"Thing's that feminists never say"

"Thing's that feminists never say"

"You're right"

"Good point."

"No, I dont want desert."

There are only two genders

"No, no, I'll let you finish. What were you saying?"

"I'm considered attractive and I have many suitors who desire me."

"sorry, I was wrong there"

We want actual equality

I'll pick up the check!

I actually was asking for it

"Don't check your privilege."

"She deserved it"

id love to suck your cock, after i make you a sammich

"Sometimes I worry that I'm confusing genuine inequality occurring around me with opportunities to support a victim status I may be nurturing regardless of context of events for the sake of protecting my ego from my own failures which may have nothing to do with the way I was born."

"I really do respect men's choice to want a stay-at-home wife"

"Trump does have some good points"

"Calm down, let's just talk this one out."

There is no such thing as the wage gap.

It's his child too, don't you think he deserves a say in whether you get an abortion or not?


I've considered all points and find yours to be the best choice and most rational.

"I like equality."


"You know, I may be wrong about this. I'm glad you expressed your opinions with me".

I will make you a sandwich then I will suck your cock

"Maybe I should go on a diet."

I like my hair's natural color.

"OP is a dumbass because he can't use apostrophes correctly."

"excuse me sir, what isle are your razors in?"

No they say that. A lot.

They think that hotter men should want them, they are beautiful unique ham galaxies

"I don't know, what do you think?"

Im sorry.

It's not ''desert,'' it's ''dessert.'' Two s because you always want two desserts.

"I really do respect stay at home moms and parents in general. "

"Even if it's exactly what they want out of life and I disagree personally, who the fuck am I?"

"Oh, I am sorry. My butt touched you."

"People who in no way identify with me, or I them, are being oppressed, but that doesn't I'm being oppressed as well."

I would love to date a guy who makes less money than me. Men only have been providing for women for 50,000 years, now it's our turn!

I believe in equality and I think every girl should be required to register for the US selective service just like boys.

I support a woman's right to an abortion and a man's right too; either party should be able to veto a pregnancy early on.

Many women actually enjoy being objectified.

"I'll talk to you in a reasonable and mature manner"

"Here are my sources that lead me to this conclusion."

"I'm happy with my life".

I get off to Phub every night

"The gender gap in construction, mining, and trash collection is just as in need of correction as the gender gap in certain high-paying, white collar jobs."

ITT: With such a concentrated collection of kissless virgins, surely the summoning spell will break the universe. Wizards Unite!

I shaved my pits, legs, and pussy!

>back in the day
>overhear teacher telling another student "you would be embarrassed if you had a bare ass"
>test time

If there was a spell that eliminated all fem-nazis, I would quit luring women to love me and then leave them.

>feminist goes on Sup Forums
>posts picture of wizard

"I don't see what the big deal is.."

I love myself? What do I winz?


"I came"