God dammit I have my first legal problems in my first 25 years of life and I feel like I should just die...

God dammit I have my first legal problems in my first 25 years of life and I feel like I should just die. -100 points for faggots that post "kill yourself".

What's your legal problem?

live yourself

Can't be that bad faggot

I'm being sued for a decent amount of money and have never been in legal trouble besides a few speeding tickets. If I don't follow court orders it could result in jail time. 3-6 months.

commit suicide

op look like an unsalted wendy’s fry

Still didn't explain the charges idiot, sounds like you're a sex offender.

Took a loan back in april for $350 from a payday loan place and forgot about it now I owe them $3,000+

That provides no information at all. Failing to obey any court order can lead to jail time. Every lawsuit involved a decent amount of money. I'm an attorney but I'm losing interest - if you want advice, explain your problem now.

Sounds like you’re some kind of nigger

That's it? Then pay them back


this is op
Sex offender confirmed

that was not OP but guy that posted saying he was OP is a friend that told me to turn to Sup Forums for advice time stamp inbound

kill yourself fucking nigger you wont no balls pussy nobody loves or cares about you just do it

Op confirmed

Oh. That's not what I would call a decent amount of money. Good news: I'm sure their attorney also doesn't see it as a large amount of money. Their trial fees will far exceed that. Which means they want to settle. Give them a call, set up a settlement conference or mediation. Negotiate hard. They'll definitely agree to a payment plan, maybe knock some interest off.

Sooner is better - the more money they have to spend in legal fees, the more they're going to want to collect from you.

Alternatively, you could just ignore it. This is bad advice, as you are guaranteed to have a judgment entered against you if they pursue the case, but there is a possibility that they will just let the matter drop if they can't find you or you appear judgment-proof (i.e. too poor to be worth suing).

Pay them $20 a month like fucking clockwork. It won't sting much and they will leave you alone.

I aint gonna pay shit cuz I gott buy ice

Ya this isn't that much trouble. I got arrested on bogus charges op. Fortunately I won.
Shit could be worse. Stop worrying about it and just make that paper!

Die tbh

well set up a payment plan with them and be really for a shitty credit score for the next 10 years

Am I the only one who has decided that the secret to easy win life is literally never finance or take out any loans on anything? I'm living like a homeless person to get through college but I feel so fucking god damn good having one dollar in my pocket and ZERO dollars in debt.

You're not the only one, but you'll never be very successful with that mindset. Do you have a credit card?

Loans are fine if you're not an idiot who doesn't pay your shit on time.

Build credit and spend other people's money on well informed plans. Seed ventures that have big returns and you will be the most successful you can be.