I think most men are trash and Sup Forums solidifies that for me

I think most men are trash and Sup Forums solidifies that for me.
>Fact: Most men are rapists and/or pedophiles.
>Fact: Most men are racists
>Fact: Most men want to subjugate and abuse women
>Fact: Most men are physically violent with women
>Fact: Men like to beat children
>Fact: Men like to degrade and verbally abuse women and children
>Fact: The only redemption is celibacy and isolation

Gr8 b8 m8

Here's your (you).

You make me proud to be a man OP. Appreciate the compliments.

Not a man, mate.

Think is a strong word

>Not a man, mate.

That really, really hurts user. It really hurts.

Nice b8...

I agree up until the last point. The only redemption is to stop being a god damn faggot.


And every woman is a possible slut

Ugghh. No.

sluts > rapists

back in my day trolling meant something

Like to beat children
>Like to beat it to children
There I fixed it for you.


I think women are sluts but you don't see me whining.

You talk too much.

Replace men with women and you can troll Tumblr/Twitter/Facebook all day

The Chan has a bit more.. Class if you will

Pic related

Nature is cool. I like shitting in the woods and living in the trees.

Sluts< D==8 rapists


If we weren't meant to fuck children, then why did God have to make them so damn sexy?

>Fact Most men can beat the shit out of you

>Implying any of those are bad traits
Male master sex

They wont cuz once I open my legs my dank pussy stench knocks them out.