So me and a couple friends have done acid twice now, and we're planning to do it more in the future. However...

So me and a couple friends have done acid twice now, and we're planning to do it more in the future. However, one of my friends is very depressed and suicidal and always has bad trips and breaks down, and since I'm the closest one to him, I have to try and make him feel better. Does anyone have experience with trying to comfort someone going through a bad trip or does anyone have any advise for me? Thanks.
btw, his trips aren't bad the whole way through, he has fun at the beginning and end but seems to go bad while peaking.

Honestly man your friend is prob better off not tripping right now. You should really do phycs when your in a good state if mind. Plus it's not fair or fun for you to have to take care of him each time.

This 100%, dont let someone who have some mind troubles drop acid, for yours and his sake.

I understand that and honestly think it'd be better if he didn't do it and I've talked to him about that, but he doesn't want to stop and I can't really force him not to

fr wtf op this

tell him u dont wanna trip with his depressing ass bringing the whole trip and vibe down. thats lame man

Leave that faggot behind. Why ruin your trip

It doesn't ruin my trip, I have very good control with psychedelics, I can stay happy and calm while talking to him, although I really would rather be doing other things

Okay so pretty much, he isn't going to stop taking it with us, so can someone please just give advise on how to calm someone having a bad trip?

Make them unconscious. Or give them 5-HTP.

> although I really would rather be doing other things

Yes, I'd rather be doing fun stuff, however talking to him doesn't ruin my trip. Overall I still have a fairly good time

Suck his dick. Nah but really is you want to calm a trip down a notch have some strong indica around. I just tried this 2 days ago.

Yeah, I might give that a go

acid was designed to turn people into neocommunists
watch the documentary "das netz" by lutz dammbeck

It worked for me, a little too good though. I wasn’t having a bad trip. I just wanted to experiment. Immediately I noticed my visuals almost stop. And felt just really good. Next time ill try some sativa.

acid wasn't designed to do anything and psychedelic mushrooms, very similar in effect, structure, and mechanism of action, have been around since time immemorial.

give him seroquel if he starts acting like a huge faggot

have you tried talking him through what happened while tripping when you're sober? a sort of retrospective sort of thing?

sounds like your friend needs more help than you can be expected to give if he's got major depression or is suicidal. I know people are really touchy about this stuff but he'd greatly benefit from a therapist he trusts (everyone would, honestly) and possibly a psychiatrist as well.

dunno if this helps but here are things that help me during a "bad trip": remembering that everything is going to be all right, writing out a timeline (took acid at x, did this, did that, ect., acid starts to wear off at x+8), blankets, hugs, simple music (jazzy, nothing too complicated or exciting), comforting words from friends (I love you, everything's fine, don't worry, ect.), an activity/quest/event to focus on.

humor is another great way to get a trip back on track, a good bout of the giggles can derail a bad train of thought.

my friend has a crystal he calls his grounding crystal that he gives to people who look like they're having bad trips, I don't personally think much of it but it's one of those things that can work if you believe it will.

I'd recommend against that, smoking weed (indica or not) kicks a trip up a notch. if his problem is mostly at the peak, tripping harder isn't going to help.

if you're going to try to treat this with drugs rather than trying to come at it head on, benzos are your best bet. not a big dose but ~1mg of Xanax or lorazepam when he starts having trouble could help.

my old best friend of 8 years had a break down the first time and 3rd time (i was sitter / sober) mushrooms. First time, he was swinging a giant tree branch at a flag pole screaming at the top of his lunges. Started yelling at me after the other friend there finished comforting him, and I was staring at a pack of matches with an eye ball printed on it. Was more interested in how the eye ball was morphing into different peoples eyes all together.

He sort of apologized when i told him my grandfathers ashes were buried underneath the flag pole he was smashing days later. When I was sitting for him, we went to a public bike trail / campground round midnight. He ended up basically telling me to drive him home an hour into it, while crawling and falling around.

Months later he told me that he thought I had a gun, and was going to shoot him because I was mad he made me drive him home.

Haven't talked to him in a year; was pretty distant for two years prior. I'm 26 years old.

I dunno OP... some people you can't help

Give him mushrooms instead

We're trying mushrooms soon, hopefully he'll go a little better on those

reply to those who gave you time faggot