One of these threads, rate others

one of these threads, rate others

Other urls found in this thread:

Check out Dalek

I don't condone rapists

Learn to separate the art from the person.


Check out Downy

>Remain In Light
Good stuff. Gotta love how experimental the Talking Heads project was.

inb4 dadrock

Check out The Delgados

Thanks, doing that now.

Hey, thanks a bunch - these guys are right down my alley.
Usually it's like "check out what *I* like" on the internet but this time you've really helped me out.

Sup Forumscore but good
+1 for gkmc


4 Sup Forumscore albums I have never actually listened too. Nice.


Are you me

Recent listenings
Unrelated to your pic but are you liking the Sarcofago album I recommended a while ago to you
Remain in Light is one of the few Sup Forumscore albums I like
Nothing wrong with DSotM


GKMC always spinning


I assume we're doing favorite albums ever and not what we're listening to recently since there isn't a ton of brand new stuff and a lot of classics in people's posts. In which case, I know preferring Brian Wilson Presents to Sessions is a hot take, but I genuinely enjoy listening to it more.

>but I genuinely enjoy listening to it more

I'm and this is my 4 most recent listens

Just naturally feels more complete and less disjointed. A number of songs are more fleshed out. Some people think it sounds too polished, but to me it doesn't sound TOO anything. For what it is, the production feels completely natural honestly.

>lamb lies down on broadway

this is the first time i've seen anyone else on here share my opinion on that, i enjoy the smile sessions and even own it on vinyl, but always preferred the brian wilson version

Recent listening. V isn't up yet so I posted Primary Colours instead



recent bops







++ Demon Days +Aphex Twin
+ Pallbearer
Pretty good, check out Multi-Love by UMO for something like currents


++ kendrick, queens
we could be best friends i think
+ pet sounds
+see above
+++ maggot brain, havent heard currents in ages.
my boi
+ for best pink floyd album
+ for best death grips,+ also shoegaze
+ good taste
+ talking heads

+ariel pink
great taste
++dj shadow, check out sneaker pimps




underrated bowie album desu
check out It'll All Work Out in Boomland

+Caravan +TVU

La La Land ost is incredible




You had me till blurry face.


i like your taste


>Love You To
>I'm Only Sleeping
>Tomorrow Never Knows
Good shit on that record I actually enjoy it more than Sgt. Pepper.



meme school