Lived the toughest of life but was able to find success in the end.


Other urls found in this thread:

rip buddy

First time I saw him was the only time I have shed tears at a concert. Charles loved everyone and would have even loved the autists here. RIP

He won't get a sticky he's not as well known.

It's okay, Charles loves you too man.



The California Raisins were a legendary group

No hate from this thread and Sup Forums in general can bring down Charles, he was full of love and spread it to everyone


Dude he was a homeless crackhead that got lucky when he met a couple of hipsters that wanted negro soul cred points. Let's not act like he was a great artist

Charles would have laughed at this, given you a hug, and asked what was really bothering you. Charles love extends beyond the grave

He was though, and its not like he hides that in his music at all. Thank god for those hipsters for giving us one of the great musicians of our time, both as a man and a musician

>Daptone Records
pick one and then kys you autistic faggot


America lost a piece of it's soul yesterday. Charles love train never stops

Charles is impervious to trolling and racism. He was a victim of love and would have loved this kid too

RIP screaming eagle of soul

Don't use any any racist or homophobic slurs when speaking about Charles, he wasnt about that son.

soul sucks

Charles loves you anyway


Literal whos don't get stickys

>being this naive

pleb not knowing Charles

Fuck, he had this extreme warmth that just made me smile and want to be a better person. That's a big fucking loss we've had today.

is he okay?

amen brother. Charles was truly a person ruled by love and passion for his music, his audience, and everyone else.

I've never listen to this man but I'll stick


watch some of his live performances to get an idea of how much soul this guy had even in his 60s

Rip Charles Bradley

Rest easy beautiful soul brother

The mods don't actually care about music, I doubt they even know who he is. They only sticky a thread for the Grammys and when a dadrocker dies. They spend all their time in the kpop threads.

>inb4 stickies are only for popular artists
lol alright keep saying that like that makes any sense

Tell me about it. Sticky threads literally for dudes who went out like cowards and killed themselves cause they couldn't handle being "rockstars". Charles was abandoned by his mother, lived on the streets for years, went to jail for trying to defend himself, coped with the death of his closest brother who was murdered, and fought cancer TWICE, only to lose in his second bout. Dude accomplished a lot towards the end of his life and didn't take anything for granted.


>Sup Forums

pick one



I've heard he put on a hell of a show.

can confirm mate

No idea who he was, was his music any good?

He was the James Brown of our generation. Has an awesome cover of Black Sabbath's "Changes"

>James Brown
Literally who

A truly great man

I'M TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so glad I've been able to see him
I wasn't expecting to be touched that much
The man was Love
It's so sad


I saw him at FYF last year and it was amazing. Everyone in the crowd was smiling and digging him. RIP

that was the last time i saw him. one of the only FYF shows where everyone was into it. Introduced a couple friends to him that day and they agreed it was one of the best shows of the weekend. Will be missed

Same, i was right up front and even noticed the security guard in front of the stage was shaking his head and enjoying his set. I'll never forget that.