
>I find this ugly necklace thing
>I think its cheap dollar store jewelry one of her friends left over
>I throw it away

Here's where the story gets fucked up

>the necklace has her mother and fathers ashes in it
>she's starts having a mental breakdown because of it
>trash has already been taken to the dump
>I knew what i did, but I never tell her
>help her look for it.
>she's crying even more
>I ask for more sex
>she gives me a blow job while crying uncontrollably
>I get soft in her mouth
>pull my pants up

And to this day I vowed to never hookup from craigslist again, but hey op, you do you.

if you're lucky it's a hooker, otherwise it can be all sorts of spam bullshit. long distant numbers blowing up your phone, or their newest trick is ransom sites. Any add that says send me a face pic and your number is most likely a ransom site. you'll get a text telling you that you're information is on a site about rapists, sex offenders and/or prostitute mongers. They'll demand hundreds to take it down, and then get your credit card info. I'm not dumb enough to have ever fallen for one of those, but have seen it happen to people on sites i frequent.

>help her look for it.

i'm an infosec guy, that site would be destroyed and they'd get fuckn rekt

Well fuck, Im glad I never went any further than lurking, sounds horrible.

All just bbws near medford anyways.

bbws need lovin too

Also, If you fags ever have this happen to you, post on Sup Forums. If I'm around, you can pay me to clear that shit up for you.


Yeah the m4m is always busy. If you just want a bj you can get it pretty much right away.

but who wants a blowjob from a man? whack.

But bj I ever got was from a big black woman in her late 30s while her kids were at home. Met in the middle of the night off a phone based dating system, she liked my voice, she sucked me off like a literal pro, mentioned generosity, I laughed and walked out without paying. Would love to go back, regret stiffing her now.

I meant BEST

Why not 4:20?

also any post in w4m is going to get multiple dudes begging you to let them suck you off. I don't understand it, the m4m section is always hoppin with tons of dudes of all types beggin for some pipe, yet they spam the shit out of the m4w section. I don't get it.
If you're going to post on craigslist, make sure you keep this shit in mind. any time you get a response that is just asking for dick pics, it's a guy wanting to suck you off. A girl is not going to immediately ask for a dick pic. The only ones i've come across asking for a dick pic are after many emails or older women. They know you have a dick they don't want to see that shit they want it in em, so don't fall for the homos.

>Is craigslist a good website to plan a one night stand?

Only if you're a gay man.

>I've had over 250 one night stands and I'm still STD free.

Lol, no, buddy. You may be symptom free, but you're absolutely not STD free.

That, or you're a LARPing virgin, but why would someone go on the Internet and tell lies?

I get tested regularly because I'm not a NEET faggot like you. I have a great job with health benefits that also pays well enough to pull off the one nighter lifestyle. A poorfag like you wouldn't understand.

Actually me here. I'm in my mid 30's and have been doing 1-3 per month for the last 15 years. Do the math, it's easy.