
We all like him, right?

He talked like a fag.

Say that again and I'll sock you right in the god damn mouth you queer

>cryptonazis actually believe this

underrated post


But he was pals with Sowell. Any friend of based Sowell is a friend of me.

I wish he were still running National Review.

I stopped reading that rag.

Thomas Sowell is based, that is a fact.

He was terrific in Blue Velvet.

>You know what a love letter is? It's a bullet from a fucking gun, fucker! You receive a love letter from me, you're fucked forever! You understand, fuck? I'll send you straight to hell, fucker!

He was a race cuck

How so?

He caved on his opposition to immigration. He was scared of being thought racist by leftists.

What do you mean?

Are Sowell's books better [more complete] than his interviews? He speaks well enough. He typically lists a few very interesting statistics and then insists on one of many possible conclusions without addressing fairly obvious alternatives. The result is unsatisfying. If his written arguments are more complete I'm keen to read him.

Most of the interviews I have seen have been political/social discussions for the benefit of the educated layman, not economists.

And he hits the bullseye in every one I remember seeing (the libtards don't interview him as often as they would if he were a communist or a socialist).

His columns are wise and rooted in intelligence, scholarship (where necessary - he doesn't wave it in your face when not), and common sense.

His book Basic Economics is excellent. I am not an economist (took the requisite course in college and that was it), but he did a fine job of horsing me (and lots of others) up on economics from a real-world perspective.

Thanks, I'll start with his Basic Economics, then.

I think it's interesting to note that some of the most prominent conservatives (Sowell, Friedman, Reagan) are former liberals.


>William F Cuckly

A lot of people were Democrats before being Democrat meant the same thing as being Communist / Socialistic.

A real free-market Democrat from 1935 South Carolina would make Lindsey Graham (the Republican) look like a pansy.

Er... perhaps I should have picked a better example.

He was becoming a realist about things as he got older.

The fact that government is less free when it tries to "do good" against the wishes of its citizenry.

>He was becoming a realist about things as he got older.

Oh, you mean like every person that has ever lived?

His interviews are basic tldr of his books
To get the full grasp of the message and the citations one really should read his books
I wish we had hour long debate programs like this still.
The 6 min "debates on msm news is fucking retarded and doesn't even let one side get in their basic talking points let alone explain complex situations.

Even Stossel on fox business tries to do real debates but can't due to the format demanded by the network executives


>everyone speaking english with a different accent is a fucking faggot

>Oh, you mean like every person that has ever lived?

Well, every person with an IQ above 100, sure.

Please murrica desu senpai, free us jutlanders from the yoke of danish good intentions, we treat our weak like slaves over here.

Buckley and National Review were the brainchild and financed by a handful of ex Communist Jews from Eastern Europe. This group eventually became the neocons and NR was the publication that singlehandedly subverted the entire American right wing.

Since it's inception, NR has been primarily responsible for 'purging' the conservative movement of right wing people who were too 'extreme' such as the John Birch society, Pat Buchanan, and Ann Coulter.

Fortunately, their power has been entirely diminished due to the Internet. Neocons are on their deathbed.

>arguing for further separatism in the danish realm
>not wanting to liberate Scania and return it to the motherland
You are probably a son of Muslim refugees from Bosnia.

I just don't like governance built on centralism, what does a zealander know about a jutlander?

NEOCONS like that shithead William Kristol are sure trying to Stump the Trump.

And making themselves look like FOOLS in the process.

Kristol was beating the drums for us to get into the middle east and stay there. He is a good friend to Israel. A good Jew.

>I wish we had hour long debate programs like this still.

Me too. Civil discussions from mind to mind.

Oprah and other black people fucked up debate in America.

Now EVERYTHING that comes out a liberals mouth is ad hominem.