When will Sup Forums admit Dave Grohl is an amazing drummer?
When will Sup Forums admit Dave Grohl is an amazing drummer?
David Ghoul is a shitty drummer
rated r is their best album
nope. He's a phenomenal drummer
People don't rip on him because of his skills in drums, it's because he is the epitome of the annoying "rock is king and new music is trash" mindset.
He is, his drumming on some of the songs Songs for the Deaf (especially A Song for the Dead) are a big part of what make them great.
I don't see what's annoying about speaking the truth. You're a faggot or something?
t. brainlet
You can't call people faggots anymore, Dad
Kurt hated his drumming, especially for the unplugged when they needed drums at a reasonable volume
t. never listened to Nirvana unplugged
Hes a great drummer, but hes not goat tier like so many people proclaim.
The thing that annoys people about is his arrogance, as well as diverting from his drumming to be the face of his safe rock shitty band
he's really good but not even the best drummer in post-grunge, Greg Eklund of Everclear was better
When he becomes an amazing drummer
He was good on honey bucket by melvins
im not watching fucking 9 minutes...
where exactly is he phenom in this?
dave's astoundingly solid.
not sure hes an amazing drummer tho
>diverting from his drumming to be the face of his safe rock shitty band
yeah that's the main problem, dude really should've just stick with QOTSA as their drummer.
watch from 8:00 onwards
Oops, this was meant for
I got to 903
just don't see it bb
dave grohl is one of the drummers of all time
hi every1 im david!!!!! *holds up drum stick*
fuck dude he sure is
Even he doesn't think he's a great drummer, just says he likes to hit hard.
yes he is
He's ok. Nothing real special tbqh.
I always thought that Kurt only hated him for being a stupid chad. There's this old video of the band on a first class flight and Dave is talking about how that school retard beat up a kid in his old school and Kurt is just listening to him with this disdain and not giving a single fuck while Dave thought it was the funniest thing in the world.
give me a link to this interview i dont believe ive ever seen it.
>There's this old video of the band on a first class flight and Dave is talking about how that school retard beat up a kid in his old school and Kurt is just listening to him with this disdain and not giving a single fuck while Dave thought it was the funniest thing in the world.
Sounds like Kurt is the Chad.
Not pretending to be interested in what people are saying is total Chad behavior.
The only thing that would make it Chaddier is if at the end Kurt mocked Dave's inability to interest him.
Dave sounds like the "please notice me senpai" type
Dave almost wasn't allowed to play that show because he was too heavy handed.
As soon as Sup Forums admits that the foo fighters are better than Nirvana.
Here it is
i like all nirvana songs.
i don't like all foo fighter songs.
my opinion is better than everyone elses so that means nirvana is better than foo fighters
can't argue with this logic
This. Except my opinion is actually better than his, and I like all FF songs and no Nirvana songs.
>Top 10 anime plot twists
>amazing drummer
That title is reserved for people like pic related
that's cause he was trying to play with normal sticks instead of hot rods or brushes
his drumming on Them Crooked Vultures is pretty dope though...
This and his drumming on No One Knows by QOTSA is peak...
That's about as good as he gets, but I personally consider this amazing so
>all those normies in the crowd just standing there as if it's their fucking daughter's first recital
When will Sup Forums admit Dave Abbruzzese is the superior drummer?