Do Koreans think of all these countries as Korean? Because they weren't...

Do Koreans think of all these countries as Korean? Because they weren't, each of these countries has its own language and culture.

I know that they're part of the history of Korean peninsula and the Korean people. But these people, by themselves, weresn't Koreans.

Not trying to offend anyone.

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They are all Korean, just like how Vietnam is Chinese

That's how modern nations build their history, m8

For instance, the Gauls, the Romans, the Franks are all different people and they didn't consider themselves as French but since the Revolution they're consider part of French history.

Video related

just like korea is chinese

They spoke dialects of the same language. In the beginning the commoners in the South and center actually spoke Japonic. Korean actually was spoken in the north and in parts of southern manchuria

Speak for yourself you Zhuang Cantonese champa-nigger-rapebaby/champa-killer

t. master student in Korean/historical

*t. masters student in korean/history

Fuck you autocorrect

>They spoke dialects of the same language. In the beginning the commoners in the South and center actually spoke Japonic. Korean actually was spoken in the north and in parts of southern manchuria
Source? That's interesting.

>Speak for yourself you Zhuang Cantonese champa-nigger-rapebaby/champa-killer
Cantonese are of Tai blood, Tais (Zhuangs included) aren't Hans. Champa was genocided, not breed out.

So you're actually Japanese? Disgusting desu


(Some) Okinawans speak language that as related to Japanese as English to Gothic, yet they got told that they're Yamato.

Technically Japanese are people from southern Korea. Just 15-20% Jomon blood skews Japanese away from Koreans to make them a separate ethnicity

Shietz, you have just summoned Jap proxies.

Alexander Vovin and Robert Ramsey.

Also we don't actually think Khitan, Yilou or Rouran were related to Koreans. Those are autistic overseas Korean nationalists like KoreanSentry

japonic speaking people aren't always the japanese (yamato people to be exact) just like you aren't a spaniard.

Japan is also korea.
Ancient Japan is a colony of Korean people. Actually.
This is already clear of history no any excuse!
Everyone should know that.

Japan=Colony of Korea.

It begins.

but they were related to, weren't they?

It is not any bait. That's just a truth.

Korea conquered Japan and Asia.
Long live the Korean empire!

Korean went other place such as Japan and made a colony of Korea.
This Korean civilization and Chinese civilization was two top brothers of Asian civilization.
They are both great civilization.

Netuyo racist jap pls go.
Know who you are.

why care about korea so much. koreans don't care about you

The same goes for you, Nguyễn

I'm just a bit interested in other cultures and history. Not trying to bait anyone.

But we don't "we wuz" as Chams (or Funnan). And Chams still exist.

You don't we wuz Mongols, don't you?

I want to help the unit of Korea and Japan want work for Korea.
This is natural for history and true historical boss of Japan is korea

I think Japanese true identity is enslave under the superior korea.
This is joy of all of Japanese.
If you are educated smart Japanese who knows history and logic, we love Korea
Because Korea is true boss of Japan.
This is will of people.

Painfully truth. Japanese people should open the eyes and should know what is japan and who you are.
It's s slave race.

Did you got it op?


The Korean version of Stormfront in English.


East Korea aka Japan and West Korea aka China should accept reunification under their father, great Korea.

Best way is japan help the unit of noth and South Korea and let all the noth Korean to live in Japan.
Gib an education to noth Korean and if they trained well as an first world people then let them to live in South Korea.
And after that japan should apologize and ask South Korea to make unit of whole Korea and Japan togather.
And this is Korean civilization.
Change the name just ”Korea”. Its included meaning as japan already in it. Since japan is already korea.

Korea was heavily Sino-ized since the late 14th century. And Japan's isolated geography preserved a lot of Korean culture now lost in Korea.

That irony when today's Japan has more authentic Korean culture than today's Korea.

No you are wrong:)
China is Chinese civilization
Japan is part of Korean civilization
Don't miss understand this.

stop the spamming
なんで自分が人の迷惑になってることを理解できないんだ? お前が毎回暴れるたびに日本人が恥をかくんだぞ?

Yes japan is nothing but a Korea.
It's time capcell of ancient Korean culture.
Japan was made by Korean people it must be blong to Korea



Fuck off, you netouyo.
Korea is the creator of Asian civilization and the ruler of Asia.
I don't accept any attempt to downplay the historical facts.

Whenever I hear this kind of things, I'm relieved I have master degree of electronics.

