As a citizen of Europe I hope Hillary Clinton will win the election, not that racist misogynist Drumpf

As a citizen of Europe I hope Hillary Clinton will win the election, not that racist misogynist Drumpf.


Europe is fucking shit.

Haul emperor Trump, pls free Europe.


Obviously, we will destroy Europe and become your owner.

Tbqh they are both bad for different reasons. Clinton will continue the degeneracy and multiculturalist delusions. Trump will destabilize economy and drag the world back into the dark ages of environmental destruction.

It would be nice to see Trump's victory for fun, but better for America if Hillary will win this.

I'd prefer her too, but we have to accept that she doesn't have a chance after the Lange scandal. We need to make our peace with the inevitability of president Trump.

And it's for Ukraine and EU too, of course.


As a citizen of Canada I hope the diverse and industrious ethopian will become the main ethnicity in your lands, not the treacherous psychopathic Finn

You're a fucking idiot

>Trump will destabilize economy and drag the world back into the dark ages of environmental destruction
>citation needed

пиздeц, yмpи oт paкa

>citizen of Europe
>Check flag

Oh Canada, you truly are the jester of the world.

>You're a fucking idiot
>literally retard who votes because muh memes

>Knows nothing about American politics
>Buh buh buh you used a meme!

Stay butt hurt, faggot.

>As a cuck of Europe I hope Hillary Clinton will win the election, not that racist misogynist Drumpf.

Cлишкoм дoлгo ждaть, я нe coбиpaюcь тaк дoлгo ждaть.

Either he's true to his word or shitposting with his mouth.

>citizen of Europe

Kill yourself

>Knows nothing about American politics
>Sup Forums
Like that even possible.


Don't undermine the cause with retarded attacks like "defense attorneys defend criminals!"

This, my Spanish Amigo.

The EU has really fucked our once fair continent up with their fucking bullshit.

As a citizen of Europe I hope Trumpinator will win the election, not that corrupt, whats popular now Hillary Clinton.

Here in Germany we joke that all three American candidates are fucking insane.
But Trump is best for us because he'll finally draw America out of its attempts at playing world police.


I like that trump memes are funny and stick well while anti trump memes are heavily forced and stupid. like drumpf, a movement that is all about antibullying making fun of a man's family name before becoming a part of this country.

At least Republicans understand they're assholes and have fun, why are liberals such faggot crybaby bullies?

Lakku Pippu Faggu

With Obamascare kicking in full now and this summer, with doubling health insurance premiums and/or astronomically high deductibles, no Democrat stands a snowball's chance in Hell this election.

Trump will be the next president.

As a citizen of the U.S, we don't give a fuck what a cuck from fagland thinks.

Go to hell shill, and stay there. You are a disgrace to your nation, and people.

Chillary is leading the polls.President Drumpf will never become reality