Is Psychology bullshit?

Is Psychology bullshit?

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you need to have a good vocab to use the soft sciences.
existentialism too

Unfortunately, yes.

Cool story bro

It's not scientific. It's more like a combination of philosophy and experimental medicine.

It may help some people and it may not, but I would never pay for or submit to psychological treatment.

Not op but im curious why you guys say this. Any insight on that?

I say "unfortunately" because the notion that my consciousness is a jumbled mishmash of chemical reactions is somewhat depressing.

On the other hand... the notion that all my decisions are ultimately motivated by a subconscious desire to fuck my own mother seems (ironically) psychotic, by comparison.

Hm, thats an interesting take, user. Thank you

You're confusing therapy with psychology.

Actual psychology that includes measurable animal behavioral models is very much scientific. We learn a lot about human behavior and it's applications are far more complex than the "you're sad, must be because of your penis"-esque view of the field.
I blame nonsense self-help and the gross misunderstanding that all psychology is abstract subjective thought development, when it couldn't be farther from the truth. Sure you're BS in psychology is a poorly designed amalgam of subjects that does not teach about real animal behavioral modeling and testing, but that doesn't mean there aren't actual scientists in labs right now conducting experiments with quantifiable data and applications.

Bad english, so spanish, if anyone can translate: nice.

No es cientifica en términos puramente positivistas. Pero es cientifica dado que tiene un objeto de estudio (éste puede ser diverso: conducta, conciencia, incosciente; por lo menos tres grandes discursos de la psicología) y un conocimiento que estudia ese objeto (conductismo, cognitivismo, psiconálisis).

La filosofía es la que origina la ciencia, si bien hoy decir filosofía es sinónimo de decir "no ciencia", "no objetivismo", "no positivismo", gracias a la filosofía, gracias a que ella generó todo un pensamiento racional es como tenemos ciencia.

TL:DR: Read Khun, Popper, Koyré, etc.

Also this.

Literally or figuratively or both.

I say it with resignation. That my mind, thoughts, dreams are merely chemical interactions feels underwhelming and oddly lonely.
But it makes factual sense, from what I've seen. I won't shake my head and bellow "nooo!" just because I don't like it.

Boi, thats a small part of psychology. You're talking about the biological approach (chemicals n shit) and the psychodynamic approach (freud and yer mum) which is all based on one guy's interpretation of case studies
There's a helluva lot more stuff.

Undoubtedly. I have little training in such matters.
All I mean is that, to my mind, what has been accomplished with drugs within the last 20 years is more substantial than what Jung and pals guessed at nearly 100 years ago.
They remind me of Newton's occasionally occultist approaches toward physics.

Psychology can make very testable statements about animal behavior, but that doesn't mean we can suddenly answer these existential questions about subjective loneliness. It is possible, however, through neuroscience (To which psychology is VERY closely linked to in lab settings) to examine the biological components that correlate as the experience or quaila of loneliness.
Source, degrees in psychology research, neuroscience graduate and lab position.

> Implying Biological psychology is not a thing.

Op no of course not. It is a legit field with millions of hours into it. However it is a soft science which means unlike a hard science you can´t have 100% proof and usually need to compare similar studies to get an idea of the problem.

Only the jagoff in that picture. Jung and everything else are pretty solid.

No, but Freud sure was. Goddamned fascist, accepted no disagreement.


The kind of psychology you think of when you reference freudian psychology is as alchemy is to chemistry.

Freud is bullshit. Psychology is not

Yup. That and the fact that his answer for everything you could possibly think of boiled down to wanting to suck your moms tits and stick things up your ass. Horseshit.

I dunno what to think about this guy. Hes completely turning everything ive known about psychology and turning it upside down. On the other, i want to believe hes on the right track but i still feel like to some degree mental disorders are still viable reactions from the brain saying "hey, i need to fix this about your lifestyle because we're not looking so hot right now". Things as little as bottled emotions can turn a kid cold shoot 15 people. Of course theres always other underlying factors to people who act on twisted things, sometimes their action are outbursts that they couldnt hold back on hecause it was a natural reaction for their brain and thats where im conflicted in this guy's beliefs. It was honestly compelling even without direct evidence being immediately displayed for his claims, i want to believe what he says bares if not a great form of truth, at least some of it must be correct.

Sorry for length, can't really tl; Dr it so read it or don't. Your choice ultimately.

Would you say his books are worth the read? This was interesting. Id like to delve more into his ideology.

>of course not

You are aware of the fact that there are dozens of renowned psychiatrists who, at the end or near the end of their careers, spoke out against psychiatry as a pseudoscience, right?

>Read Khun, Popper, Koyré, etc.

Absolutely. Nobody understands "insanity" better.
Freud had Szasz's medical license revoked out of sheer jealousy.

Yes rarely are the religions and other teachings of men in funny hats actually worth listening to.

What a cunt.

They were speaking out against the state of psychiatry of their own time, which was sloppy and very political. As a rule even today it is best to avoid anyone who cleaves to an eponymous school of thought.


No, but most of Sigmund Freud's theories is. But hos Ego, Super Ego, and the Id is still good.

Was Freud a prototype Sup Forumstard?

>They were speaking out against the state of psychiatry of their own time

You act like what I'm referring to happened only a long time ago and isn't currently happening.

>As a rule even today it is best to avoid anyone who cleaves to an eponymous school of thought.
that's deep. you must be really smart.

>here is a 3 hour and 54 minute video that supports my claim. If you don't watch it, you're not considering my argument, which isn't academically honest.. If you do watch it and disagree with me, this thread will 404 by the time you do and you wan't be able to state your disagreement. I win.


Freuds ideas were bullshit, but not all psychology. I still think Maslow had it about right.



Everything is bullshit. Including this.