China is Chinese civilization
Japan is part of Korean civilization
That is all

korea was china from the beginning though.
even first 'korean' states were actually built by chinese fled from china.

>first 'korean' states were actually built by chinese fled from china.

And first 'japsn' states were actually built by koreab fled from korea.

China and Korea is related each other as a brothers and used to be the same position.
Chinese emperor and Korean emperor was the same blooded family as well

nah, when historical first states began to emerge in the korean peninsula and japanese archipelago some 2000 years ago, japan had already larger population than korea.

I want to pint out one interesting historical fact
Korea into kanji高麗
Meaning is 高 highly 麗 beautiful

Japan used to be told as Wa
Kanji is 倭
Meaning is savegical island race.

お前は馬鹿だろ?those native race of Japan was slave of Korea.
The people who invented Japanese culture is Korean rulers who came from Korea

Amaterasu meaning Korean came to Japan. I mean tenson kourin meaning Korean gods came to Japan.
Japan recorded Korean as like a god of Japanese natives.
Read history book


This is truth
Every one should read kojiki.
Kojiki says Korean people came from Korea to Japan as ruled Japanese island as like a god of Japanese natives.
天孫降臨. Ten son kou rin.
Check it out!

Japan is chinese

stop spamming

Chinese civilization and Korean civilization is bit different.
Japan is Korean

Beautiful thread with words of truth

I know, I know, everybody wants to be related to the Yamato master race, after all xD

Study history you island barbarian

Yamato is propaganda
Japan is Korean but poor and ugly one

Did you get it op?
Any question?

What madness preveils here?

I guess nope.

Japs are reallly disgusting and crazy racidt after all.
Anyway I hope people could learn how disgusting and gross japs are, from this thread.
That's only hope here

sorry Sup Forums, he is an infamous psycho spammer.
don't reply to his spams.

Why japs so disgusted?

why must every Korean thread get fucked up by Japanese and Japanese proxies, please leave us alone ffs

Were Buyeo tungustic-speaking people?




According to a Korean, all Asian civilizations are from Korea.

Do Korean know about 箕子朝鲜?

they know, but that and 衛満朝鮮 are so inconvenient that they trivialize them in their national history education.

>Not trying to offend anyone
Do you even know where you are

Significant number of Yayoi people are from the Yangzi delta too, they weren't just Koreans



Why you guys argument to origin of Japanese???Even though this is Korean thread.


Koreans are gods

Koreans and Japanese all came from China. Even your top scientists agree. Calm the fuck down animale

Can East Asians distinguish which ethnicity they are among each other?

Buyeo is a mystery but probably that spoke Mongolic originally, then Korean with some Chinese than became Mongolic later. Tungusic didn't come until much later

Are Tungustic and Koreanic languages actually related?

Because japan is established by Koreans
It's clear facts

Mostly yes

physically no but east Asians can dress or style in a unique way. Nips have long faggy host hair for example

holy shit i can't even fathom how much of self-hatred makes it possible for a people to pretend to be something they loathe.

What they are saying is true. Korea had been dominant over Japan in the far past.

The thing is you guys wrecked them too hard after the meiji era leaving them with a chip on their shoulder so they keep on repeating the same thing over and over we wuzzin and shiet

therere no actual sources, evidences but only some theories. usual korean narrative in academics. dont believe anything of koreans in regard to "history" cause their historical academics are wholly led by lefties driven by their "ideology" and ethnic belief. they reject any fact anytime their faux myths are about to be exposed by it.

non lefty academics who theorize it scientifically on the basis of the facts are supposed to be marginalized. and once you try to deny their belief in public you are just going to get labeled as pro-japan or just as traitor or something like that and be dismissed. so all koreans still believe in that huge laughable nonsense "korea has 5000 years of history."

plenty of parts of their history are made of wuz ideology and the "belief". inb4 im not a netouyo. im just saying this for the good of korean academics/educations

>Do Koreans think of all these countries as Korean? Because they weren't, each of these countries has its own language and culture.


>What they are saying is true.
lmao, maybe in korean fantasy.
in the far past?
yeah, in the far past, the very baekje and silla on the map were reduced to sending royal hostages and tributes to yamato to bend over backward for it, and chinese history documents of that period show their submission to yamato as well. in the medieval period, korea lost ONE MILLION of people to the japanese army. they've always been like this, nothing has changed actually.

Only Silla spoke Old Korean i think. Goguryeo and Baekje didn't speak any form of Korean, but languages related to it.

What the fuck are you guys doing
Fucking autists