Why are Americans so disgusting? We all love to make fun of Africans, Indians, Jews...

Why are Americans so disgusting? We all love to make fun of Africans, Indians, Jews, etc but at the end of the day the ONLY country in the world with people this disgusting is America. Prove me wrong (you can't).

Fat and disformed like this. Yea, that's America. But that's only parts. Maybe if we stopped letting them eat and be lazy they might move their 500 pound asses and lose some weight. But until then, they'll keep shoving their faces with gravy and McDonald's cause 'merica

I worked in a hospital, and I saw a lot of fat fucks, but I don't understand how you develop forehead fat. Unless that is actually a boil or some shit.

I don't know man, India is pretty gross



Fat American here. Ask me anything.

Look at them
people this fat and ugly should be executed, it huts our eyes out

Fond memories of the early 1980's Judge Dredd comics ran a storyline of future fatties.


We Need Moar Pies


League of fatties


How can someone poke the nose and take off some booger while wearing boxing gloves?

Gluten free Gluttony .. with extra gluten

A lot of it is non-White immigrants muddying the waters, all White America in the 1940's was nothing like today. Pic related.

This, those shitskins literally eat off the floor like animals

Botchulism, cholera and dysentry are great weight loss aids.


Dear God no, humans don't do this surely, get a fucking plate!!

dont forget the chinks, bruce lee.

That shit happens in your legs, because of gravity. This bitch literally has an infection in her forehead, probably because of massively uncontrolled diabeetus.

fuck thats comfy

Dat Kosher .. Yu Raycis

Nope. Can't. When you're right, you're right. You win


>pic is of fat white blobs
>says something about non whites in response

You can't hang anymore shit on Americans, they do it themselves so effortlessly that it if we do it it just turns into pity

Just line up the fattys and shoot them, it would be entertaining to test new ballistic rounds on them

Atleast the chinks know they can be shitty humans, Americans believe their God made them That way

I agree, non-whites (or commies) aren't people, silly response.

>Just line up the liberal fattys and shoot them, it would be entertaining to test new ballistic rounds on them

Fix'd :^)

>implying two ugly fuckers in a picture represent literally millions of people.

>implying there are no fat fuck europeans


umm that is the simplest thing in the world to prove.. just go to Sup Forums

>muslim in a pub
Never seen one, too busy fucking their moms and sisters as the koran dictates

>being american
>having your jimmies rustled

Never seen one in a pub .. but an Iranian Muslim owns the pub next door to me, and laughably it's the main water hole for navy boys and marines in the city. Go figure, I bet 90% of the locals have no idea. They certainly sound retarded most of the time.

Dude, i can't even develop fucking muscles. What the hell is wrong with me?

Masturbation is aerobic exercise .. you need to try the other type


kek, well you learn something everyday

I'm American and I don't look like that but I hate fat fucks too.

It's the most preventable "disease" (use the term loosely) ever and there are still millions of these fucks around.

Fine, not like i exercise anyways i guess.