Who here unironically relates to this song? pls no bully

Who here unironically relates to this song? pls no bully

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uh like go to the karaoke night at tha bar and they all relate

dave chappelle has drunkenly covered this song numerous times

>chooses creep out of all of the edgy radiohead songs

no I mean the actual song and lyrics spergo

In 7th and 8th grade I was extremely depressed and lonely and Radiohead, especially this song, Smashing Pumpkins, and Modest Mouse were like all I listened to. Creep still makes me tear up as I do relate heavily to the lyrics. I've always felt like such a shitty person, such a low life loser outcast, and a "creep". I still hate myself very much but my taste has evolved a lot since then, though Modest Mouse are still and forever will be one of my favorite bands

you faggots should honestly just kill yourselves already

nah dawg hbu stop being an asshole kthnx

Unironically am planning on it soon. My life at this point is just a waste of time and the only reason I'm alive is because I don't want to make my family sad. I lost all my friends recently leaving me with nothing. Probably just gonna give up


No, please don't; you can't just yet. Even your friends, who've abandoned you, would severely miss you if you die, if they are your true friends at all. It sounds corny and trite, I know.

But do this: if you still feel bad about yourself, at least wait out the rest of the year. Finish it off with the best things you've ever experienced, the very best life you wanted to have. But if you still hate life, I understand. At least end it with a heart full of contentment, instead of malice.


Is this supposed to be tough love or something? Its supposed to scare people straight?

People hate creep?

Sure it's overrated but why hate it?

I mean I had Radiohead in general but creep is one if the few songs I can gullet

What the hell is wrong with you? Imagine if he were your brother, would you still laugh at him now?

reddit is thataway

look how cool and edgy you are, oh wait you arent even.

>having empathy for others = redditfag
If I hadn't said , I would tell you to go tap yourself in the head with a .44. People like you don't deserve to have a heart.

not even trying to be, im just surprised how melodramatic you all are
sorry im not interested in attention whores

So why are you posting? For attention ?

because im bored and theres nothing good on my other boards atm

hmmm, a good way to Alleviate boredom is to get some attention. Good idea.

Not him but this seems really logic

HMU on these, senpai. I posted on these.

i dont normally come here so i dont know if being ~sadbois~ is part of your guys' thing but its really jarring
i want to insult your music taste and you take it personally, really reddity

i made the primus thread lol

Im pretty sure you came in this thread attacking people, not their music tastes

wasnt expecting everyone to be such a faggot

Of course I do
Of course almost all of Sup Forums does
Musicians and music “fans” are often betas and/or self conscious about shit

used to when I was beta as fuck.

Oh god. Were you the one who replied to my bad word?

I don't think anyone here is that pathetic. Or should I use the word stupid?

yknow, im not surprised in the slightest that someone that gay is also the poster who wrote something like(i am legally required to check those dubs though)

Can I ever win?

take the stick out of your ass

How do you react to homos in RL?

>interacting with people irl
why are you here
and do you even know what it means to have a stick up your ass

I thought I did when I was 15

Yes, it's a double entendre implying homosexuality and an uptight, irritant behavior. You posted that because of the seriousness of my first few comments and my apparent inability to let loose and not take things so seriously. And I just asked because I was curious. Thank you in advance. :)

Hey man, please don't. I don't know you or your life or your problems, I can't guarantee that it will get better, but you gotta hold on cause killing yourself is such a pussy move. Keep your head up, try to get yourself out of the mess and work towards becoming better. Good luck mate. If you need help, 8002738255

are you, perchance, gay?
if so, are you, perchance, a bottom?
if not, are you, perchance, into femdom?

sorry user, i only relate to it ironically

No. I am not. However, some of my friends are. Okay?

>are you, perchance, into femdom?
I'd prefer not to say. This is an anonymous website, amirite?

men who want to get dommed by women are literally more beta that gay twinks

Sendin' dick pics... :D

Hey, successfully killing yourself is no pussy task

I've been on Sup Forums for maybe like a year and a half now and I feel like it's 90% normal people and 10% le Sup Forums is edgier than reddit people and y'all are honestly are the worst part of this website

rude! I'm not gay ok?

The best version:

>a year and a half now
Now this is just depressing

You got that backwards lol

I don't pretend to be here a long time but it's not like I'm missing anything

I don't

you aleady missed a lifetime my dude

If thats really true than this fucking website is turning into rebbit...

You really are
I'm not gonna pretend I've been here for that long but there was a definite drop in quality like ~2 years ago

I visit a few boards here and certain subs on Reddit pretty much equally. Reddit is a lot "nicer" but Sup Forums isn't that far off when people aren't trying too hard

Every normie feels like they relate to the song but the truth is that they don't. like at all. The song specifically antagonizes them

Everyone always says that about ever forum/website. I've seen it thousands of times and someone will always reply saying it's always been this way

Sup Forums's usage did roughly double during the 2016 election season, and it's not surprising that that's when the quality really dropped

everyone on this website, thats who.

You know that feel when you missed a day of school? Know imagine missing 12 entire years of school.

>I hurt myself today....

I was on here before trump ran for president. Not sure where that puts me maybe I was wrong about how long I've been here. Regardless people tend to remember the good parts and forget all the lame shit which you think is the problem now
What the hell are you talking about dude

>You know that feel when you missed a day of school?
I had a solid 40 day absence rate every year in high school, still had a 3.7 GPA kek.

>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who haven't been on Sup Forums since the noughties


when you miss a day of school you feel like you missed a lot. you said you only been on Sup Forums the past 1.5 years and Sup Forums started in 2003

Trump announced in June 2015, which is over 2 years ago
But even taking into account idealizing the past, it's really undeniable that there has been a decline in quality. My main boards have become totally shit

Sup Forums is good and /fa/ is pretty dece imo. I got sick of /lit/ but idk if there was a quality drop. Regardless, you and I are having some sort of discussion here instead of calling each other fags and telling everyone to kill themselves. Am I still wrong to say that most people on this website aren't constantly trying to be edgy

Yeah but there's certainly no reason to be so upset over some causticity
And /lit/ has declined precipitously, hardly anyone reads books there anymore

>when you miss a day of school you feel like you missed a lot.
maybe if youre retarded

>Sup Forums

cancerous alt-normie crossposter

I'm not upset i just got baited into replying to that Sup Forums is so dark and edgy rhetoric. I agree about /lit/ though I just read from their top 100 list and stay away from the board

maybe if you're...not retarded. faggot.

lol what boards do you post to then? You are here

It just stands out to me that if someone makes a melodramatic post about killing themself and I post "lol", someone actually gets annoyed

that particular combination screams cancer. probably one of those faggots that unironically posts in 'cigarette and tea' threads

I think you were trying too hard and that bothered me. I don't know what's confusing about that or what to say about it

Nope not me. What boards do you post to? is what I actually asked you tho

I mean these responses

Used to lmao

Yeah I see where they're coming from but it's a little much

I thought summer was over, kid.

>>I thought everyone here was as emotionally stunted as me

The post.

go back to rebbit.
Yes this really is the go back to rebbit meme again.

my brother killed himself

ive been here for like three years

so lol?

*as in so would you reply lol to that?


I said this was my favorite song to people freshman year of hs. I cringe so hard so hard in retrospect.