Really makes you think

Really makes you think.

Other urls found in this thread:

internet and porn literally stopped many men's willingness to procreate in its tracks

About what? That people aren't hiring young people for the sake of the job security of a majority population? Population booms are like that.

>boomers are mad that millennials aren't buying their homes at ridiculous prices.

If I could afford to move out I would. Too bad I can't afford to rent AND loan repayments.

the rents to Damn high

They better hit the streets and protest for more mass immigration. That will fix it.

The more terrifying thought is what will happen in 20 years when all the Gen X's begin to retire, yet the Millennials won't have much in the way of jobs.

There's going to be a job hole the size of Texas.

>Move out
>rent is 1800 a month
>move back home
>rent is 500 a month
>mummy cooks me dinners every night

>have a 30 year "real estate secrets" investment circlejerk
>Send all production of anything to Bangladesh
>Any on shore jobs are given to undercutting migrants and skilled are filled with undercutting H-1B

I have my own place in another state from my parents, but that's all horseshit from them.

Society spends all of its time telling young men that they're evil, sexist, racist, mysogynistic monsters who are the responsibility of all of the worlds problems. And then they wonder why they're depressed and don't want to deal with the real world.


Post, Best

X will be in the work for 30-40 more years, your crazy if you think they are out in 20.

>Kids these days just need to be born in the early 1950's that's what I did.



Also multi-generational households were sort of normal in the past. People have no real choice but to cohabitate or move back in with their folks. It's sort of needed now to help pay the bills.

people should celebrate having tight knit family units, not shame people who maintain them. i hate this trend and I wish that I could live with my parents.

Gen X began around 1965. They're up there in age and nearing the retirement age.

We just had this thread, but the answer is still the same.

Boomers are working at walmart and target and other shit now. X is still waiting for the damn boomers to get the fuck out. Were entering the age of working until 80. Its sad.

Im gone 2 days and come back to all these really makes you think threads

what i miss?
i'm lost

>women are brassy sluts
>the job market is shit
>degeneracy everywhere
>white males demonized by Hollywood, academia, etc.
>adult white males have highest suicide rate of any demographic
>demoralizing cuck bullshit relentlessly propagated in advertisements and Hollywood
>brain-numbing medication handed out to young children who become hooked
>few women willing to settle down
>unfair divorce laws for men

Hurr why won't they just man up?

The invasion of bernouts.


I moved back home cause my Dad got cancer. He ended up dying and now I feel bad leaving my Mom all by herself. I'm saving up now to move out though, my brother had a kid and that's given her something to focus on.
Here is the link because OP was to much of a FAGGOT to provide it.


I just think it's smart. Why get a loan for a house that would put you in debt for more then half of your life when you can save up and invest into your parents house when they die.

I'm co-owner of my house with my mom and I really don't give a shit. I'm not going to spend extra money just to be socially acceptable to a few cock carousel riders.

I'm 23 and I don't have parents to live with.

i wasn't around for the last thread
what were the typical replies?

It's not porn or internet.

The problem has existed throughout the ages, it's just now that it's become highlighted in the public eye. Also, less people own farmland, so NEETs can't just sit in a farm and call themselves farmers anymore.

sorry to hear that bro

I live with my mom because she's sick and can't live on her own.

I pay the bills, but get lumped in with these other losers.


Can we institute the Jim Rome Show rule of banning anyone who says parents basement as an insult?

tfw getting kicked out of parents house even though I pay $1000 in rent for just my single room. Then another $250 a month in food and gas while going to school full time AND working fulltime.
All because I dont like talking to them and just want to spend time in my horribly overpriced room.
Now I get to do the exact same, just in a strangers room Im not comfortable with.
Fuck Boomers

Concern for what?

that's not how that works, you dipshit
most people don't fuck to have kids they fuck to fuck the kids are an oops that just happens

fuck, that was probably good

Can't afford it m8

Get the Jews to stop hiking rent prices and we will talk


>tfw getting kicked out of parents house even though I pay $1000 in rent for just my single room
Nigga they were charging to you that much to make you move out

Pretty much this.

Online gaming has replaced real life human interaction and made men and some women content to be mouth breathing wastes of space.

>can't hold down a job

Going to school in the fall though so I'm hoping I'll turn this last shitty decade around

Jew bankers won't lend out money they don't have for over priced houses.

