
Aesthetic hot summer nights edition.

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Bulgarian twinks

fuck off nonce

*fucks you in*

We can't just throw away the rule of law and start arresting every muslim that we merely suspect of terrorism
*tries desperately not to look at Northern Ireland*


I don't want to rock DJ

Internment still happens here you wee sheltered saxon cunt

If you look like a fat jew and you are posting under a jf flag then post elsewhere


Love the banter we have with the French

Gonna start giving absolutely honest opinions for a quid a pop in town centre

current eating: 2 toasted slices of wheat bread with chicken and cheddar

Friend's brother died earlier this evening, I have no idea what to say to him. Any suggestions on how to comfort him?

I hope it starts raining so all the normies fuck off inside.


Half a pound of semtex and a coke can full of nails, right up the shitter

i thought all germans went to bed at 11

It's almost like that was the joke, you dozy bastard.

Go watch the latest Question Time and ow they all definitively state that it is against the rule of law to arrest people merely for suspicion of terrorism, while ignoring the fact that it has been allowed in Northern Ireland for fucking decades. The hypocrisy of the left is astounding.

tell him to get fucked

kill yourself

tell him the world can only benefit from having one less white person

Just say "I'm sorry for your loss" then move on

The point is that it should be illegal so I agree in this instance

All the Germans will knock off in about 5 mins. Thankfully I'm not a Kraut

its better to not talk in cases like that
just put your hand on his shoulder

Not to be a dick but why is no one talking about Ariana Grande's music? She has one song, side to side, about not being able to walk straight following vigorous sex.

An 8 year old died in the attack. Why was she there? What kind of parent lets their child go to a concert where they sing about these things? Shouldn't Ariana be looked at as a kiddy fiddler for performing sex songs in front of little kids?

this is solid advice, he needs the spark of dopamine and adrenaline that sex provides

There's a real chance the Manchester terrorist learned his bomb-making skills from the guys we helped to remove Gaddafi.

Nothing will spur introspection about the wisdom of removing Gaddafi--not even the Manchester attack by the kind of rebel who replaced him.

Why not? At least don't let them practice their religion in public.

are you greek?

Don't say anything unless it comes up in direct conversation. You might be a tether point of normality for him. If you play video games together a lot, just go and play video games and don't bring it up. It might help.


alri terrorist sympathisers

I'm sorry to hear about X bro, if you need anything just let me know. Shits tough and I hope you don't get too cut up about it, drop me a line if you want to meet up at any stage. Peace x

Wrong. It should be entirely legal to round up suspicious muslims and deport them.

the british are unironically the fattest people in europe


Liberal democrats

The IRA aren't terrorists
That's not internment that's forced deportation, which i agree with


it's fucking hilarious how lefties think trump is our most hated president. he's not even close, and considering that george w was only ten years ago tells me that these lefties are way too young to be having opinions of any sort

>dozy cunt doesn't even understand the post

I'm explicitly the opposite. I'm pointing out the terrorist sympathisers England is full of. But only if the terrorist is brown.


you two were always very close

this is the non meme real advice. Just giving him company without mentioning it is better than saying the usual fake shit which only makes it worse.
I bet he already heard this from 15 people and every time he hears it he wants to kill himself

Zbigniew Brzezinski has died at 89

what are the chances of the lib dems winning?

they're the only party offering realistic solutions

>two of your presidents literally >get shot
>lefties think mean buzzfeed articles are the epidome of scorn

um, alright grandad
its 2017, trump is essentially hitler

kawabunga, man

You intern them and then you deport them you dunce.

Makes a difference if it's from a close friend desu

As long as it isn't indefinite internment in their own homeland, I'm fine with it. Don't know why were still replying to each other haha


>the usual fake shit
Doesn't have to be fake. In this case pretending nothing happened is fake shit

leftists are historically illiterate
they say shite like "zlumpf is the most divisive president of all time!" and they don't even realize that the election of abraham lincoln triggered civil war

Drumpf is a fucking joke

What? I'm pretty sure I understood it

Strange that my dull posts get lots of (You)s but my absolutely hilarious ones get nary a 'lel'

dont have a cow man

my usual goto is "condolences, are your family coping alright?" because it makes them think about their mother/sisters feelings rather than their own

The assault of a northern fort triggered your civil war, silly yank

Thinking about dead bros got me all depressed.

its not "pretending nothing happened" its playing along because life goes on
reminding him abt his dead brother is only going to make things worse

Still don't know who this "Trump" person is


Four sitting presidents have been killed, all of them by gunshot: Abraham Lincoln (the 16th President), James A. Garfield (the 20th President), William McKinley (the 25th President) and John F. Kennedy (the 35th President).

