Death will come

death will come


the end is near

>what did he mean by this

we are all doomed

Not if the singularity comes first.


what if you are actually immortal tho? You couldn't know until you've tried it

i'll cum first

nothing is eternal
nothing except the death
if you die you will be dead forever

well, glad for it

Oh, almost forgot that lithuania has the second highest suicide rate in the world.
My apologies.


I bet you're a Reaper main

you know the truth so stop denying it

It can't come soon enough.

>if you die you will be dead forever

Wrong, friendo.

we are just fragile mortals the death will be our first and also last

>nothing is eternal
>bla bla bla forever
learn to logic you piece of suicidal shittard


learn to read

kys already. an inferior brain such as yours doesn't need to exist anyway


can you save us?
if you can, i will obey whatever you said

can't wait haha

can't come soon enough :)))))

hurry the FUCK up

oh no, my fragile heart

sure, you must suck my dick in ordeer to become immortal
trust me

no one will be saved
no one is immune to death

Let it give the salvation I so rightfully deserve.