Hey /b im looking for a discreet yet destructive way to fuck someone's car up

Hey /b im looking for a discreet yet destructive way to fuck someone's car up.
He owes me money and refuses to pay it back and has the audacity to talk with an attitude to my gf as well.
Let's make him pay

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Enough water in the gas tank will eventually blow out the pistons.

Sugar in the gas tank

Marbles I gas tank.

They will roll around. Then eventually settle in the gas line and cuts off gas flow. When turned off and on will remove itself from the hole leading to the gas line and the person will have gas again until the marble settles again.

Have you ever heard of thermite?

What does that do ?

Nope but sounds destructive af

Mattress in the gas tank. Usually takes a crane to pull it out.

will probably explode the tank

Clip the brake lines. They will discretely lose braking power and plow into someone, possibly killing them, in a discrete fashion, of course.

Don't be a pussy. Damaging his car because you're not man enough to handle him is the height of beta faggotry

That's dumb. Most vehicles have a conical filter in the tank that gas is pulled through. It's common to have flakes of rust in a gas tank and they're designed not to stop functioning in this way.

The sugar one is dumb too. Mythbusters did it.

OP, just pull his oil drain plug and let him drive with no oil. Seize the engine real good. Collect the oil in a pan so he doesn't notice.

Could also put spray foam in the exhaust, that'll stall it and be difficult to remove.

Thermite could cut a battleship in half in under 5 mins.

honestly, a fuck tonne of salt water / sugar in the fuel tank would be a really discret way. Or screws in his tyres for a minor, yet fucking annoying problem.

put a dead rat or some two weeks passed eggs with water in the venting nozzle

brake fluid on the car ..

Apply a Dry Ice Bomb right under the car.

>Step 1
Fill either a plastic bottle or a closable glass bottle with water
>Step 2
Get some dry ice (Beware of dangers - read up on how to handle dry ice)
>Step 3
Find the targets car
>Step 4
Put one or two small cubes of dry ice inside your water bottle and shake well
>Step 5
Roll or throw that shit right under the car
>Step 6

Have fun and be careful. Godspeed user.

Google Textfiles Anarchy for more stuff like this.

He owes you money, so you want to fuck up his car so that he will have even less money to pay you? Smart.

Nah man fuck with his money and then is well being. Break him all the way down you unintelligent internet gangsta

Hahaha ayyyy you got the right ending in mind

>bust window

Dude fuck yea i was looking for this ! I heard something about like a plastic bag full of some cleaning powder... Like SOS or something and it'll just explode when it dissolves

If you would rather fuck with a man's property instead of dealing with him directly then you're a pussy. It has nothing to do with being an internet gangsta. You're just a beta.

Its a lost cause to try and get it back legally and the only other way is like breaking legs or something but how can he work to pay it back ? How can i get away with breaking legs ?

You can quickly and silently melt through an engine block...

You're a retard who should not be handling even simple homemade explosives.

>INSIDE a car
Dude fuck off. Firstly the victim will hear the alarm go off ass the glass is smashed. Secondly a molotov wont shatter INSIDE a car. A better bet would be to just apply gasoline from the outside by the smashed window.

not OP, you think he'll get those clues?
most people can't google, so I'm trying to give him a decent prompt here XD

Shouldn't, but will

Wait until the middle of the night
Egg car
Wrap tight in many layers of cling film
Cover with a few layers of duct tape

Dude, I agree with Don't fiddle with explosives. I tried this a lot when I was in High School and College. Always dreaming of some columbine tier plan. Then I got laid and a decent job. But I can tell you this. SAFETY FIRST. I almost blew myself up before because I had put just a little bit too much fertilizer. Shit is not worth it if you just want to do "One thing". If you really wanna fuck with this dude. Just stab his tires and throw some rocks through the windshield. It's not permanent damage but will still piss him off. And maybe let him know that if he doesn't comply now that further actions may follow.

Just knock that mofo out and land a few kicks here and there. But you might wanna educate yourself so that you don‘t accidentaly kill him. I‘m in the same situation and this is what I‘m gonna do. I can‘t wait to bash him.

That would be very satisfying

You can't. That's felonious assault, then you get your asshole stretched in prison.

Ok ok i like where you're coming from... But i still want something to destroy the engine and make him basically get a new car

What's more chicken shit than fucking with a man's automobile? I mean dont fuck with another man's vehicle.

Nah dude I stretch assholes

Easy there backwoods no need to get into us city folk way of doing things

Don't recognize the movie quote, eh douchenozzle?

May I ask what type of car it is? You could mess with the tank from below and fuck it up by drilling a small hole and apply some expanding foam into it. That way he has to get a whole new tank. And if lucky enough depending on the car some of the foam will be sucked into the engine. Fucking also that up.

Nah, you should really get out more. Memorize somethin useful.. You know ?

Thanks for the thread.
Gonna drop a dime when I see the news about an exploded car. They're going to see your posts here then get your ip.

Smash open and etch a scetch put that powder in a glass bowl get a file mix in some ferrous oxcide i.e. Rust. Make a satchel out of tinfoil cut a sparkler in half or to the desired length for a time fuse place above engine block and calmly walk away
You can add some zinc filings in for added effect, take a stake of like 20 pennies from after 1982 because 1982, when the composition was changed to 97.5 percent zinc and 2.5 percent copper (copper-plated zinc). Cents of both compositions appeared in that year. put them in a vice and drill a hole straight through, and bam zinc filings mix that in with the dust from the witch a scetch and the rust and put in tinfoil... have fun my little anachist in training!

Yeah ain't it grand ;)

>He owes me money and refuses to pay it back

You paid him a consulting fee to teach you a valuable life lesson. Did you learn something?

