You know the drill, Sup Forums

you know the drill, Sup Forums


Hello I am Anglo-man.

pure anglo genes

Who else /commonwealth/ here


The last time I did this, the most common place with my name was somewhere called "Norfolk Island". Has anyone ever heard of it?

Might return to Yorkshire one day to be with my ancestors

This is a weird distribution, Lusophones aside.

It sounds way more Polish than Brazilian imo any poles can confirm ?

Wait, the American Norfolk?

And this is my other surname (Portuguese people inherit both parents' surnames).

This one is even weirder.


No, the one he's talking about is a little island in the middle of the sea.

I mean I already knew this. Surprised with the US though.

Not too bad, haven't met anyone else with this surname but I guess it's more common back where my parents came from

fuck, fixed to for...myself

but what is your surname? why that map don't show it? for real this makes my blood boil i want to kill you and everyone here on this thread that don't post the fucking name

It's just so populous it comes up on almost every name there is.

>that don't post the fucking name


He posted the surname "barbosa".

I wouldn't post my names here because they are rare enough for people to find me.

no, I posted my actual surname

You're right. Are you French or a diaspora?

Who /rare/ here ?


s-son of portuguese parents yes

Fucking hippies and their fake surnames.

Seems like a typo more than anything.

Come home, Euro-winning man

I'll go home white bois

Alright. I'll work for it

It's not a fake surname my dude

proud amerindian

100% swede
