
can't absorb the corb edition



arca is a fuckin wasteman
this was way better

why do chinese people go "IS IT!?" when you tell them something

Gateshead has better public transport infrastructure than Birmingham.

Just let that sink in

how is it possible that things like one punch man and death note are considered so good when they premise sounds like it'll be inevitable plothole: the anime

Will Corbyn speed up or delay the inevitable race war if he becomes PM?

/theocratic socalism/

Do you think there will be a day when the elites let us plens own the means of production?

Ready for the cup final today lads?

this ironic labour shilling is just annoying

Are non-pass wankers able to post now?

4 1 chels

state of tory immigration policy 2bh

grow up

Couldn't care less at this stage. This season has put me off football a lot.

t. Sunderland fan

t. Tory cuck

umm no sweaty xx

TWO Cornettos in one day? Is that crossing a line? Maybe I need to just back off.

Ah yes, students. That's who we want less of.

Not the unskilled east europeans and workshy africans, no sir.

Best Beatles song?

Started frequenting /fat/ lads

not sure abt this one
the label its from is quite shite

Duff- Gardens- HURRAH!

ummm no sweetie xx

it's not ironic
there's a group of lefty retards in a discord coordinating the stuff to post, one of them accidentally copy pasted it a few days ago

>labour immigration policy is LITERALLY "we aren't going to set any immigration targets, more rasheeds please"

University places should be for our own people
Chinese people can go to Chinese universities

>are jezza says the war in the middle east gives a casus belli against the UK for muslim terrorists

>theresa says that he's saying 'he's blaming us for terrorism' - despite the fact that the wars in the middle east were largely unpopular throughout society except amongst the political class

>theresa may puts down the most stringent surveillance state policy in the western world spying on literally everyone person and their grandma in case they're a terrorist.

>still has the cheek to say jezza is the one blaming 'us' for terrorism.

mind boggling

Option 1) Spend all day (and possibly all bank holiday weekend) by myself

Option 2) Go round to mate's house which is 7 miles away just to watch the football, to get my weekly dose of social interaction

What do?

whats for lunch lads? onion mayo oreo roll for me

wisdom tooth is growing sideways into my fucking cheek

need some opiates to numb down the pain so I can chew food

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.

>muh immigrants

stop complaining and go and have more kids then you numpty

fish and chips

for me, it's saffiyah

Labour's immigration policy is to end freedom of movement and have controlled skilled immigration

good post

that sounds genuinely revolting

unis won't be able to offer anything to british nationals if they don't have international fees

Stop it.

>Lena Paul Does Anal

need even a rorke but christ she's hideous

don't tell rorke that, he'll blow a gasket and then some

bloody LEFTIST cabals



good lad

thats chicken


The labour manifesto

fix her hair and she's a solid 8/10

>try to use desuarchive on phone
>bombarded with viruses

ah yes

GDP get some really nice girls on

nah may shat the bed with her internet policy and not retaliating after the bombing

>Manchester attack: Terror threat reduced from critical to severe




>post something like
>post something like
>post something like

get out of our thread you sad spastics
go and shill on brit/pol/ instead
i'm voting conservative in a marginal labour seat now PURELY to spite you for ruining our threads

Corbyn is anti-war and pro freedom. What do you have against him?

might briefly glance down at the bottom right of my screen to check the time

>University places should be for our own people
they are
british people who want to go to university go to university and generally get the place they want

the chinese (and also arabs) allow for universities to receive a lot of income and helps avoid the silly debt bubble that normal british students are causing
the funding provided by foreign students allows many universities to afford new buildings and hire more/better staff

manchester rozzers arrested 11 rasheeds today. busted their front door and stuff
why didnt they do that before the attack? obviously they knew about all these men before what happened

on the train

>not top right


sitting in me undies lads

maybe but its clearly being done just to rile up rorkes who then ruin the thread

Wanked like 3 times to the miss colorado one

ah yes

deffo not a university educated person writing this post.


There are 3000 terror plots at any given time

Can't investigate them all

getting all four wisdom teeth pulled fucking hurts lads

don't do it unless you have to

under 2 weeks til /brit/ gets banned lads

it's been alright

This is why I don't hire students:

The Manchester suicide bomber may have used taxpayer-funded loans to pay for his terror plot.

Police believe Salman Abedi paid for his travel to Libya, rent on three houses and even the bomb materials with student loans, given to him although he had dropped out of his degree.

Abedi enrolled in a Business Administration degree in 2015 at Salford University and was given £7,000. He was given another loan of £7,000 the next year, though he had already dropped out.

Is it really that hard for them to use commas?

>labour immigration policy is LITERALLY "we aren't going to set any immigration targets, more rasheeds please"
just because you say "literally" sweaty doesn't make it true x

literally false
it doesnt say a word about "controlled skilled immigration"

utterly loathe young tories. vile, creepy, slimy creatures
all of them need a stomping

wonder why fast food places refuse to put the pricing on their website

Missing Tony Abbott.

That's in Melbourne!

theirs is literally

"Labour offers fair rules and reasonable management of migration. In trade negotiations
our priorities favour growth, jobs and prosperity. We make no apologies for putting these aims before bogus immigration targets."

literally "we want to appease the magic economy god by importing a hundred thousand rasheeds and killing your communities with population replacement"

mine are impacted my my gums are infected because of them

hate pain not looking forward to it desu

Please end the ride mummy may


dentist lied to me and said i had 5 wisdom teeth so i had to get them pulled

What are you doing you plonkhead

Yes it does and Corbyn further reiterated thisnon Andrew Neil yesterday

business idea: find all the radicalised rasheeds, do their shit in and put their arse to rot in jail. remove all the army and coppers standing in the streets and let them do their normal jobs

if may bans Sup Forums we'll just have to use the comment sections on tim's videos as an emergency backup /brit/

Shall be moving to another country if this happens.

very windy
ruins the day imo

>none of the leftypol raiders have responded to this post
REALLY gets the brainbox whirring

>Business Administraion at Salford University

the harem

>"Labour offers fair rules and reasonable management of migration.

Yes, controlled skilled immigration, that's what that means dumbo

Post something like:

two of mine were impacted
do you want details
probably better off not knowing
the pain meds they give you make it tolerable, barely

agreed, they are very haram


never reply to me again

sportscene pundit Michael Stewart looks like a sand castle of a man