Countries with culture

if you don't live in any of these countries, you're cultureless

idk why you decided turkey, iran, and saudi arabia have culture, but not iraq
even tho all above copied iraqi culture
leave it to the monkey to give his opion about human concepts

why don't you eat shit?

Why isn't Spain green?

Why don't you eat monkey? Oh, wait...


>Saudi Arabia

Also, being told which countries have culture from someone whose country has no culture is meaningless.

because you'll go hungry because i ate your allocated ration

Math master calculate how xenophobic is this thread

why? wtf? it's actually better as I wouldn't be biased

don't go out sperging shit
no i'm full

Include Denmark and Poland. Exclude romania.

>generic snownigger shithole
>generic slav shithole

Shut the fuck up you nigger

look at OP's flag


t. jamón hernandez

you wouldn't say that to my face

i would you shitskin nagger

you'd be like your kin in the pot when i'm done with you

Hello :^3

i'll play football with your head fucking nigger

>someone (especially a woman) who annoys people by constantly finding fault.


haven't seen a hue go full chimp in a while

>New Zealanders have no cultu-

i'll fuck up your game from the grave and make you lose 7-1 like when germany butt raped you

you think i care about football you fucking nigger?

its a s-shit sport anyway

2010 was your last close attempt

you will never ever have a more talented squad.
You lost the WC forever

Those are pretty autistic choices for countries with >culture

This is not true, we're in the process of training teenage twinks.
We'll be back.

ebin meme

>Peru and Bolivia
>no culture

make yourself a favor and kys

Uma delicias are the worst posters

Fuck you monkey

Poland surpassing culturally almost every European country and Denmark is superior to other Nordics.

t. the witcher producer

another macaco quality thread

right lopez, now go run from bulls

forgot about greece, lol

what did brazil produce?

nothing, that's why it's not on the list

amateur porn


>South Korea
I say this as a Korean immigrant

Brazil has Bossa Nova and GOAT non-macaco food.

i love you alberto

>none for South America or Africa
Uhmm..racist and sexist much

educate yourself before making posts ape

t. hans thor fenrir

that is a shitty map

>Brazil doesn't have culture

Bad map

>no culture

Why didn't you include Austria? They were Mozart and shit.

>but not Spain
>no Greece either

t. Marcos Silva Smith
forgot about that, kek
all they were

They got more culture then Portugal.

dude austria doesn't even have an own language

Is that case you shouldn't include usa.

the rest of their culture compensates

Like that? Their popcorn culture values more then Austrian classical music and architecture? You are full of shit.



stop it, putin

You don't know shit about culture, filthy monkey,

t. alexei johann häns

Culture is a global thing

rROMANI-a doesn't have any culture
It's all stolen from Transylvania, land of tolerance, freedom and progress

>this fucking thread
drunk hues are adorable




>uneducated monkey
Nothing to see here

someone take that monkey op down
never go full ape brother what will Sup Forums think about us