Daily reminder that the United States of America is the world's sole superpower

Daily reminder that the United States of America is the world's sole superpower.

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Daily reminder. The United States of America had never won a single war without needing the help of another country.

Not one.

Civil war


I mean... he's not wrong.

At inducing heavy cringe


Er, France saved your ass. Why do you think French Canadians exists

Hahahahahahahaha jew faggot

To slowly leech the West dry having to pay for their stupid lazy asses.

>this is what americans actually believe

>needing the help of another country

Eurotrash are you serious? We've saved the the world many times over dont need your help with out our help you wouldn't be here right now.

>still president
>russian dossier proven fake
>fbi caught being anti-trump
>economic growth over 3%
>swamp slowly draining
>mainstream media proven to be fake news
>hollywood sex perverts revealed as moral hypocrites and soon to be litigated
>democrats on full defense
>republican establishment gives up fierce resistance
>supreme court rebalanced
>snowflakes melting everywhere
>arabs angry again

this is too much winning...i can't handle it...

>Civil war, France saved your ass.
Am I missing something? How did the French save America in the Civil war?

>this what retards actually believe


im clapistanian and i know we're the lowest tier shit right now

Says as a bunch of filthy Vietnamese farmers sent them packing back home.


Literally cannot wait for Trump to be impeached.

The trumpet meltdown is going to be fucking NUCLEAR


Vietnam was a stalemate due to a democrat president. We all know dems are to stupid to fight a good fight. It was a shitty uncalled for war that We had no business fighting, I'll give you that. Sure the hell did need anyone's help though.

And Denture Don runs it. He can't even read a speech without losing his teeth.

Only melt down happening is cry baby liberals atm. He won't be impeached fool. Give it up and stop crying already.

>Vietnam was a stalemate due to a democrat president.
So you didn't win then?
>It was a shitty uncalled for war that We had no business fighting
Sounds pretty fucking familiar to me, kek
>Sure the hell did need anyone's help though.
Well no, that's why you didn't win.

Daily reminder you retards elected a delusional sociopath.

>So you didn't win then?
Just said stalemate, that's not a loss or a win.
>that's why you didn't win
Um no that's because of liberal faggots.

a superpower that thinks twitter is the most advanced form of communication

>Just said stalemate, that's not a loss or a win.
Yes, I know what a stelemate is....which is why I said you didn't win.

Do you need a safe space or a puppy?

you're first point is he's still president. lol. someone can't get over the election.

the resto of that is just garbage. the dossier ain't fake, lol. you think it was a project veritas op? lol.

america really is that stupid

No, Israel is.


we used to be. times, they are a changin' nigga

What's your problem with puppers?

Yes that's one America didn't win, but yet America has never lost a war. That's all that matters! I agree with you on the 've though. We should have never stuck our nose in that one if the government didn't have the balls to see it through.


Me? Nothing, I like puppers. Unless they shit inside or steal my food when I'm not looking.

So very true.

There was also the cold war
Or the war on Iraq, what a fucking mess that was
Neither of the world wars, that was a team effort.
Wait, which wars have you won?


are libs trolled this easily?

I don't know if Trump is "still winning", but the left is definitely still losing.every day he doesn't get impeached.

>but yet America has never lost a war. That's all that matters!

god i hate when americans scramble for this as a talking point, as if it makes up for everything else that's shitty in the US

Also days since giving a shit about the rest of the world. Our government really hasn't cared about what other nations think since 1945.


We did win the Iraq war. It was post war occupation which failed.


We have never lost one. Never said anything about others being involved. The point is we have never got involved and lost a war. Yes some were messy and vn was stalemate, others we should have not been in, but with out the USA the world would be a very different map right now. I personal have respect for all countries who have stepped up to keep the world a better place.


>imagine being THIS in denial

slurp it up while you can!

Dont see any scrambling, just making apoint. Deal with your own country and stop worrying about ours.


For the record

Trump is being impeached.

The ball has already started to roll.

>was post war occupation which failed.
Thanks Obama! Liberals have no business leading the USA when at war.

Imagine being this much of a dipshit. Keep crying!

The godfather of all American liberalism presided over the entirety of World War 2 up to early 1945

USA lost the war on Vietnam and the war on drugs, and is losing the war on terrorism that USA sponsored in first place to stop the soviets

You couldn't be more wrong. But hey say what you want and just ignore the truth. Seems to be be what everybody's doing these days.

tell me the truth then

Well, he is correct on one count. If you think Osama Bin Laden didn't accomplish everything he set out to do, then you haven't been paying attention.

USA afraid of it's own shadow? Check
USA turning on itself? Check
USA international mistakes exposed? Check
Low-class American's voting against their own interest? Check.

Actually, that last one was GOP donor wish, but same thing.

Chickamunga War
Shays' Rebellion
Whiskey Rebellion
1811 German Coast Uprising
Tecumseh's War
Second Barbary War
First Seminole War
Arikara War
Winnebago War
Second Seminole War
Aroostook War
Cayuse War
Apache Wars
First Fiji Expedition
Rogue River Wars
Third Seminole War
Utah War (compromise)
Navajo Wars
Second Fiji Expedition
John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry
Paiute War
American Civil War
Yavapai Wars
Dakota War of 1862
Colorado War
Snake War
Comanche Campaign
United States expedition to Korea
Modoc War
Red River War
Las Cuevas War
Great Sioux War of 1876
Buffalo Hunters' War
Nez Perce War
Bannock War
Cheyenne War
Sheepeater Indian War
White River War
Pine Ridge Campaign
Moro Rebellion
Crazy Snake Rebellion
Border War
Bluff War
Occupation of Veracruz
Occupation of the Dominican Republic
Posey War
Tanker War

all in chronological order naturally.


