Sexism wont' end until woman start sexually harassing men

Sexism wont' end until woman start sexually harassing men

Not gonna complain if a girl randomly starts sucking my dick

same tbqhwu fampai

Take your dick out right fucking now you cucked little sissy, and just pray I don’t bite it off

can we start making this a thing?

women sexually harass men all the goddamn time, you cunts are just ugly.

lol, it's already happening thanks to the fucking cuck culture we've got going on. Apparently, I look the type to be into that shit, so I get a lot of not so subtle hints from women looking for a man slave.

that sounds really irritating as fuck too. these idiot teenagers seem to forget that hideous women sexually harass too, and you don't want Beshima Stinktits McLardass tryna rub up on you and make kissy noises with her potato chip breath and hair lip blowin on you while you're tryna eat your goddamned sandwich.

we don't?

With me it's more like 30 somethings looking to settle down with a wuss they can lord over and probably cheat on.

I am sorry you are wuss shaped. I am just fat and tall.

No, you don't. You bought that fucking sandwich you aren't gonna want to waste it by vomiting.

Wrong whites hated niggers we set them free now niggers hate whites= racism still exist..

i've been harassed by hot ones. no one believes me

get a gym membership

I believe you. Sexual harassment is not okay. Men are not animals.

you're just living up to the stereotype.

there are powerful beautiful women that do hit on mean. teachers do it all the time

the time is getting nearer!!!

the scars run deep

Melanie Martinez?

You're dreaming of a statistical anomaly, I'm explaining the most likely scenario.

They do.

Yeah, she raped Timothy Heller

lol, I don't mind being a bit small. It makes my above average dick look giant.

I want to see women rape themselves

lol buy me things and I might give you the key to your dick cage and let you touch my feet for a minute.


Wait what?


c'mon like woman don't come on to married men

The cunt is a liar, I promise you. She cheated on her boyfriend with a woman and didn't want him to know, and since Martinez actually got somewhere in music and this bitch didn't, she's doing what women fucking do and trying to ruin the more successful sexual partner to spite having lost the game.

especially ugly women.

some dumb bitch millennial thinks it has the answer to the worlds problems.
don't have to go far for the butthurt these days.

we all know a two year old picks up more pussy than a puppy will

when did your bitter ass care about the world? america first. go back to hating on those people living on welfare bc they have it better than you

Ugly pussy