Right, so let's post dead girls, clean dead girls. So no limbs torn off, shotgunwound to the head or whatever

Right, so let's post dead girls, clean dead girls. So no limbs torn off, shotgunwound to the head or whatever.
Just regular dead girls, with the occasional cock covering them in cum or whatever.





This one isn't dead, its a pic of a girl who let her boyfriend drug her on the regular. The set is somewhere on imgur and that other fapsite.


well, this is a new one.. guess ill go grab a snack and hunker down

well, thats somehow even better, you have the link?




this is weird



WAY too soon man

u sick fukken mofo



Wut, I don't get it, wut happened

what the actual fuck is wrong with you

where the fickin MODS man

I don't get it, she looks fine, WTH??

Holy shit i can't believe u posted this





FBI for the record I had nothing to do with this




hello newfriends

Go back to faceddit

Faggot Detected.

God dammit fuck this board



Why do comments like this turn me on



Jesus McFuckin toothpaste wtf is wrong wit U

Wow Sup Forums has fallen.

Pink bra girl seems familiar, anyone has sauce for oldfag?

Like etc happened and why people are screaming mods?

Is she Underage b&?

(Would make sense)

We don't like to talk about it...very dark time for Sup Forums. Terrible fingerbox accident.

H...how could anybody do this?


Didn't the company making this model get sued?

Fuck dude every time I think about it, I get sick to my stomach

What did I miss? Give me a straight answer please.

Yep. And the engineer that designed it committed suicide.

Basically some guy took a pic of a dead girl after she died of poisoning from a mix of alcohol and [insert fatal chemical name here]. He posted the pics on Sup Forums because he assumed her silence was a yes when he asked if he could take the pictures. After everyone realized they fapped to a dead body, it's this stupid meme where everyone says "Too soon man" and "MODS MODS MODS!" everytime the pic is posted. Not underage btw, just people being retards.

oh man now im really curious what pic he posted that was removed

My left index finger is still fucked up

She,s not dead. She's heavily drugged. Her eyelid are taped open.

how is her pussy still wet

Any details on this girl, such as where is she from do you know?

Dooode... cmon man.

Who is that girl? Why are people so freaked out by her? she looks fine..


The app I'm using still shows deleted pictures for some reason.

Like this

Then screenshot and post so we can see what it was.

You have to enter your social security number to unlock the security feature. Don't worry, the server masks it like this. Here's mine: xxx-xx-xxxx

>this whole thread

What a waste of good pussy...

I'll delete this in a few minutes lol.
It's the post above the dog btw.

You aren't missing anything. Basic white girl that aimlessly looks up on a pink bed and shots are taken of her. Really nothing, I was just confused as to why people were freaking out. Ig I am a newfag to Sup Forums

why are people freaking out about the girl in pink

It's still usable.

Goddamn. What the fuck???? Do you fucks have no decency? Way too soon.

What the fuck was posted ? Any 1 splain pleez?

Such an odd fetish.

In the pics, maybe... But all of them are in the dirt now...

That one is dead, i can tell by the way she pissed and shitted herself.

Girl in agony dying of nerve gas

I saved it, Enjoy ;)

cuz those fucks don't have enough decency to let a wound heal before it gets plastered all over Sup Forums. What the fuck is wrong with you people???? I can't do this anymore. Fuck this place!

Kek say hi to the FBI for me

too soon

> Reposting the story for newfags/newcomers asking about the girl in the pink bra/panties

Basically some guy took pics of a dead girl after she died of poisoning from a mix of alcohol and [insert fatal chemical name here]. He posted the pics on Sup Forums because he assumed her silence was a yes when he asked if he could take the pictures. After everyone realized they fapped to a dead body, it's this stupid meme where everyone says "Too soon man" and "MODS MODS MODS!" everytime the pic is posted. Not underage btw, just people being retards.

Side note, I've heard there are 4 pics and one of them were of her topless. I have yet to see any of the others so don't bother asking.

Doooood!? Too soon...

fags still fall for this bullshit..

Wtf is wrong with you man, delete this right now

All I gots to say is don't drop the soap dude

Lmao, what the fuuuuck. Why are people say "le fbi I did nothin" is that part of the joke? Fucking retarded lol

bullshit, she is still alive and you know it

nice try


LMAO nice shop

Wow that is a nice picture, where did you get it from bro?

Tooo soooon you fucker!

And the pixels

found it

That's the story. I don't care if she's alive or not cause I probs wouldn't fap to her anyways.

Looks legit af tbh. Nice shop if it's not real.

Don't think she is dead. I have seen this picture before with come on her stomach about you'll shit bricks when you see it.

Yeah. Basically a stupidly forced reaction meme.

Where are the fuckin mods dude, this is beyond fucked

low-budget bait

You can find that same shop on encyclopedia dramatica. Just look up perfection girl. She is def alive.


Nice picture!

This user is correct.