The United States of America is no longer a superpower. Donald Trump has obliterated respect for the United States in the world community.

not gonna happen and the ball is not rolling at all

Vietnam was a stalemate, no win no loss cant elaborate anymore than that. Should be easy to understand.
War on terrorism was doing just fine until Obama was elected. Now that Trump is heading the military we're making leaps and bounds on this front again. I agree with you that, American powers to be funded it to start with due to the Soviet union.
The war on drugs is nothing more than a joke. It's not a real war just government trying to tell Americans what they can and can not do in their free time. Drug war is rather laughable if you ask me.

I don't think you understand that an insurgency cannot really be beaten humanely. In Vietnam, the US can win hearts and minds all they want but the Vietcong soldier who sneaks in your house at night, puts your wife and kids at gunpoint, and tells you that if you do not fight for them you will die. Another thing about insurgency is how can you win a war when the enemy combatants might decide a few years down the road that they want to fight against you. This is like cutting grass, it will always grow back. You can't just defeat all enemy combatants and win, thats not how counterterrorism works.
All that being said, I forgive your lack of knowledge and perspective because you are European. You all have your heads so far up your asses thinking your shit don't stink. Europeans love talking down on Americans but when the big bad Russians start getting aggressive, you Eurofage will come screaming like little girls to the US. Funny how now that the generation of Europeans that lived through WW2 is all dying, you see much less respect for the US.

you're damn right

Not going to disagree with you here other than Low-class American's voting against their own interest? This is up for interpretation and political ideology.



Sorry but you don't speak for the world Mr UN wannabe.


Britain had their century, then America had theirs.
This is the dawn of the Chinese century.
and there is nothing you, or the US's 893 millitary bases can do about it.

So go ask the world and tell us what they say.

1812 was the war USA definitely lost.
No others.
Vietnam was given up on at the wishes of most Americans.

No one has ever given a shit about respect. They care about NATO, how much our economy is intertwined with the world economy, and whether we're better allies than China or Russia.

If other countries have cared about us being disrespectful, they would have removed our bases from their soil decades ago. You don't have to care about respect for others when you're waving the biggest dick.

> don't think you understand that an insurgency cannot really be beaten humanely
That's just the point, war is not humane nor should we fight a war were we oblige the Geneva code if the other side doesn't. That's when you'll see a stalemate take place. If we're driven to the point of war I believe killing the enemy is fair game even if innocent have to die in the process. War is ugly and should always be the last option, but you're in it to win at that point.

>saved the the world many times over
Name a few times user

Some are for and some against. Not hard to see the truth if you're not blatantly against Trump, my friend.

>1812 was the war USA definitely lost.
Do explain

Fine good for you but get OUT of Europe and Asia


You really think the north would have won without conscripting all the irish as they came off the boats?

lets just hope that americas "super power" status lasts until 2029, if you didnt know, there really is an earth killing asteroid on course to hit earth, and yes all major countrys are working together to prevent the end of mankind, first stage was landing on a small asteroid, second stage was released afew weeks ago, "orbital defence platform" third is yet to be released, but obviously mass panic and a break down of society is real, because our chances are not good

Anyone who supports Trump is a billionaire or a retard.

I'm not arguing with you about that, I'm just saying that the public outcry would be enormous and give every other country reasons to hate on us. The world already looks for every single reason to hate the US, because it makes them feel better about their shitty situations. Also, you're right. Nobody cared when the Vietnamese or the Japanese for that matter went against the Geneva Convention (but hey, you can never go against something if you didn't sign it), but whenever a single US soldier kills one innocent civilian its news for a month

Well if I may debate about Vietnam, I still think USA lost because they were there to stop the spreading of socialism but the desmesured response, civil casualties caused by constant bombardments and the big area that USA tried to cover and fight (Indochina, Cambodjia Laos) contributed indirectly to the rise and victory of comunist guerrillas that were formed and most importantly earned the support of the people in that countries, causing the rise of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and other "Socialist Repblics" in that region right after the war.

Ww1 ww2 Korean war when the japs attacked China cant think of the name. Been keeping peace in the middle East by paying of countries like Egypt Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey and many others.
Not saying the USA is the greatest ever, but we are definitely one of the top along with Britain, France, Australia, and now Russia and China tbh.

i already know. so what?

Replied to the wrong post

Silly retarded European, the War of 1812 was Britain's Vietnam. You can't say the US lost that AND they lost Vietnam, because then you contradicted yourself. Come on, you knew that one buddy


they only left when they got tired of chasing us around the country.
Real similar to how the USA got sick and tired of Vietnam

"Australia" XD

>be Irish
>die in horrible genocide in homeland
>leave in coffin ships to avoid starvation genocide
>arrive in America
>fight in our war or die here too
>get slaughtered
>war is over
>can't get a job
>threat to our way of life
>no blacks no dogs no irish
The Irish really got railed back then


You have a point user and I agree that the USA lost the outcome it was looking for, but when it boils down to the print, the public wanted to pull out and were giving the government shit about being over there so long. So in the end we pulled out and shit went crazy.


tfw no Canada

>he repeats it to his faltering self in hopes that it may remain true
Kill yourself, neocon.


Additional observations provided improved predictions that eliminated the possibility of an impact on Earth or the Moon in 2029.