How do I make friends Sup Forums?

How do I make friends Sup Forums?

I'm not talking people I can shoot the shit with before class or something. I mean people I can have a real, heartfelt conversation with whenever I'm feeling down. I mean having someone I can vent to after a terrible day, and who I can listen to and try and help in the same way

My ex was this for me, and now that she's gone I really have nobody that fits this. I have lots of people I would consider "friends" but not anything more than a classmate who occasionally texts me asking what homework we have

leave Sup Forums forever

Spend enough time around the same people and you'll just kind of make friends with the ones that like you. It's not really difficult, it just happens automatically if you give it time.

You know what a friend is? It's just someone who will do you a favor for no reason at all.
That's why if you want to make friends, you got to work. Some people organize social events, some people just spend a lot of money, and some people just make the effort to bend over backwards to help out all the goddamn time. But one way or another, being a friend is about scratching someone else's back. Now you might think, wait, this doesn't sound fair. What if I spend a bunch of time and effort on someone and they don't appreciate it or reciprocate at all? To which I can only respond "shit sucks." Making friends is tedious as hell and it can be insanely frustrating. But there's nothing else to do, because people only care about what you've done for em lately.

those are not real friends, user

Watch the stream from Luune1993 on Twitch.
He is mentally ill but you can be his friend if you want

you sound like a woman. come out of the closet and start going to your local gay bars/clubs. then when you feel like shit from getting fucked by niggers and twinks all the time you can take solice in the fact that you will die from aids fairly soon as long as you refuse the treatments. godspeed user

Men don’t have friendships with each other. That’s what women are for. My “friends” I drink with, discuss politics and celebrate superficial shit but nothing more.

Literally all friends are like I am describing. If you can't see all the bullshit your friends do for you, then you are probably a mooch. OP just wants someone to listen to his problems when he's sad; do you think it occurs to him that nobody actually wants to do something like that? Putting up with someones whining to make them feel better, even when you'd rather not, that's being a true friend. And if you want someone to do that for you, you've got to earn it.

I know exactly how you feel. I think men like us are destined to commit suicide eventually.

I'm in a similar situation, including relying on my ex for friendship (and almost all my socializing). And here's a few things I've concluded.
First, focus on what you can offer people, and not what you need out of people. Every human is primarily self-interested. If you can make someone feel good, they'll reciprocate. That means asking some questions about them and paying attention. If you're having trouble making or keeping friends, consider that (and this is brutal, but you need to think about it really hard) you are burdening them with your problems or bringing them down with your vibes. If your life isn't in order, focus on getting it in order so you can feel good about yourself. If it's otherwise in order yet you still feel like shit, seek a therapist. Your relationship with people should be that of mutual upliftment.
Second, you need to make a radical change in order to integrate with a community. That could mean going to school (if you're not already in school), forcing yourself to join a club or program that aligns with your interests, forcing yourself to get out for local events and meet people, or straight-up moving somewhere else. Sometimes it's an external issue, and if you're stuck in a place where you can't seem to relate to anyone, that place may not be for you. Of course, both internal and external factors must be closely evaluated.
Hope this helps.

Wah! I got no friends! Wah! To talk to on my computer, and at school, wah!

Be glad you don't live in a mud hut in Africa, kiddo.

>If you can make someone feel good, they'll reciprocate
You don't actually believe that... do you user?

holy shit. it's actually depressing realizing how antisocial this entire board is.
A real friend is someone you enjoy being around. That's it. Not because you get shit form them or they get shit from you and you want validation; it's someone you genuinely want to spend time with for no other reason than you feel happy when you're with them.

Making good friends is easy.
>get acquainted with people, similar interests help
>lay the foundation of good friendship (have fun together, take initiative)
>eventually talk about your feels
>bail if they say "shit sucks, user"
>if they start a discussion and express wishes to help you, they're keepers
>repay them in kind if they're dealing with shit

Friends come through going and doing the things you enjoy out in the world. You can meet them online too, but irl friends come from the places you already go to and feel comfortable. If you aren't using friend's from work, you have class and studying. Where do you like to study? What environment keeps you motivated? Go to places that support yourself, and you find others trying to figure themselves/support themselves. This is where you connect, share something in common, and become friends.

You talk about class so I assume you are in your late teens or early 20s OP. Let me tell you how it is. If you don't find a nice grill by the time you turn 30 and get married and start a family you are fucked. Society looks wearily upon 30+ men who are both single and childless. They are happy to work you to death and take your tax dollars to give themselves tax breaks but in the same breath will tell you how worthless you are every single minute of every single day. You'll have no friends. Because most people in their 30s are busy raising families. Friendship is a family-on-family thing by that age. You might be able to form some irrelevant play group of perpetual man-children but if you are a thinky type you will have to stifle your vomit to be in their pathetic presence. And unless you're some fucking Chad once you hit your mid 30s you can either settle for a landwhale who thinks she's better than you and will cheat on you with more attractive men every chance she gets or choose loneliness because no woman of any apparent quality will want anything to do with you. Maybe they'll come back when 40 rolls around, who knows I'm not quite there yet, but will you really want them after they basically left you to kill yourself and spend the last good years of their life chasing after fuckboys and getting pozed up only to come crawling to your feet later?

Find a nice girl, one you can stomach to be with and make some Aryan super babies with her while you still have the chance.

I feel like I'm talking to a teenager, here. It's like you have no consideration for the fact that people actually depend on each other for shit. A friend isn't just someone who takes up space in your life. A friend helps you move, buys you a birthday present, gives you a ride to the airport when you're catching an early flight. It only makes sense to say that a friend 'just likes being around you' if someone else is providing for you. Otherwise, you got to deal with difficult realities one way or another. You're not going to be friends with someone who doesn't cover his check, or always gets too drunk and can't drive home, or who flakes when he says he's going to be somewhere.

This baka desu senpai. Facebook name collections aren't friends.

Why not? I've had friends do literally all that shit to me, and I've done a few of those things as well. We aren't friends because we give eachother money or whatever, we're friends because we genuinely like and enjoy the company of eachother. Not sure why this is a difficult concept.

>Dear princess Celestia I let people walk all over me and I have plenty of friends. Lol we don't like give each other money, I just let them use me as a doormat/cumrag but that's what true friendship is all about. Friendship is truly magic.

In that case we're just splitting hairs. When I talk about friends being demanding, I'm also talking about friends being generous. If you're going to cop to being a flake or not chipping in, you're also talking about your friends being understanding or covering your tab. If you're going to talk about your friends just genuinely liking each other, you're also saying that your friends are treating you with respect and kindness. The only difference is that I think people have to do that stuff on purpose and you think it just happens naturally, which is a difference of opinion I can tolerate.

That's a fucking reach. Sure, I've gotten gifts from friends for christmas or a major birthday but it's not a fucking everyday thing. Yes I've gotten and given rides to the airport or had help moving. When I moved two hours away for a job I had multiple people come visit me. You would be surprised to know that they didn't bring me jack shit and I didn't give them any fucking gas money. We're adults who can take care of ourselves 99% of the time. No one is keeping a damn jewlog of all the things I do for them and bitching me out when the ledger doesn't balance, which is apparently what you think friendship is.

I love your panache son. You're alright.

>How do I make friends Sup Forums?

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