Nut thread

Nut thread

Post your favorite nut

>favorite nut not being pistachio

Inb4 activated almonds

This post really pleased my pistachios.

Where were you when you discovered pistachios to be the superior nut?

I love wallnuts

Shelled pistachios are bogo at rite aid right now.
The bags are $8 normally, but 2 for 8 is a great deal.



i love the good ol' bustin-o-nut

Cashews are the obvious answer, pleb.

Just bought 3 lbs of california almonds for $15. Was eating them while high and thought to myself they were the best damn nutz. Very neutral yet fatty. Lots of good nutrition and calorie dense.


>be a walnut master race
>same shape as the brain
>have tons of iodine
>other walnuts are fried, baked with lots of salt
>i dont need that shit to be delicious

Get on my level not-nuts


dafuq is california about them
there's almonds all over the world

I'm about that pecan life.

Bought it at a "mill store" in a rural city. I'm guessing they want to specify that you are buying American grown.


How's mine?

nigger toes

why are nuts so pricey? I might buy them occasionally if I could afford them.

One of the most common heists now is nuts. Large shipments of nuts are worth a lot.

give me source please

Not a bad deal tbh.

>Post your favorite nut
Al Sharpton