Name 1 thing America has ever achieved that wasn't faked in a TV studio. I'll wait

Name 1 thing America has ever achieved that wasn't faked in a TV studio. I'll wait.

Moon landing '69


Killed a bunch of losers and took their land.

Little boy and fat boy


destroying the the world trade center

Your mother.

We are working hard to kill a lot of Muslims. That’s good for everyone

Genocide of native americans

We make faggots like you obsess over us daily

your tears

Moon landing


created an entire generation of humans purpose built to destroy any hope of a good future by future generations. baby boomers are worse than niggers and faggots combined forevermore.

Building the TV studio

Defeated germany while the rest europe got ass raped by them, became superpower, witnessed fall of soviet union. Killed indians, took land. Richest nation (maybe second now actually).

I'm sure you mean fat man.

Defeated the British army twice.

that 70s show

what nagashaki was faked.

jesus christ you cant even trust america to bomb the japs corectly



Donald Trump getting inaugurated


stay mad kid
its your generations turn and as usual


demolition of the twin towers

You just won the internet

Ya beat me to it, ya mook.

Our cultural victory over the rest of the world circa 1969.

We elected a bottle of ketchup President.

Invented charity

US is 18 trillion in debt might wanna check that last one

Richest meaning total value minus total debt, and we're still first


Largest documented mass shooting that wasn't part of a political or war time effort.
>What happens in Vegas stays in vegas

let women pay taxes

you know. football and stuff.




Peanut butter.

a good president

You mean that odd hand egg version of rugby?
Football is about using your feet, only the goalie uses his hands.


Without them, the Axis powers would've won WWII, make of that what you will.
Football. (American Football for you Brits out there)
The internet, seriously, google "Arpanet"
It's not a long list, but it's a list.

>Football is about using your feet, only the goalie uses his hands.
Wouldn't wanna break one of those faggy nails

To be fair, the Soviets had a part in it. You're right though, if the US didn't get involved at the time they did, then Britain would've fallen. It's also worth noting that Japan and Nazi Germany would've eventually fought against each other if the Allied powers fell.

There's a reason why FDR and Churchill met in secret a few weeks before Pearl Harbor. If the US didn't enter the war when they did, then the Brits would be speaking German right now.

The US was the deciding factor in WWII.

This from a guy defending a game where big burly men pat each other on the ass every time they are about to start.


The USSR defeated Germany, not America.

lots and lots of this.

Think again faggot

Moon landings, ISS, bombing the japs, perfected the light bulb, wtc.


sure kid
stay mad

The lend lease act saved the world

>perfected the light bulb
Getting really good at planned obsolescence isn't perfecting a thing, it's intentionally imperfecting a thing to sell more.

Hi, I’m a 23 YO millennial trump supporter. Don’t worry about the pissed off nigger child. Ain’t worth the time

Tesla would like to have a word with you.

Enslaving the blacks

You can't even prove America exists, you massive faggot. Take your mythology back to tumblr.

The stories of HP Lovecraft

I would have never been able to summon the Elder Gods without his generous help.



the internet

You're wrong. You're implying that Germany would've fallen without the rest of the Allies and that's simply not the case. Britain and the US had moved into Germany the same time the Soviets did. All three played parts in the fall of Nazi Germany and there's no way in hell one country could've taken down the Axis powers.

Пидopaшкaм тyт нe paды, тeм бoлee пынecocaм. Cocaть пыню зa кoпeйки этo хyжe чepвя-пидopa.

Isn't that from a cutscence or trailer for Wolfenstein ?

Achieved the fattest nation in the world.

Cultural hegemony over the world via Hollywood.

You're both wrong, winter killed most of the german soldiers.
Then the soviets and the rest of the allies did the majority of the rest of the work and then America joined in acting like they were saving the day by showing up late.

Alright. In American football, the game starts with a KICKoff. Also, the highest scorers of all time are KICKers

Wrong and waste of dubs.

world control

prison rape

Sure you kick the ball from time to time, but most of the time you run around with it in your hands making the time honored tradition of "Fuck you, I'm taking my ball home" into a game.

My favorite pillow

Electing a rapist, racist, misogynist bigot for president, and don't get me started on trump... he's even worse.

Calling a sport that is known as futbol around the world as soccer

they do have a lot a fat boys too

I financial backbone at the very least the holds up to the beating of supporting a lot of the rest of the free world. GG guys, nice carry.

let me fix that for you
>Name 1 thing America has ever achieved that jealous people didn't claim was faked in a TV studio. I'll wait

>trump... he's even worse.
No he's not, he's much better at all of those things.


you're acting like america had an obligation to join the allies, which really relies on a fuckton of hindsight
before 1941 practically no one in america save for roosevelt wanted to join the war
oil embargoes and lend lease was already pushing it, and even his veep wanted to keep the us out of the war
also, the us did supply the east and west allies with a boatload of supplies with lend-lease, and took the lead in fighting the japs in the pacific--bagration and august storm wouldn't have happened without studebakers and spam

>let me fix that for you
"Fix" is a good word to use for what you did.
"Fix" as in fix a fight or horse race. Rig it to your advantage.
Don't hold your breath.

So, I'm supposed to believe that this nazi astronaut is standing right on the day/night terminator and yet his shadow is perpendicular to it and only about two times his height in length. And lets not even talk about how the earth is WAY too fucking big.

You'd have to be an idiot not to notice all the sloppy details, Morty.

Why should I? IDGAF about what you think

Well i could give that hindsight back to you user, I constantly meet Americans who think their country was the hero of WWII.
Yet you didn't join until the japanese had a go at you. Also if you look at those supplies you'll see that some of that shit also went to the nazis.
It looks more like to me, that you guys were waiting to figure out who would be the victor and then join last minute on the winning side.

Nope, the winning side would of just looked tasty

Oh, did you think that was clever? I guess not everyone has the same high standards as Murika. I mean, have you seen our studios and actors? They're clever. You're sad.

would have user.
Would've is an abbreviation of would have.

Anal sex with your mother.

moon is 2% the earth's volume, but waaah! it's too big in the sky!

France was defeated and Britain was on its knees with its capital city torn to shreds. America came in and saved their ass. Granted we came in only when provoked, but without us, we'd be speaking german.

Getting you so butthurt you made this low effort post.

>but without us, we'd be speaking Russian.
The germans were shit out of luck mostly when the americans joined.

Russians were a sad excuse for a military and the Germans were slaughtering them walking backwards (over 10 million casualties) because they didn't have enough resources to support soilders on the eastern front, mostly due to the harsh winter. And with us joining the war, the resources were even more stretched out. If Japan hadn't brought us into the war, britain would have been defeated, resources would have been relocated and russia would be no more. There's a reason Hitler didn't want to declare war on us.