Christ man...

Feminism is killing white man.


How about going to a trade school? Are you in school hoping for the best or you have sense of direction?

But I'm not.

Although, living in my parent's basement got me through college without resorting to loans, so that's a huge plus. It's the whole reason I was able to make my way alone with my shitty construction job until I put my science degree to work.

I only moved out so I could bring girls home, to be honest.

Where the fuck do you live that rent is $1000

In some parts of the country you can a single-bedroom for $500 and under.

If you can't afford living in your state, move to the midwest. That's what it's for: underachievers who gave up on their dreams.

Ever since my dad moved out I've had to do all the shit that he did. My mom is pretty dumb even though she went to college and I don't think she could survive on her own. When I came home from college she had me do a ton of shit for her. I don't mind, it's cheap to live here and I get free food and live near my friends.
Moving out seems like a waste of money. Some of my friends have graduated already and moved back in to look for work in the mean time.

sorry to hear that mate, hope youre alright

High level of niggertry there, sir.

rent around me would be 900-1000 a month

living at home? free

easy choice

>he pays rent

Whata stupid fucking article, it was the length of like two posts here.

This and social changes have made many women overvalue themselves. Not to mention changes in the economy, job market, and wait for it...something that never gets mentioned.

Legal System: Drivers license surcharges in Texas, huge fines and fees for those the productive members of society while degenerates with no jobs will just serve it out in jail adding to their "rep".

Whereas 20-30 years ago after school fights and underage drinkers were seen as "boys being boys" and "kids being kids" many cops now treat this shit waaaay to seriously because of organizations like MADD which boohoos and cherry picks examples where a slap-on-the-wrist resulted in someone getting hurt or dying.

My grandfather used to tell me about how he and his friends would have amateur drag races on Saturday nights (mid 50s) and the cops would show up, block the road for them, and even place bets among each other on who would win.

As soon as 25 years ago the principle of my school would have boys settle shit with boxing gloves in front of everyone if they both agreed.

>inb4 don't do the crime if you wont do the time

its getting out of hand and people are being permanently fucked for childish mistakes made early in life.

We are creating generations of cucked pansies who cry when they are bullied instead of fighting back and those that are man enough to defend themselves are punished and branded.

Unless of course they are good boys who dindu nuffin and are trying to get the lives back on track because in an "oppressive system".


Daddies boy\girl from the right family who cant get in trouble no matter what he does.

>the retirement age.

A decent number of boomers aren't retiring at retirement age, in a few generations of this the ability to find work will skip an entire generation.

I'm not a basement dweller but you have to ask, why leave?

To them, women today aren't worth the trouble, steam is fun, and their parents have no problem with it.

I want to move in with user and user's mom

Live in parents' basement
Don't pay rent
Receive $500 a month I use on games, anime figs and beers

It will have to end one day, but I want to live like this forever.

A car costs as much as a house did in the 80s, a house is now $500k+ for anything nicer than a dilapidated shithole in niggertown.

You sound like me a year and a half ago. I hit rock bottom - dropped out, alcoholism, depression, anxiety, the works.

I turned it around. Just graduated, and applying to graduate school now while working. Take little steps at a time and try not to focus on everything at once. That'll make you discouraged and you'll fall back into deep depression.

Some unsolicited advice: find a solid lifting plan and stick to it. It gives you discipline, self-confidence, and (in my case anyway) makes you less likely to binge. Binging kills gains.

Also, if you feel like reading a very helpful book that isn't New Age trash, pick up Marcus Aurelius's Meditations.

I fucking wish.

Modern gaming is nothing more than nigger shit.

I could've forever lived in a basement back in the early 2000s playing Tibia and UO.

i hate my parents, but i have to live with them because i can't find a job and rent is a killer
i hate this shit but what can you do
i at least like my brothers

>Don't get hired because you didn't qualify for the diversity quota
>Banging a girl is dangerous because they can scream rape a few days later and get you arrested if you did something they thought was wrong
>Get stuck working some shit job with no real hope of moving up or making more money
>Boss can yell in your face and fire you whenever he feels like because you can sue for discrimination
>Get yelled at for having white privilege and living life on easy mode

I live in the midwest were it's almost all whites being assholes to good people who are stuck in the same position. Is there a rundown building that if I knock 4 times and slip a redvine under the door, there is a white club were piles of money and free hookers?

