Can we just post cute pics of Björk?
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My kind of thread.
80's Bjork was really cute.
Some topless if you'd like.
>that arch
>those eyes
My waifu
Mature bork best bork
I wonder who took these
lol he wished
Need another fanfic desu
Best post
Good thread, lads.
Posting best Bjork
But she ain't messin with no broke nigga
Surprised this hasn't been posted yet.
Why is this giving me a boner
what would it be about?
Because that photo is from Brazil
Having sex with pregnant Bjork and her letting you suck on her breasts until she lactates afterward.
always watching over me
kill yourselves
Nice, one of my favorite shoots of her. Do you have the one where she's laying down wet?
>bjork wn grind on your dick like that
Why do I continue to suffer?
nope I wish, just those two, the back side has some promo info for Telegram
user very rude something is wrong with u
Cool. When did you get them?
just got them last week from some guy on eBay for $20, there's some floating around online for sale
>something is wrong with u
other way around
still not asking for it
What did he mean by this?
>mfw i wrote half of the last one
anyone got a link to it? i've lost it
thank mate
yes asking for it
give this a read while you're at it
one i wrote a little while back
>Can we just post cute pics of Björk?
No, because this isn't /s
Go Back to
not bad user, that was a good read
i only wrote cause of that one user who chipped in, you can see it in the second line
it was all me from that point though
what a beauty
not many women age as well as she did
He's looking at us..
You missed someone..
Amazing. Everyone give it up for Thom Bjork and the Radioheads!
this isn't cute my friend it's lewd
wtf when was bork a 12 year old boy??
This is a p good chart.