>SpaceX enjoyed a trio of successes on Friday when it launched its Falcon 9 rocket, landed the first stage and deployed a communications satellite.Falcon 9 blasted off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station at 5:39 p.m. Eastern time with the Thaicom 8 Wochit
>SpaceX on Friday landed its third consecutive rocket on a ship in the Atlantic Ocean, during a mission that successfully launched a commercial communications satellite to orbit.
>“Falcon 9 has landed,” a member of SpaceX’s launch team confirmed about 10 minutes after a 230-foot Falcon 9 rocket's 5:39 p.m. blastoff from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.
>About 20 minutes later, the rocket's upper stage deployed the Thaicom 8 satellite in orbit as planned.
If SpaceX reuses those rockets they landed previously, elon musk will single handedly destroy Poo in the loos, Canadas, ULA space program
Matthew Long
Who cares
Ethan White
Lincoln Miller
Space is big.
Zachary Taylor
leave EU faggot
Aaron Harris
Stay salty faggot
Michael Gutierrez
>It's 2016 >A white South African has built the world's first orbit-capable VTVL-reusable launch system
Meanwhile, niggers continue to be niggers
Robert Myers
Loss Loser Scam Scammer
Aaron Sullivan
Camden Thompson
Space X to Mars!
No shit skins allowed.
Elijah Phillips
That's an insane feat of engineering
Your move, Africa
Alexander Cook
Fucking cheaters using MechJeb.
Easton Rogers
Is there any evidence that Elon Musk is a cuck? I want to know if he will put diversity quotas in space.
Jack Robinson
>SpaceX First Stage Landin(...).webm >almost sliding off the barge idk man, i can see some mandatory improvements....
Christopher Hall
Jace Jones
Okay, fuck, that's impressive.
Hunter Brown
Yeah space great whatever but how much does this cost? What is this costing? What are we paying for this kind of thing? Just how much exactly does this cost?
Mason Edwards
All is going according to plan.
Grayson Lewis
Far less than building every rocket from scratch.
Carson Scott
Nah, the guy's basically for straight-meritocracy
Robert Rodriguez
HInt: How many non-white people are there in this picture?
David Flores
Well considering SpaceX is a private company it doesn't cost you anything.
Brody Perry
Kill yourself.
Julian Edwards
wasn't he just cucked by his exwife or something? she took half of this great man's money
as such, i think he is just pure futurism and doesn't give a fuck about diversity...
Nathaniel Lopez
I can see about 5-10 black/mixed and a bunch that could be some other race
Cooper Torres
That's the milestone I'm waiting for. The landing is cool and all, but the point is to be able to reuse the rockets, which hasn't happened yet.
Colton Hill
Adam Williams
Who cares its just a shitty one time use space ship, at least they could fight to end hunger instead of blasting off into space
Angel Reed
wow... really makes you think
I am now a #cruzmissle
Lincoln Wood
Carson Kelly
He's south African, of course he hates niggers
Nicholas Murphy
William Long
NASA should be defunded and shut down, the private industry has done in 3 years, what nasa could not do in 30.
Complete waste of taxpayer dollars.
Julian Hill
Well, he's from SA, There's gonna' be a few non whites lingering about.
Ayden Morris
>fight world hunger >implying niggers wouldnt find a way to exploit that too
lets just build our spaceships and get the fuck out of here, away from the sub-humans
Christian Rivera
Are they even reusing the rockets or is it just for a show?
Gabriel Peterson
Eli Cooper
>its just a shitty one time use space ship, at least they could fight to end hunger instead of blasting off into space
There will always be hungry niggers. And unless we advance in space those hungry niggers are going to grow ever more hungry on dwindling finite resources.
Xavier Gray
once they come back, they scrap them for parts for the next mission
Eli Garcia
m8, you could put warheads in there,drop them on africa, and return the rocket to load it with more warheads to send it again. you're a moron if you can't see how this makes ethnic cleansing cheaper.
Adrian Ward
Adrian Gutierrez
Jordan Allen
Nah, NASA should just shift roles. More deep space science for now.
Jacob Parker
Yeah, they should put warheads in the fucking rockets and carpet bomb africa.
Wouldnt that be more like a 315° camera if it was pointing right?
Ayden Gutierrez
The wealthy.
Because if shit goes belly up they'll bomb the earth and flee to "heaven" temporarily.
Owen Perry
>vacations to space will happen in your lifetime thanks to the free market
Adrian Walker
It's within the circle, so it should be fine.
It's hard to see the angle of the barge. The rocket could be compensating for waves and winds.
Aaron Martinez
Wyatt Lee
To think in december, SpaceX will try to land three of those rocket at once when they use the heavy Falcon rockets configuration to launch a US military satelite into deep orbit.