Why should I move out of my parent's house when:
-The costs of rent are way too high
-The only place I can afford is full of Mexicans playing ranchero music all day.
-Women are whores. There is no way I'd risk getting married and moving in with a woman when she has the right to steal half my money in a divorce and enslave me for life.
-I'd have to work my ass off just to afford a shitty apartment, and then have no time to enjoy any of my money.
Fuck all that, I'd rather just live with my parents. MAYBE I could move out after Donald Trump fixes things with the job and housing markets. But I don't think he'll do much about making marriage fairer.

keep telling yourself that your internet, porn,and video game addiction isn't keeping you from fucking that 10/10

bumping this.

left them back in Zimbabwe?

This is common with Hispanics. Most live with their parents until they start a family.

Living with parents because it is hard to get a job for what I went to college for. Plus my bro and my mom are out of work while my dad is on the road as a trucker. Bro fractured his ankle and my mom ripped out her ACl and tore her meniscus. So i am helping take care of them.

Rent is too high
No good paying full time work
Houses are too expensive

But we're lazy

Enjoy me paying for your social security you fucking boomers

>Tfw living in your own house and can pull your dick out when and wherever you want

feels good.

This is how it was for a long time anyways. My uncle and his family lives in the same house my great grandpappy lived in. It's just been passed down through the generations. Outside of utilities it's basically free to live there right now.

mexican intellectual here, can confirm this is very solid advice

Use the time you have without financial burden to prepare yourself. Otherwise you will be doubly fucked.

>Those God. Damned. Mother. Fucking. Youth-sapping, food stamp using, video game playing, child porn watching, useless oxygen theif manlet NEETS are at it again! They truly everything wrong with this world and not the people who had an easy ride and destroyed everything, then gave birth to these pieces of shit as their magnum opus of society killing genius.

How many more fucking threads are we going to have about this? This is the future you chose. Adapt or die.

let's just go to thailand and fuck whores and make money off the internet

That sounds pretty amazing.

killed by Muslims?

What don't these retards understand that rent is too god damn high and wages are too god damn low?

Are they retarded?

>Is there a rundown building that if I knock 4 times and slip a redvine under the door, there is a white club were piles of money and free hookers?
whites with more than $3 million have it very nice. everything is basically free when your investment income is close to your expenses.

.... bro you can get a honda cheap and you can get one hell of a house for less than 500k...

>tfw no dickhead gf

True, my sister just moved out. She has a good job; however she's single. My mom almost freaked the fuck out because she moved out just to move out of the house.

because our idiot parents won't put a will because you'll kill them for their house and the whole thing will get scrapped in probate leaving you with a whopping 10K

Shouldn't that be "...stuck in their parents' basements" if we're talking about millennials?

yeah but then you gotta go to thailand

I'm 32 and am single and haven't bought a house. For women they're whores and psychos. My ex got married and had a kid the guy she married had a stroke at 35. For houses the math just doesn't work for expensive houses and cheap houses are really crappy and bad for your health.

living the dream, mate

I personally hate having to work full time and go to school full time, plus remember all the bills and their due dates.

Sure it gives me a boost of confidence when my parents are like, "We're proud of you, you're the only one that hasn't had to move back in after highschool or ask us for help in any way."

But I would trade that boost of confidence for the do-nothing NEET life any day. I hate the daily grind.

It is amazing. One of my best friends went to an amazingly expensive college in our area, almost a full ride due to the fact that he is a brilliant bastard and was hard working in High School.

So he's an engineering student living in the Honors houses on campus. Throws parties every once in a while. One time the cops show up, not the campus police, but the city police from the shithole of a city the campus is next to. They're not out busting drugs, not stopping all the murders, they bust a party of college kids because "they could hear the music from the street", although one cop when asked what was wrong responded "I don't know, ask the other guy"

This ends with two law students, an engineer, and a scientist with a misdemeanor on their record that sure as shit shows up whenever someone looks into them

>Baby boomers sucked out all the wealth for the next 3 generations
>old people still demand free shit and bloated pensions
>Old people flooded the country with immigrants and brainwashed libarals to want the same


Can write this shit.

>New Age trash

Who the fuck cares? What is ANYONE going to do about it? Drag us out? To what end?



I make 81k/yr and I still live at home.

How old are you?