
new lauren youtu.be/HFW0z0Y5TR4 edition

Other urls found in this thread:


ani-may not


>letting autismo yank make the new

When did philosophers get so attractive?


Things /brit/ needs LESS of:
>Blog-type chitchat
>Smug “ironic” posts

Things /brit/ needs MORE of:
>Deano memes
>Hungarian posters
>Paki slags

cross section lads

eating some dark chocolate



January 30 - Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany.

February 9 – The Oxford Union student debating society in England passes a resolution stating, "That this House will in no circumstances fight for its King and country."

March 4 - Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) is sworn in as the 32nd President of the United States

April 26 - The Gestapo secret police are established in Nazi Germany by Hermann Göring.

May 26 – The Nazi Party in Germany introduces a law to legalize eugenic sterilization.

July 14 – In Nazi Germany, the Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring is enacted, allowing compulsory sterilization of citizens suffering from a list of alleged genetic disorders.

July 15 - Signing of the Four-Power Pact by Britain, France, Germany and Italy.

August 12 – Winston Churchill makes his first public speech

learn something new every day

Can I have some?

>>Blog-type chitchat
>>Smug “ironic” posts
literally all me
>>Deano memes
>>Hungarian posters
>>Paki slags
literally none me

Looks tasty lol

better be 85%+

percocet molly percocet

When men stopped oppressing womens intellect as much

name jeff



Neighbours playing very loud negro music.

Can't focus on my anime.

between the ages of 15 and 23 i went on holiday with my parents and spent nearly all the time looking for places away from them to do a wank

things got worse when i didn't have to share a hotel room with my brother. i would be naked the whole time


brilliant menes

simone weil was peng

>no beetroot
a shit burger
didnt have any lindt stuff left, stuck with cadbury 86%

Tory leadership election today lads
It's being held right next to and at the same time as Canada's largest anime convention

two boys kissing each other is more pornographic than a straight kiss or older people kissing. should be banned in the media


Positively OBSESSED with girls' bumholes

love anime, hate the tories not racist just dont like em simple as

I seriously don't think these Islamic terrorists are true representations of Islam. All these bombings are just a fad because people have nothing better to do and feel they need a purpose. It's like the transgender meme. Sprung up out of nowhere, people are just doing it because, then it will die down eventually and get replaced with a new meme


Reminder that playing this song is a hate crime

what are these dogs? they don't look nice

Positively OBSESSED with synthwave


good lad

always boggles the mind when i see some fat pasty lad with a 7+/10 gf



oh just piss off

Good lad

nothing wrong with giving your mates a cheeky one

another proof that looking nice isnt everything and that if incels cant get gfs its not because they dont look good its because they're mental runts



irritating voice
really want my willy in her though


Young Brits have always been poofters tho. Fathers would pay small fortunes to send their sons to boarding schools just so they could experience the joys of teenaged gay sex.

seize the means of karaoke

>lauren southern

cooked too much rice lads

Girls will go for people they find funny and amusing , disregarding looks and other personality

really want to lick one

if you make less than £45k then there's no point living in london

whats the difference between girls bumholes and lads bumholes

REALLY want to forcibly impregnate Megumin tbqhwyl

Indeed, also finger it as well. Though I'm indifferent towards sticking my willy in there oddly enough.

Lads, I think Germans are learning to banter.


>when a yank tries to give backchat in /brit/


We're interbreeding with Brits, Canadians and Aussies to create the perfect shitposting Lebensborn.

the gf

no they aren't hans

they will find you funny and amusing if you're good looking, but an ugly guy saying the exact same thing would be a creep

I don't know what I expected.

coorked too much lice rads

ngl lads some girl have bum hair too

>Sup Forums

The original song is shit, that remix is decent though

they differ in shape

look at first pic

willy did a twitch at the end

need a 'vie to watch

Imagine the brown log she must push out of that arsehole every day. The sweat dripping from her brow as she heaves, damning it to Hell as it tears her sphincter. The smell alone would no doubt leave most people reeling in abject horror and the only thing she's done to clean it away is wipe repeatedly with a few thin bits of dry paper. Yum.

Christ you are fucking mentally ill

fengkuei boys

the only difference is length of perineum

that little bit of skin isn't on all girls and some girls have big fat sphincters like guys

Read a book instead of burying your pineal under hollywood cultural poison

can i post?

Is he ok

On $55k/yr

Ah yes. Saturday night /brit/. Quality stuff.


is the UK a 1st world country?

He's never been ok

stranger by the lake

looks like a nonce film

I missed out on young teenage gay sex

I never said anything about banter. I said shitposting.

I'm spending my Saturday night in my pyjamas with a lovely lady, a bottle of Shiraz and a tub of Haagen Daz. The lady in question is the lovely Miss Jane Austen, and I'm staying in reading Mansfield Park. Haha!

piss off then

whats the point? i dont have a high IQ

nah theyre 17-18

fuck off you disgusting jerry wanker


bit gay

Reminder that this is every girl you've ever known or will know

Windows open, not helping one bit. Twenty eight degrees still. Please advise.


Saw "The Last Emperor" a few days ago
It's pretty good 2bh

unless she's fat girls don't generally do big poos since they're smaller and dont need to eat as much as men