Picture says it all. Fuck off and praise the mother fucking sun

Picture says it all. Fuck off and praise the mother fucking sun.

Praise the sun

praise the darkmoon

I..I have found it, My very own sun..

Then praise be your sun


Fuck your hot ass, bright ass sphere.
Its going to eat you eventually, you know.

Why? The sun is wimpy compared to many other stars.

quads of truth

Of course it is truth. There is many suns to praise


On Tattooine, yeah. Here there is but one.


Exactly like your dick.
And like that dick which is not mine, you must grip it firmly, lovingly, and only let go for legal reasons.

Only tears.


>playing ds
>solaire is very good guy
>help me out a lot
>loves the sun
>favourite character
>in a tunel found some bugs
>don't do any harm to me and just runaway
>leave them
>finish the boss
>cross that tunel again
>solaire getting fucked in the head attacking me screaming shit
>have to kill him


420 praise it!


Saddest truth quads I have ever seen.