Shut up fag. If he did it in the next few days maybe. And it's also very unlikely something minor like this would even be reported in the news.

Uhh its the chevy version of the pt cruiser. Hopefully how to fuck someones car up

Destroys the engine

So stretch HIS asshole for not paying you.

Sugar in the gas tank my man


Welll I may have elaborated lol

Hang on, going through the handbook real quick to find some possible weak spots.

Idk why but that was fucking hilarious lmao

Remove the inline splints from the rotary girder

This, silently melts engine block in under 5 seconds. No hints no leads no traces

Wayyy too much science for a low level like myself. Sounded good doe

The sugar gums up all the fuel lines, fuel filter, and fuel pump. Will fuck up a carburetor, and virtually any other unit the fuel comes into contact with.

But if you do this you have to promise to stop being such a spineless faggit.

Ok I looked it up. And messing with the fueling system would actually be your best bet besides blowing it to pieces. This type of car is a big fuel eater.

Sugar + distilled water with a little bit of styrofoam will do the trick. You just need to find a way to drill inside the tank unnoticed.

>discreet yet destructive
Thermite meets both of your parameters now you just gotta wait a few years till your balls drop...

Take all but one lug nut off of each tire. That way when he gets to a high a enough speed he’ll lose a wheel

>no hints no leads no traces

Except for the fucking motive! You think he won't connect it right away that this mousy little beta guy keeps asking for his money back,and suddenly there's severe vandalism to his car.

Three possible outcomes:
1) He realizes he was being the bad guy, and instead of using all his limited resources to buy transportation he pays user back instead
2) He beats user's beta ass within an inch of his life, and never pays him back
3) He calls the cops, who arrest user for destroying somebody's car. Then he gets his asshole stretched.
Which is more likely, considering fairy tales aren't real?

You guys are fucking geniuses.

>You guys are fucking geniuses.
No reason to be sarcastic here. We are just talking about the ACT not the consequences. That's for OP to decide.

Though that's somewhat true. I live pretty far from him and by the time an eternal issue happened should be over it. Or maybe i should just keep asking? Tell me oh wise what would be best ?


fuck up hes car

So many fags in jail u only get stretched if u want it

Ask him once more by the end of the month. Cuz he probably already spend all his money on christmas, So by january you tell him again you want your fucking money. If he hasn't paid you by feburary nuke his ass.

>You just need to find a way to drill inside the tank unnoticed.
What the fuck are you taking about? You put it in the god damned fill cap.

While I do appreciate that, there's also the fact that 3/4 of the people here don't have a fucking clue what they're talking about, have never done any of this, and are suggesting methods (regarding gas tank additives) that somebody mentioned early one won't even work.

Dubs confirm

I wondered why the gas station attendants keep looking at me funny when I use a drill to gas up my car...

So then what?

>You put it in the god damned fill cap.
You never had a car hm?

Well that's true. I have never fucked up a car either. But I have played around with a lot of explosives before and know how some of this stuff works pretty well. I'm just trying to guide OP to a safe approach if he actually wants to do this.

I already told you, remove his oil drain plug. Shitheel.

Just take the front license plate off and do it repeatedly. He'll keep getting pulled over and a pile of tickets

Then nothing.
If you weren't smart enough to lend money without any record, there's no way to legally recover it. You won't get away with violence to recover it, and vandalism won't make him pay you either.

That money is gone, and you've learned not to lend people money. That's what banks are for. If a bank won't take a risk lending them money, why the fuck would you?

Practically no one has locking fuel caps. And if this guy does have one, OP's job is even easier; put glue inside where the key goes.

cut your losses and move on while cutting contact with him or at the very least minimizing it to very little. petty, loud and shitty people are annoying to deal with but it will only bother you more if you acknowledge their shitty behavior.

You clearly know nothing about cars...

Well guys it there were few good ideas going around. I'll let you all know what happens... Maybe I'll learn how to greentext in the meantime. Thanks y'all niggas

OP, I just felt you should know that, sincerely, you are one of the dumbest faggots I have seen on here in a long time. Godspeed.

> has an attitude to your gf
> owes you money
> you want to fuck up his car instead of him

What the fuck man... are you THAT beta? Punch the guy right in the face, if he is asking why punch him another time and demand your money. Once he hands you over the money, punch him one more time for good measure.

If you think that is not justified, you either a manlet beta or to pussy to demand your money back. Either way, fucking up his car won't make him giving back your money.

Holy shit, man the fuck up!

Just kill him and take the money he has on him.

this isn't GTA, punching him in the face will do just fine

Before or after sabotaging the muffler bearings and draining the blinker fluid?

Get on with your life.
Revenge will get you nothing in life but a small sliver of satisfaction quickly washed away by the tides of time.


That's a lot of implying this thread will be archived. This is a trash thread, bruh.

Don't trust anyone that cant spell oxide.

Thermite IS NOT silent you div

are you fucking autistic
he was implying you can use the stuff in etch-a-sketches to make a silent engine destroyer

>t. complete faggot who has never had the spine to enact his own revenge

I still get a smile on my face everyday I remember slicing my cunt of an older """brothers""" tries,.

Not worth him suing you for 50k you triplenigger


And you clearly know nothing about copy and paste. He spelled it right.

I would say pouring sugar in the gas tank, but that end up not being discreet.


>Write what he owns you, with lipstick, everywhere on his car.
>Lipsticks are greasy.

its spelled carburretor or some gay shit like that in some countries

Sulfur acid works fine

So, it only destroys silent engines? Too bad this guy's engine makes noise.

too retarded to be true