How long are you supposed to ignore a girls text for?

How long are you supposed to ignore a girls text for?

I was texting a girl a lot then went silent, we would text each other all day then I just stopped. She double texted me and i gave her one reply and its been 3 days now.

3 days prob good if your trying to bee cool and not act like u want her. or just ghost her and be done with it. Atleast then you cant get called a rapist after the fact.

like a couple hours to show her you arent desperate lmao a full 3 days is a 50/50 chance she will lost complete interest. you need to show enough interest that it seems like you wanna bang, but not enough interest where it seems like you care if you bang or not. so enough to make her feel SEMI special, but not enough to make her cocky.

Move on

Mission failed, we'll get her next time.

you're not supposed ignore texts. That's all mind game bullshit.

Just be straight forward. If she gets weird move on and find a new girl. She'll either move on or come crawling back.

A little over a year works best imho

Real Men text back as soon as they see it. Also, if you do happen to be on you're phone when she texts you, reply right away and she'll know you are interested in her. Girls might be fucking crazy sometimes but they pick up on all this stuff, and don't think they wren't talking to their friends about it. If she is actually interested in you, she would really appreciate if you texted back straight away some times.

Keep in mind, you don't want to seem like you're on your phone all day. Put it down, go do something, then come back and check on it.

Alright first of know that I'm a 30 year old virgin. But here's my advice. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ullamcorper massa id commodo elementum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed non feugiat urna. Quisque eget semper metus. Phasellus vitae auctor sapien. Aenean ut auctor sapien, ut luctus ex. Aliquam sed neque quam. Aliquam fringilla fringilla fermentum. Praesent tortor ligula, lacinia in sagittis ut, vulputate id eros. Vestibulum consectetur nunc quis purus scelerisque, in pulvinar nisl tincidunt. Donec convallis leo nec sollicitudin fermentum. Phasellus dictum mollis ipsum, non fringilla nisl commodo at.

Vestibulum vestibulum nunc ac odio interdum imperdiet. Nunc convallis sapien nec libero accumsan, eu malesuada ex aliquet. Suspendisse sit amet lobortis risus, eget cursus quam. Aenean tincidunt sollicitudin massa, a finibus nunc vehicula nec. Donec ac mollis ante. Donec ultrices urna nec hendrerit auctor. Sed rhoncus semper lorem, ut vulputate magna aliquet nec. Ut eleifend, urna non luctus tristique, dolor tortor suscipit ante, in congue ipsum nisi eu nulla. In arcu sem, blandit quis faucibus id, sodales et augue.

Sed ante ipsum, rhoncus id leo a, efficitur iaculis elit. Curabitur ornare libero at mauris rhoncus molestie. In tincidunt tellus libero, ac gravida diam dapibus eget. Suspendisse potenti. Donec dictum elit a sagittis pulvinar. Mauris facilisis auctor faucibus. Vivamus eget auctor tellus, at hendrerit velit. Sed nisi augue, facilisis sit amet lorem quis, semper rutrum turpis.

confirmed virgin.

fast replies show you are desperate.

Honestly I think the whole "pretending to not see it" thing is ridiculous. I mean who is not always on their phone nowadays, only time it's more than 1 meter away from you is when swimming.

Fun fact: More people have a cell phone in the world than the number of people that have access to proper bathroom facilities.

Just don't text back and wait for her to text you. There are plenty of other bitches out there

Redicilous set of bs. Fuck off

the less you text a girl the more it shows her you have a life.

if you text a girl instantly all the time it shows you are waiting for her text and are desperate.

you want to make it seem like youre keeping yourself busy. you are the prize. not her. make her work for you.

flirt for a bit. text a lot for a day, then drop it. maybe a day or two. shell send you messages first to try to pull you back. thats when you rinse and repeat.

i fucked 3 girls by doing this. one was a "lesbian."

bitcoin is crashing at 4pm EST tomorrow

/sci/ fag here

ok you ready for some next level thinking?
me and some statistics nigs made a formula for snapchatting others and it all depends on how bad you want the person.

for example if you really want the persons you will text back the same amount of time it took for them to text you.
eg. you text at 5:05, she responds at 5:18 then you do 5:31, if she changes the interval you change with her.
this is a n:n relationship, where n is the amount of time.

other forms could be
n/2, n/3, 2n
(you text back in half the time they took, or 1/3 the time respectivly.) other forms such as 2n will give you space to breath.

notably you dont want to be on the dot with this idea you just want to get it good enought ±1 or 2 minutes. it all depends on the person too.

hope you can get it in, cause it sure as hell has worked for me

>people unironically think texting a girl instantly will make them wet
>these same people browse Sup Forums

of course.



TIP: only text her if you're about to hangout with her. Don't get into the talking through text message bullshit. It's ok to send funny pics and shit, but don't have convos via text. That shit doesn't work -> unless you're both 15

user you autistic faggot the waiting to text grills back for a long time is a cosmopolitan tier meme
The most you should wait is between 5-15 minutes, even then you shouldn't wait everytime, how do you expect a slut to still be interested in a conversation you were having yesterday

>couple of hours
This guy never fucks strange.

we texted a lot and i asked her if she wanted to hang out because we were basically sexting for a while and she said shes busy. told her to let me know when shes free.

dropped her and she double texted me.

i wouldn't recommend actively trying to ignore or pretend like you didn't see someone's texts. rather live a lifestyle that makes it difficult to be on your phone all the time. mix it up.

for example if I'm fishing i might not text my girlfriend for 4-6 hours. but if i'm at home watching hockey i'll respond real quick. but if i'm cooking dinner you might have to wait an hour sweetie

Please go kys

Yea but then in between that she found a new dick to sit on user

in a day?


You guys have no clue how to deal with women. Besides, if she was being flaky after sexting, shes not interested.

I lost nothing.

>It's ok to send funny pics and shit
How's the friend zone treating you user

Don't play games you fucking faggot.

Men and women who play games like this aren't worth your time even for a one night stand.

>in a day
Does there not exist apps where women can swipe and find dick in an hour or 2 user?
>You guys have no clue how to deal with women
Yes and I'm sure you have it all figured out coming on here asking /b for advice about women

lol no.

you're in a thread where goons are mathematically calculating how long you should take to respond. i don't condone that but instead recommend maybe going outside to actually justify why you weren't staring at your phone waiting for a response

Are you fucking retarded?

she might be busy, she might have lost intrest

I’m an oldfag almost thirty and let me tell you, don’t play stupid fucking games

If you want to text her, text her

This is a slippery slope to a cockcage

Every girl i responded to right away friendzoned me for being around too much. Im not talking about multiple messages either. 1 and 1 back and forth.

The only girls ive slept with have been ignored for a day or so.


if someone wants to meet up, they will make time. i bet you keep asking that girl you want to hang out with even though she keeps saying shes busy.

If a girl says shes busy, tell her to figure out her schedule and drop her. If she contacts you and gives you a day, great, shes interested and went above and beyond. If she doesnt, she never cared in the first place.

few days

dude you might as wel use german, we dont speak dead languages here

when you exclude india from that list it would completely different

implying i even talk to girls