Cultural Marxism and Critical Theory

I honestly don't understand Critical Theory. As far as I can tell it just means understanding stuff in context of other stuff.

Cultural Marxism is painting opposing cultural values as destructive.

Would really like to understand this stuff as something more than alt-right buzz words.

Venezuela looks great nowadays.

Using critical theory by juxaposing this post next to one that has the word nigger repeated ad infinum, we can clearly see op is just pretending to not be racist

>something more than alt-right buzz words
they're actually progressive buzzwords.

Can't recall anyone outside of this using the term Cultural Marxism and always as a pejorative.

I don't get it.

You fell for the vaguary of critical theory, everything can only only understood in context of "other stuff" that's the very nature of reality.

What critical theory actually means is being "critical" of social things, or social "systems," and thus convincing people that these systems are oppressive and that their audience they're addressing, usually associated in some way to the system, are being oppressed. It's a Marxist tool to enlist useful idiots into thinking they have something to fight for, strictly on the side of the Marxist, it's quite literally the "how to instill victimisation complex" methodology. Because it's usually used to pit one culture against another, even subcultures, it is more appropriately named cultural Marxism but that has been defamed as conspiracy theory.

Inb4 that insufferable sociologist from America who is all like "no no adorno and horkheimer warned about this misuse," no, idiot, I could just as easily argue they anticipated and expected this misuse in order to vanguard another pointless revolution, like BLM or third wave feminism.

Critical theory was developed by the leftist "Frankfurt School", a group of European socialists who emigrated to the US in the 1930's. It's a political philosophy designed to subvert capitalism by displacing certain selected groups of people under the guise of victimhood. It has successfully infiltrated and dominated American Universities, leaving us with the hilarious jokes of humanity we see on campuses today.

A spectacular nonshitpost from Straya. The legends are true.

So social critical theory is people not liking stuff? People disagreeing what is good or bad is timeless. I don't see what is specific to Cultural Marxism or Critical Theory.

How is capitalism subverted?

Capitalism relies upon the freedom of the individuals to inform their choices. Socialists look to subvert this freedom by invoking "altruism" or the "greater good." By limiting the choices an individual has to serve the "greater good" the individual's freedom is curtailed. This subjugation of freedom means more control for the policy makers, the deciders in power.

Come to Sup Forums, break the stereotype of your nation, become a legend. What loser NEETs do when there's literally no other way to achieve excellence in your life.

The only joke is that all opposition is either labelled as bigotry of some sort, or worse, as conspiracy theory.

It's a farce.

More so a methodology to manufacture problems within systems and convince others that things are bigotry of some sort. Everything is arguably an *ism, but where critical theory fails is by intent. It's the same branch of sociology that introduced microaggression, or rather unintentional bigotry, which by virtue of lacking malicious intent absolutely is not bigotry of any sort.

This, and not just because I like being recognised.

Without being free to make mistakes, without being allowed to take responsibility for those mistakes, as opposed to blaming these mistakes on a system, the competitive and thus socially eugenic nature of capitalism has been perverted.

Critical theory comes from the domain of postmodernism, which is diametrically opposed to this sort of self criticism that's entirely necessary for growth and development.

Critical Theory is a sociological school of thought that tries to link social outcomes to wider trends in economics, history, politics, culture, etc. It takes a very collectivist approach, viewing demographic groups as 'classes' (in a Marxist sense) and ascribes values of 'power' and 'oppression' to these classes. The individual has no real bearing on social outcomes.
>you are poor because others have made you poor, no other reason is considered

Critical theory essentially tries to frame everything in Marxist terms and gives explanations that boil down to class struggle. It's a shitty way of looking at the world because it completely ignores the individual and conceptualises things universally.
>Blacks are always discriminated against by whites - no exceptions
>Men always keep women down
>Rich are always taking from the poor

And yet a rich black woman like Oprah Winfrey is considered downtrodden and oppressed because she fits into a 'class' by virtue of demographics. Nevermind that she is richer than virtually everyone in the world and there is no one who would say she is oppressed. Barack Obama grew up wealthy and lived an upper middle class life. Yet critical theory would categorise him as being oppressed because he was half-black.