Reagan was shot but survived.

No, you didn't.

They're pakis. Their homeland is thousands of miles away. Don't confuse your feelings on the IRA being detained with your feelings on interment as a whole.

/brit/ is a dry humour general

blown a chance at a relationship again lads

during the campaign several southern states said they would secede if lincoln won

you know not of what you speak

Why are we against all Muslims because of their terror when we weren't against all Irish because of the IRA?

I reckon it's because IRA terror was politer. It's polite to quietly leave a bomb in a pub and walk out without causing a fuss. The British way. Polite.

Yelling Allahau Akbar and drawing attention to yourself, creating a panic as you blow yourself up, these are entirely foreign to us. Rude.

I didn't mean pretend nothing happened, but I believe just hugging him, keeping him company and maybe inviting him to a drink or vidya says a lot more than words

>the IRA being detained
No I'm thinking of when the RUC would go into Catholic neighbourhoods and arrest any young Irish lad that wasn't fast enough to get away

They're talking about Bloody Bum Fuck Shit Cunt Twat Prick Bitch Wanker Actual Toilet Bastard Nigger Pussy Fart Faggot Dick Arse Tits Poo Hole

This is very much the sort of thread that deserves an accompanying >tips fedora image, but I'm genuinely constantly surprised by how shallow girls are, and how even intelligent girls allow their lives to be so affected by how attractive they are to the opposite sex



Don't you...forget about me...


Would you truly object if they did this to a mosque?

>It's a "dey wuz gud bois who dindu nuffin" episode from the resident IRA apologist
Ah yes, how delightful

probably because the ira had somewhat nobler aims than establishing a global caliphate

>Sup Forums tries to copy the PJW meme
ahh yes

>girls allow their lives to be so affected by how attractive they are to the opposite sex
>what is /fit/
>what is /r9k/

haven't spoken to anyone besides my gf in a year and she's going on a summer internship
ah YES

it's biological impetus

it's inescapable

The Irish in England received blatent abusive everyday during the troubles, lots leaving for the US, Ireland or moving to Irish neighbourhoods in Liverpool

having the pope rule the world is no different than an islamic caliph

a bunch of rorkes smashed their way through an Irish pub shouting 'no surrender' after the earlier Manchester bombing

having pepe rule the world is no different from an islamic caliph

the IRA was national liberation. nowt wrong about this (except all the dead people ofc)
ISIS is only creating chaos and mischief. no oppressed/oppressor dialectic, just casual terrorism. nothing nice about that

No because they're foreigners in England and shouldn't be placed above, or equal to natives. It's a different situation

I wouldn't care if you lads had arrested a load of Irish in Manchester and shipped them back home in the 80s

correct especially since the current pope is a crypto muslim

But there IRA were the wasps of bombers. They could use their bomb and bomb again.

The Islamic bomber is the bee of bombers. One bomb and he dies in the process.

People like bees. They don't like wasps. Checkmate.

Lots of lads do it too, granted, but still nowhere near as much as girls do. I don't think I'm memeing when I say the majority of girls I knew at uni didn't have any hobbies except for clubbing (i.e. trying to look pretty so the captain of the rugby team would fuck them)


>girls I knew
extremely scientific lad

Your uncle died like a dog in the street, where was his beloved Queen then?

>national liberation
>by invading and bombing another sovereign nation to reclaim land inhabited by a majority of people who don't want to be "liberated"
ah yes

>reminding him
it's acknowledging, not reminding. He won't soon forget his brother died. Had a friend whose father died when we were in high school. Told him he had my number and I was there for him. My father and I went a few times do things his father would do. Surely having us split the wood for the winter reminded them it wasn't their father and husband doing it anymore, but in the end it was done, it meant that even if they had lost someone dear they could count other people.

mental that this aussie's uncle was killed by the IRA