I just saw a thread where OP claims someone sent him a bunch of bitcoin

I just saw a thread where OP claims someone sent him a bunch of bitcoin

I thought, fuck it, I'm gonna try too.

My son's got the asbergers and thinks he's transgender too. I'm skeptical, as he's a fucking nightmare most of the time and his mom's a fucking Mormon who basically upped and left a year ago. I haven't heard from her since despite trying dozens of times.

But I love him and I have no way to pay for his treatment, our insurance AND Christmas gifts.

So if any of you can, please send whatever you can part with here:
1JWUJc5rqoBMoTuP1Qih [remove this] Du2tU7sgV1bvYh

There's lots of begging here, I know, but I gotta try.

Pic unrelated

Bump bump

Someone out there's gotta be generous enough

If you want donations for a transgender autist go to reddit not Sup Forums

I hate Reddit

I also didn't ask to have an autismal tranny for a son

But what the fuck can I do

>1st world problems
>gib me monies Sup Forums pls
Nigger, there are millions of ppl starving and homeless everyday and you have the nerves to come here with your lil sob story thinking that we will give our hard earned money(for those of us who actually work) to some random dumbass because supposedly his autistic son is stricken with the gays and gender dysphoria? Christmas is a fucking joke and a commercial holiday, leaving you broke because of food, presents and electricity
It is none of our responsibility to fucking chip in some money to some anonymous faggot who cannot set his priorities straight
Get fucked in the ass

Kill you son in a car crash.
Nothing against people with autism but fuck trannies and fags.

I don't care about the niggers or the homeless

I work 50 hours a week whilst also studying an MBA

I would much prefer Christmas to not exist, but try explaining the whole commercial sham to a retard who loves Christmas, and who you can't help but love yourself

I'm not saying you have to. But I'm hoping someone does. This in no way affects you

I kinda agree, I think it's a mental illness, but I can't bring myself to hurt him in any way

I also have an 11yr old non-verbal serverly autistic son, i'm also raising him on my own as well as 2 other boys, and i'm also skint, but you don't see me on here begging for coins, any will do ether, bitcoin....

Doing this doesn't make me a bad parent

Enjoy US system. If you faggot would live in Europe you would have healthcare and more than 2 weeks Holiday in year.

Gee thanks, I'll remember to be born in Europe next time


You sure hit every nail in the coffin with this beg huh

Gotta be true for someone.

Shame that I'm that someone.

I'll send you some, I bought hundreds when they were cheap, got nothing to spend money on anyway.

Oh wow, thanks man. 10 bitcoins was really generous. No need to keep the thread going now.

This isn't OP

If you are serious, I can't think of any way to thank you enough.

omg thank you dude. I never thought this would work. 2 whole bitcoins... holy shit. how can I ever repay you? thank you so much and goodbye Sup Forums! I love you!

Not going to hash out a sob story as well have them and anyone could use any help we can get. Throwing my address out there as it can never hurt to try.......


You're welcome. I have to go now, enjoy.

>My son's got the asbergers and thinks he's transgender too.


>his treatment, our insurance AND Christmas gifts.


You dumb fuck. No wonder she left.


send me? please?!

You are trying to buy compassion with a story, if you dont give us anything then we give you anything. Prove it.

Then we give you nothing*

Ohh charity thread? Charity thread.

Informatics grad student ready to get pretty fucked by the tax bill. Ain't got kids because I can barely afford anything as is.

1KxzxfbQEg5obV8FyV o8AVCu4AwM1ZsK2x
(No space)

Also, BTC crash soon? Predictions?

When you give me a tiny bit of btc, you have the honor of taking my btc virginity. As much btc's in my account as living babies in my basement: zero
167xQMSiysjCEPU H3KA7mrc6hp5UxxGg7E


How do you want me to prove it?

BTC is fine, but you will be hitted by a bus

Think that by yourself, you are the one begging not me

Kill your son, eat him for Christmas problem solved.

You realise how sad I'am I didnt put money on bitcoin even at the beginning of this year
pic chart highly related

bump, what do you think is it too late to go in?

no because of the recent hack it is going to drop soon for a while.

Goddamn pay for his kids fake tits!

A bullet does not cost that much.