Critical theory is also shitty because sociologists use it to try to explain other fields using the same framework, even if it makes no sense. This is what gives rise to 'intersectionality' and the associated intellectual diarrhoea from that. Hilariously critical theory has been BTFO when trying to try this shit with STEM but increasingly that's weakening as the attempt is to know try to attack epistemological foundations and bitch how it's all been white men and how can this knowledge be 'fair'? It's horse shit reasoning but you'd be surprised how many people agree with it.

Constraints by others is what makes a society. This is starting to sound like some libertarian stuff. Disagreements on the intervention of government is as old as the existence of governments.

Honestly the complaints I see have the same methodology as gamergate.

Trying to be open minded about whatever point people are trying to make about Social Marxism and Critical Theory. However it all just sounds like jargon to refer to undesirables as "those assholes".

Jesus, you're single handedly balancing out years and years of shitposting. I will tell my grandchildren about you one day.

This information was erased from Wikipedia btw. Try searching "Cultural Marxism" on it and see where it redirects to.

Australia has for once not shitposted. I'm proud of you, emu.

So you are saying systemic racism never happened? It is pretty dishonest to say people are not effected by large trends outside of their control. Ignoring those effects don't serve any purpose unless it is to serve whatever ideology you have.

How is STEM effected by Critical Theory? You mean participation among genders? To be honest that is a first world problem that pales in comparison to females being actively discouraged from participating in schools in the developing world. Like that girl Malala Yousafzai that was shot over schooling.

>constraints on others is what makes a society
Please elaborate, I'm not entirely sure what you mean.

>I honestly don't understand Critical Theory
Its the conclusion that absolutely everything Western Civilization has done is bad and motivated by racism/sexusm/classism/etc. It's actually a very simple concept, but the 'intellectuals' who write about it obfuscate it's simplicity with intentionally obtuse language.

I have searched. What I have found is either as vague as I have stated or conspiratorial nothing that has been mentioned in this thread.

I know I must be JIDF for not swallowing whatever it is you guys are saying but I think my observations were accurate when I posted this thread.

Yes. Wikipedia has many documented cases of subversive censorship.

Hey, I don't like getting my shit kicked in so lets not kick the shit out of each other unless we really feel like it.

Stop dumping your piss out of the window so it doesn't get nasty everywhere.

Mandatory vaccinations for school age children attending public schools so we don't have polio anymore.

We have a preference for outcomes that restrains us or others around us. Absolute freedom is meaningless in an actual society.

So are you saying Race, Sex, and class has not had an effect on Western Civilization?

Maybe I am just coming from a perspective where I take for granted that those aspects of humanity have had on behavior. Not sure where I could have picked that up on a board that complains about feminism, niggers, and communist upstarts.

Holy shit PBF came out with a comic on my birthday and I missed it.

What critical theory certainly is not, is being critical to brute-forcing Marxism intersectionally to everything.

>Absolute freedom is meaningless in an actual society
In terms of the examples you mentioned, yes I completely agree. Known behavior that propagates disease, general civility and etiquette, sure these are the tenets of a civilized people. However, we're not talking about these basic tenets (although it could be argued that ultra leftists don't even recognize these) when speaking about critical theory. We're talking about higher forms of freedom, i.e. speech, that socialists see as "problematic."

*Avoidance of known behavior

>So are you saying Race, Sex, and class has not had an effect on Western Civilization?
I am not, but the thing with critical theory is that everything, even the most mundane shit, can be construed as being made with hatred in mind.
Take the average wood chair for example. They usually have 4 legs arranged in a square. Why not a circle? It is clearly due to our androcentric society that holds more ridged, masculine shapes is higher regard while having disdain for rounded, feminine shapes.