I don't get the "we wuz kangz" meme

I don't get the "we wuz kangz" meme.
It's meant to make fun of african-americans saying that they were kings of Egypt, cause ancient egyptians were black. But even if ancient egyptians weren't black the 25th dynasty to rule egypt was from Nubia(present day Sudan).Nubians are blacker than coal which means yes, africans, specifically from Sudan, were kangz.. So why is it still used as a way to devalue black peoples' arguments when they try and say they've achieved something?

It bothers me to no end, cause it's such an autistic retort.

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It's a way to pretend they have an argument while also only using a meme so they don't actually have to back it up.

Ye buh we wuz kangz n shiet, now day killin' us in the streets fo nuffin

You retard, it's supposed to make fun of the fact that black people thought the Egyptians were black, when they were pretty light skinned. They made the meme out of spite of these other retards not knowing this


Egypt was concored by blacks. Blacks were in the Roman army like Marc Antony and we went there and thats why crackers say that

obvious troll is obvious

I pointed out that even if they weren't black the 25th dynasty was. Retards will be retards.

>try and say they've achieved something

What does kangs in nigger history have todo with achieving anything?
Surely they did everything right to continue their dyansty....

We wuz KANGS




They're racists. That's why. They don't like blacks. Etc.

afro americans are not from east africa.
imagine a finn bragging about rome? lmao

IF they were kangs why the fuck havent they accomplished shit else since? Thats why...Anyway the past is the past go be great again if you dare. We dont see it. Something isnt adding up 4+4=a bucket of chicken


Hi ribblet.

Because oppression. Blacks are innovative by nature, the only way to stop them would be to purposely not educate them, invade their countries, turn it to shit by leaving diseases and then leave it in shambles.

Blacks invented Blues while in slavery, then more beloved musical genres like Jazz, Rock and Roll, RnB, etc. That's right after being released from slavery.

It's supposed to make fun of these revisionist idiots who claim all kinds of people were black. There are some who say mozart was black, george washington was black etc. It all stems from african americans lagging behind the general society in terms of intelligence, crime, family values etc, so they just make up bullshit to not feel inferior instead of actively trying to change shit.

The meme is funny because it's a completely illogical argument. The Egyptians being kings has nothing to do with african americans. Also, the majority of african americans are from the west of africa. Note how you don't see many of the arab looking niggers in the us

They did become kings, but just during the imminent collapse of the empire
Thus they were conquerors, not legitimate pharaohs

WEWUZ jokes about african descents pretending they were native egyptian instead of nubians

It's not just about Egypt, it's blacks thinking they've ever built anything that resembles an advanced civilization.

Thats like saying blacks are kangz because Obama was black.

>I don't get the "we wuz kangz" meme.

Wow, a decade long dynasty. what an achievement, conquering an empire that had collapsed hundreds of years earlier and losing it as soon as they were challenged.

If you look at the entire continent of Africa and consider how long the blacks have had to achieve something....LOLOLLLOKOLKOOLOLOOLOLOLOOLOLOLOP

careful now op if you say this stuff people will gang tackle your thread and call you a faggot


You trying to say Marc Antony was black?

>the 25th dynasty
Wow. So one-in-twentyfive of the dynasties were black?

That's not a compelling argument for anything.

The meme is valid for several reasons.
It's bullshit that the egyptians were black. There's even been genetic tests on mummies showing this.
And it's hilariously ironic that it's coming from a group that's currently known for bitching about cultural appropriation, that they're now fighting tooth and nail to appropriate egyptian culture and achievements.
Finally, it's beyond retarded to argue that, even if the egyptians were black, every black american is descended from a king. A royal family was a fucking miniscule fraction of the overall population.

I can absolutely inderstnd why people would think that.

Antony's early life was characterized by a lack of proper parental guidance. According to the historian Plutarch, he spent his teenage years wandering through Rome with his brothers and friends gambling, drinking, and becoming involved in scandalous love affairs.[6] Antony's contemporary and enemy, Cicero, claimed he had a homosexual relationship with Gaius Scribonius Curio.[8] There is little reliable information on his political activity as a young man, although it is known that he was an associate of Publius Clodius Pulcher and his street gang.[9] He may also have been involved in the Lupercal cult as he was referred to as a priest of this order later in life.[10] By age twenty, Antony had amassed an enormous debt. Hoping to escape his creditors, Antony fled to Greece in 58 BC, where he studied philosophy and rhetoric at Athens.

>niggers run out of objects to steal
>they are now attempting to steal parts of history



Whatever they were they weren’t white. Whites can’t even stand on the beach a few minutes without risk of sunburn. The fuck makes people think they could survive years in the desert?

you can see behind the pharaoh that not all Egyptians had the same skin color. they were always diverse




checked ofc


Of all the ancient peoples, Egypt was most likely one of the least diverse ones.

If you're referring to the particularly dark fan-bearers right behind the Pharaoh, those are probably Nubian slaves. Nubia was regularly attacked and raided by Egypt for certain resources and slaves.

Egypt didn't do a lot of travelling and mixing with other people. They didn't sail or wander far away. The Nile valley was a sweetspot like very few others in Africa, so there was no need to. If they explored, they only found places that weren't as nice to settle in. So they just stuck to themselves throughout their history.