Just Monika

Just Monika.

Just Monika.

Just Monika.

Just Monika...

A little bit of Monika in my life.
A little bit of Monika by my side.
A little bit of Monika is all I need.
A little bit of Monika is what I see.
A little bit of Monika in the sun.
A little bit of Monika all night long.
A little bit of Monika here I am.
A little bit of Monika makes me your man.

natsuki is better

Op here, that is amazing.
The image is to you.
There is only Monika here.

>tfw you'll never have a waifu that delete's people out of reality to be with you.

Why live?

literally anybody is better then monika delete her free us


I wont, if anything i can only hope for someone like obsessive Yuri. which i would totally be okay with.
why would I free us from perfection?

nowhere near perfection but all jokes aside the game is great and all girls are great

Oh definately. I highly enjoyed it.


A rotating wheel. Turning an axle. Grinding. Bolthead. Linear gearbox. Falling sky. Seven holy stakes. A docked ship. A portal to another world. A thin rope tied to a thick rope. A torn harness. Parabolic gearbox. Expanding universe. Time controlled by slipping cogwheels. Existence of God. Swimming with open water in all directions. Drowning. A prayer written in blood. A prayer written in time-devouring snakes with human eyes. A thread connecting all living human eyes. A kaleidoscope of holy stakes. Exponential gearbox. A sky of exploding stars. God disproving the existence of God. A wheel rotating in six dimensions. Forty gears and a ticking clock. A clock that ticks one second for every rotation of the planet. A clock that ticks forty times every time it ticks every second time. A bolthead of holy stakes tied to the existence of a docked ship to another world. A kaleidoscope of blood written in clocks. A time-devouring prayer connecting a sky of forty gears and open human eyes in all directions. Breathing gearbox. Breathing bolthead. Breathing ship. Breathing portal. Breathing snakes. Breathing God. Breathing blood. Breathing holy stakes. Breathing human eyes. Breathing time. Breathing prayer. Breathing sky. Breathing wheel.

"Monika is a female name in German, Scandinavian, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Slovene, Croatian, Lithuanian, Latvian and Hungarian. It is a variation of Monica, stemming from the word "advisor" in Latin[1] and "unique" in Greek.[2]"

Deepest lore.



Who would marry Monika?
I would

Delete me now



I'll post the other two just because nobody else is here





Search for Monika no. 5 on YouTube, won’t be disappointed

This makes for a good phone background

i'm just saving those, really cute


It's Mambo No. 5 you dumb cunt it ain't OC

I have been spoiled about the whole Monika is evil and wants to bare you thing

Is the game still worth playing??