


Holy shit I didn't expect this to be real...

Them trips don't lie.


That sucks.
Was kind of hoping he would pick up his korear by making quality videos again

This nigga aint dead.?

poor quality b8.
OP is a nigger


His name was Steven Segal.

He means rip about his social life, hes being accused of sexual harassment.

The guy shit his pants during a choke-out. Can't get more disgraced than that. Poop, boy, poop!

Good riddance

I mean yeah I didn't start really jacking it to full potential until after I moved out

>accused of sexual harassment

He's a notorious woman-beater, so how much of a shock could this be? Fuck him...

I wish.

The glimmer man was a true story!

What a perv. I'm sure nobody here would put their career on the line to touch some sweet teenage titty.

he's not dead he just looks dead with painted on hair



Damn, he went full Travolta on that shit