Good night sweet prince

Good night sweet prince

Oh shit. Didn't know he was Canadian!

A fellow Canucker?

Got a source? This info seems shaky

What you did there- I see it.

second time today. fuck off OP you massive fucking faggot


Wasn't he almost a professional Hockey player? But chose to go into acting instead?



I'm a bit shaken up about this.. rest in rip

goodnight OP


>Good night sweet prince

Clint Eastwood died? Fuck.

Say what you will about Michael J. Fox, but he sure as fuck gave one Hell of a handjob.

hold down F11 for a more realistic looking picture

That was a hell of a shot. Way to go Matt Damon!

Clint Eastwood? Whut kinda stupid name izzat?

He wanted to shake things up

oh shit not Calvin Klein

kek, underrated poast

I was thinking of selling the his autograph on ebay I should be able to made a fuck ton of cash.

go fuck off queer. and dont forget to kill yourself.

Double Sixx's logged