How do we fix sweden?

You can't. It's over. Whites are finished

Tamils are a superior race, I wish we had millions of them of Argentina. I approve of these relationships.

They seem pretty happy and not criminal. I don't see the problem?

European > black african > MENA >>> american blacks

Tamils are poos you retard

looks like an upstanding guy who speaks good swedish and has a friendly and self conscious demeanor

What a shit skin......

Are swedes into CHIs?

how do you even find this stuff

Omg She is cute.

i like this

>wipe my screen
>the dots are still on the woman

Why is white """"people""""'s skin so gross?

African indian?

Sup Forums

He's Dravidian

Are swedish women really that easy?


>Fix Sweden

I don't know, I guess they have to vote democratically for a clown for dictator for life to fix their impoverished country where an ambassador gets killed in a museum.

Fugg I'd understand an attractive shitskin but this dude

Keep posting my Turkish friend.

fuck off spic

at this point, i feel like swedes do this on purpose

like, i can understand them fucking with niggers, they are usually with good bodies, huge dicks and act more alpha than your averahe swedish "male", but holy shit, this guy looks like your average repulsive poo in loo and on top of that is a fat fuck

I just can't grasp how people don't want their child to look like them...

I'm want my children to look white and italian like me.

I don't get it. If you're going to go for Indians you might as well go for the lighter-skinned ones but what's the point in the dark as night nigs. Might as well go for a real nig.

Maybe the personality>face meme is true. Women aren't as artificial as men desu.

isn't it haram to swear on Ramadan?

>Women aren't as artificial as men desu.

He isn't wrong tho


Swedish men are probably more effeminate

That has to be the only reasonable explanation

>Maybe the personality>face meme is true.
Not true.

>Women aren't as artificial as men desu.

Most women (not always but most) who are like this have huge emotional problems or father issues. I don't know why but a woman's father is pretty much her world, if daddy was too distant or indifferent then there's nothing you can do to stop her hitting the self-destruct button.

Is she dating that guy or something?

Hey look it's the Bulgarian cuck

>cumskins are this mad at a healthy relationship between two people with different skin tones

They are actually. They just prefer to see you as an atm rather than a sex object.

Women were designed to go for caregivers you fedora wearing autists

Idk like said he seems like a decent bloke.

Wow he is a real shitskin holy shit..

what the fuck is that shit on the plate
>swedish ''''''''''food'''''''''''

the kid is like fuck my life

Goddam that nigga is ashy as shit. LOTION

>white and italian

updooting this comment

Mesi is a mestizo

Weird how the kid isn't very dark