I have these meds to overcome alcoholism due to depression. Yet here I am, drunk as I've ever have been

I have these meds to overcome alcoholism due to depression. Yet here I am, drunk as I've ever have been.

I think I'm giving up anons. Think this will be enough to do the job?

Depression is a pseudo science label used to justify a sneaking brain lobotomy as a "treatment" for your realization that you cannot fulfill your call in life.

It's natural to want to live.
It's natural to don't want to live.

Nature is blessing you with either of those feelings depending on if she can use you or not for her cause.

is this somekind of bait? are you seriously using benzos as an alternative to alchol? wew

Going by that, I'm out boys/girls. How can nature use me if I don't know how to do that myself. Ah well. At least I'll die relaxed right?

Benzos help the withdrawals. Thought I could overcome it but apparently I cannot..

it's genuinely prescribed for people coming of alcohol to negate some of the nasty side effects like seizures. Ironically long term use of diazepam can also cause seizures so meh.

It's necessary when your a hardcore alcoholic. you can die from going cold turky without it

In other words. Fucked. Ah well. I've never felt this relaxed before

Cbd concentrates m8, 1/4 thc to 3/4 cbd will kill the nasuia and fever symptoms and massivly help with the depresseion.

I’ve quit drinking before. Didn’t really bother me at all. Just needed some Benadryl to sleep and the occasional bout of the shakes. That’s it.

Check yourself into a rehab and or call a suicide hotline. You just have a chemical imbalance in your brain. Get help user.

ll suicide hotlines told me to sleep it off

its normal to do a alc withdrawl with diazepam. its way easier to get the dosage right and easier to lower the dose for a complete withdrawl.

Ok, then check yourself into a rehab user. Do it today. Or goto the hospital and tell them how your feeling, they will help you.

Whatever u Do dont take pills to die. ur Most likely fail to die immediately and physically suffer. Drove someone as Paramedic who lived for 3 months in pain in hospital before it was over. Most Survive.
I feel You, tho

No dude I'm fighting it too. 24 hours in rn

See it as an opportunity to make nature proud of you.

You have a severe addiction to alcohol. I'm not asking you to find the willpower to overcome that, because I cannot imagine being in that spot. I would imagine that it would take an amazing effort to pull it, but such an effort will not go unnoticed.

You can tell nature, that she should love you. You know her ways. She rewards the healthy, and you could begin your journey with exercise and proper diet. I know that it doesn't sound appealing at all, but that's because you are of no use to her, and therefore she rewards you with a will to end your purposeless existence.

But you can chance that at the root. Make nature proud. Start the spiral. She might find a liking to you, and rewards of will to live and make healthy choices might start to come from deep within you.

We all have potential, user.. I have no idea who you are, or what you can do, but life is so strangely simple from some perspective.

All they're full of is people trying to help themselves justify their past deeds. Not justify, but just talk about it. You think someone who has a child with cancer, has an ex that used to physically abuse me, now has a partner that spends all my money, with a family that frowns upon my leaving of the previous relationship wants to hear about other people's stories?

I don't give a fuck about that shit. How do I fix myself. And now? It's not possible. I've been trying for months. I tried alone, I tried with someone. Nothing. Fuck it all.

Anyway. I took the valium. I'll see you all on the other side.

good luck, user. I hope that you will find peace in your next life or your current.

Oh. I guess I'll be a potato for the rest of my life. One of my worst fears tbh. But not worse than living through what I have been

Thanks, friend.

You could just stick your finger down your throat and puke them up, and call 911. But if not, RIP user.

How old are you?

I've mde my cjoise

I would have been 27 in 8 days

At lest I save my famaily money in presents

Benzos and Alc both use Gaba receptors. so they have similar withdrawl symptoms (like the seizures) but its better to use the diazpam because the effect lasts way longer then alc and the withdrawl Treatment with diaz wont make u dangerous addicted to diazepam (its easy to start the dosage right and then lower it with the time)
sorry for bad eng but medical shit is to high for my eng lvl

Puke it up user, it's not worth it!
Travel to another country and find yourself


i think 20 valiu will not help with withdeals

We don't have choice. We have impulses, which we react on.

If you feel that you are doing something wrong now, then you ARE doing something wrong(!). Listen to yourself.

Tell me more about ur fears. i used to have similar probs but i am way younger.

I expect everyone here sees themselves as above average inteligence. im that wy. its all i hve to be honest. an without the ability to express that (i.e. potato), it'd be a living hell. I'd rther be ded. but too late now

OP is a liar using fake pictures.

Attention whore faggot

That's too young, dude.. You're drunk.. Puke it up and rethink on a sober mind

Unironically psychedelics, I always get the knowledge and deep feeling of how bad and toxic alcohol is to the body and mind while tripping...doesn't last long tough, if something triggers my feeling of social inadequacy I'll have to get shitfaced on booze.

how much did u drink ?
and u just totally fucked up ur withdrawl

26yo, male. successful in life. Brisbane, Australia
I hope it's newsworthy tomorrow otherwise it'll just prove how fucking little I ment

About AU35 standards...is it different elsewhere?

If you could post a pic of your puked up pills, I think you would actually make a difference in the world.

I can sense a pride in your character in that post also. You know, you deserve a life, and you know, you are capable of doing things, others can't do.

You are not killing yourself for a news paper tomorrow or making a manifest of some kind. Your life is what is important for you, and this is how we all live.

Go play a video game or some shit.

attention seeking teenager

cops are at my door. I'm not answering

i already did a benzo withdrawl with people who did Alc withdrawl in the hospital in the begin i had 3 times a day 5.mg dia the Alcoholics only got 1 in the worst case. i dont know if its enough for the whole thing but enough to do the withdrawl out of the danger zone (stabilize the body so that u wont be in a life threatining situation)

Try using kratom. That worked really well for me. It's not an overnight process, but it helped me get back in control. Fuck it, it's way cheaper than those other meds that work mediocre anyway. Nothing to lose OP.

Get it while it's still legal. The FDA doesn't like it because it also works as an alternative painkiller to opiods, but without all of the severe addiction and death. Of note of course, some pharmaceutical companies are trying to patent the active chemicals in it before this goes down...

user the dosage most likely wont kill u even if u have drank alk open door say them u okay and then get ur shit together and dont commit suicide

Who the fuck gave you diazepam to get over alcoholism due to depression? That shit makes it way fucking worse! Kick that doctor in the fucking throat for being a gigantic retard.

noooo the doc is no retard it is the normal procedure to use diazepam for the alc withdrawl

what did they do?
i really hope you wont die. theres so much to live for. if you pass away, good luck. you'll be remembered

the Duration of the Diazepam treatment will not be long enough for benzo withdrawl symtomps to occure

It fucks with impulse control. Though it might work with the withdrawal, it can also significantly increase the urge to drink. You mitigate the physiological yet boot the psychological withdrawal/urges. It's somewhat counter-intuitive.

A better option (that works on the same receptors) would be baclofen, or as was mentioned above, kratom. (Though there's definitely limited studies regarding kratom and alcoholism. Or kratom in general for that matter.)