How did America end up like this? Where did it all go so wrong?

How did America end up like this? Where did it all go so wrong?

cheap highly calorific food....


fuck, now I'm hungry

absolutely degenerate


>college humor


>Manuel Uribe

Bitch por favor, he's Mexican.

da fuck is this?
a turd on dough?

Goatse underage fag, Goatse

>underage fag
I only wish I was younger...

I am overweight. I am also poor. This is problem facing America. The Obama economy has forced many people to opt for cheap fast food instead of expensive home cooked foods. It is much cheaper for me to get a few things off the dollar menu than go to some fancy grocery store and buy some expensive salad and still be hungry again in 20 mins.

Well you see this is what late capitalism looks like. We're here to make money for people who know how exploit our base instincts

>fast food

There are several arguments to be made about food expense. Price of healthy ingredients is not one of them.

the fuck u on about? doing homemade food is by far the cheapest solution.

>hurr durr, Obama made me fat.

Surely there is a Thanks Obama for this out there somewhere

Mexico is in North America


the double down. that's where it went over the edge of the infinite abyss. the double down.

When they made eating fast food cheaper than making food from scratch.

That's how it works in the US.
Fast food is only expensive in the rest of the world because of taxes put on fatty food.

It starts with this.

Mass obesity was an issue before sjw's became mainstream user.
You can't blame everything on them.

lol its really not. it just takes more time- you know, because its not FAST food

Jealous much opfaggot

Depends on where you live.
If you're in some Podunk town with only one grocery store that caters to the more well off people, the fast food restaurants are cheaper.

It is called an obesogenic environment.

50 years ago, there wasn't a McDonalds on every corner. You had to work to prepare meals. Jobs were more physical than mental.

Now we sit in office chairs and drive through the drive thu.

People with genes that predispose them to weight issues get fatter.

People like to blame obesity on willpower, but it is much more complex issue than that. It is just a way for the genetically thin to feel superior.

Twin studies prove that identical twins with the same genes are within a few percentage points of each other. While non-identical twins are spread further out. See the graph. This means your genes have a large say in what you body looks like. If it was willpower identical twins would have different bodies. But they are genetically the same no matter what. Even if they are raised apart.

This is why you see a thin family and a fat family. Their genes get passed on to thier children. It isn't a teachable eating habit thing. We know this because of adoptive children have weight similar to their biological parents and not their adoptive ones.

So basically yes, your genes are your destiny.

Doctors don't like to say that because they want to you work at being healthy. A a moving fat person is more healthy than a non moving one, but they will never get to be "thin".

Among the population of fat people, it is rare for someone to lose enough weight back to normal. The odds are something like 1 in 1200 for men and 1 in 650 for women.

>Manuel "Meme"

That guy is a beaner from Mexico OP

1. He's not American, he's Mexican

2. He's dead and has been dead for a few years now

3. Fuck off

That nigga died years ago

Again, unless you're living in bumfuck alaska it really shouldnt be.

Sure the initial outlay for ingredients is more than a large meal at a fast food joint, but with that initial outlay you can make 7 or so meals at things end up MUCH MUCH cheaper.

Im not a lard-arse and cook most of my own food BUT when i do eat fast food its because fast food is just more convenient- cooking is time consuming and painful and when i get home from work i dont want to spend another 40 mins in the kitchen cooking and another 30 cleaning up. So I reckon the convenience of fast food is much more of a valid argument than saying its cheaper.

Well that is a valid viewpoint.
How about a compromise, it's a mixture of the fast food seeming cheaper and convenience.

Follow up picture of twins. Identical top and non-identical bottom.

See how much genes control you rather than the other way around?