Door Hinges 2.7

Door Hinges 2.7


But you're the same person?

the fuck have door hinges to do with this

Yes, but was simple a greeting to new individuals entering this gay faggot thread.

Guy from yesterday complained about the name and said it might as well be 'Door Hinges 2.7' told him the next I created would be named that.

everyone's a critic


So, how are you doing Sage?

why do people insist on calling me that, it's not my name, I'm not a namefag

It says Sage, what you want me to call you?

it says that because the QR form insists on leaving it in when I sage some shitty threads

Okay, not-Sage how are you doing?


How come succ?

mediocre. the streets are covered in sorbet and overall winter sucks

Hey all!

Ive heard the succ is great.

No snow here so far, only rain. Hope the frost will come soon so it won't be wet and muddy everywhere.




How did those balls hold 14 loads?

Its Baffling

Maybe they shrunk.


I didn't know I wanted Bambi to suck my dick, but I do


Deerbois are pretty great.






Seek help, all of you. Your mental illness is destroying your parent's trust. Seek help
Thread reported

Go ahead, this thread is actually allowed on Sup Forums and is breaking zero rules.

I keep my mental illness bottled up like my homosexuality, because no one wanna see that.









