Legalize prostitution. Make the punishment for groping women sterilization. Problems solved

Legalize prostitution. Make the punishment for groping women sterilization. Problems solved.

This is our only solution to America's plague of sexual harassment. Men will need an outlet for all that extra rape energy built up, and that's why need to legalize prostitution. Unite the Center. America 2020. Let's get this on the ballot.

just deport jews and minorities

Nah I say make groping women 100% legal. Just touching a woman doesnt hurt her. Its more emotionally damaging to a guy when he never gets to touch a woman or be touched that it is for a woman to be touched. being touched is actually a good thing. The average guy would gladly be touched by the majority of women.

It should actually be illegal for women to refuse being touched by men.

>Legalize prostitution. Make the punishment for groping women sterilization.

IOW, give rich people all the sex they want and sterilize all poor people. great idea idiot.

OK good point, government assisted sex slave robot concession, or hooker tax brackets. poor people pay very little, rich people purchase sessions at high prices. STD checks monthly. Condoms required.

except the sex robot, no condoms required

Hmm, prostitution can be considered a medical service, possibly classified as a therapy, and be paid for by universal health-care paid for by taxes. This is actually an awesome idea.

However, sterilization for groping is a huge over-reaction. Perhaps if sex therapy was accessible to all, sterilization could possibly be an appropriate response to actual rape. But I do not see how it could possibly be justified to do that just for groping.

Maybe if someone is convicted of grossly unwelcome and inappropriate groping, they could have their sex therapy rights suspended for a time, and only if they end up raping someone do they actually get sterilized

If they legalize prostitution, what kind of Amazon Prime perks would you get?

>plague of sexual harassment
>Make the punishment for groping women sterilization
fucking hell, this is throwing a nuke at a termite infestation. and unless women wear body cams 24/7 its totally unenforceable FAIRLY.


>vindictive bitches wouldnt have men they dislike sterilized left & right on their word alone, with no actual groping having occured
youre either a feminazi or have no actual experience with real women to any significant degree.

Back to /r9k/ where you came from you fucking loser

>rape energy

nah, hes right. stick it under the legalized prostitution banner & set up a fees system, more expensive the more attractive a woman is. of course going into the negatives for 3s & below, who should have to pay to have a man touch them.

now thats a mountain dew blend theres a market for
fuck gamer fuel

>molest a 2 on the tram
>she has to pay me for the privilege of me touching her
this is truly one of the best possible futures

And you have evidence of these claims where?
Are they on video?
A photo?
Unsubstantiated claims you say?

This is just a smear campaign by the feminist union and should be considered as such.

Also, statute of limitations on all these so called "incidents"


eating meat supports the torture and brutal murder of innocent lives. this is a billion times worse than touching a womans booby.

people who eat meat should be sterilized. with the possible exception of women used as breeders to mass spread the genes of vegetarian men


Also yesterday I had Cowboy steak. Tonight I Japanese fish, and tomooro I'm having deep beef stew.

you're literally worse than a rapist.

I know this is bait BUT

I've been groped god knows how many times.

If you're a handsome guy with any female employees they grab your ass.
It's just how it goes.

Agreed on the first point, prostitution is strongly resisted because ut eliminates women's primary source of piwer and control over men. If you could get good, clean, different pussy whenever you wanted for an agreed upon price, why would you put up with some nagging, bloodsucking skank who takes half your wealth when you can't stand her anymore?

Second, rapists deserve fucking death, and gropers deserve harsh sentences too, but it's hard to prove, and prosecuters might reduce charges just to keep conviction rates up.

I love deep beef stew. The deeper the better.

But it is part of the "America Fuck Yeah!" Meme
Assaulting women is a sign of manhood and dare

>plague of sexual harrassment
You mean plague of weaponized accusations?

Make the punishment for wrongly accusing someone of sexual misconduct the same as for actual rape.

You all love to play the fucking victim.

>If you're a handsome guy with any female employees they grab your ass.
That would be heaven. Grope away.


OK, so let's not castrate them.

But yes, prostitution should be a medical service, at the very least a mental and physical health boost which is good for society in general. Amerifats need more sweaty sex. These call girls would be trained professionals.


you have your own employees?

This future could be ours. Rape fantasies come true. Nobody gets hurt. Everybody wins.

>Make the punishment for wrongly accusing someone of sexual misconduct the same as for actual rape.



Only in trailer parks, Ohio, and Florida. OK and most of the south.

It's a woman's right to choose. She can rub my back as a massage, but can rub my dick with her vag. Fuck the moral bible thumpers. Marriage would be non existent if whores where legal. It's a victimless crime

There is no distortion. The fuck are you complaining about?

done. it's more important to avoid false positives. gropees would need conclusive evidence like video and would have to follow a legal process. false negatives will happen once in a while, but if several women have video or photo evidence, eventually they'll be caught. maybe not castrate them, but mandatory sentences.



Why am I complaining about your cancerous use of a lossy image format with disgusting artifacts used on a black and white image when you could be using a lossless format that would have no artifacts and probably use less space and did I mention it was lossless?

Are you being serious right now?